Jam The Starfish Song from The Garment District

Of all the songs on the Garment District‘s newest LP, this is the one that’s really been hitting me hard; I just love the vocal performance as it sounds absolutely huge here. The track itself has this sort of all-mod swagger to it, somewhere between the hooks of pre-punk and Nick Lowe. Production value here works wonders, with those backing vocals hitting in the exact right spot, with the musical elements filling in the negative space perfectly, allowing the natural hook to really soar in your ears. But, then they slow it all down to flex the psychedelic jam sesh in the middle; it gives you a moment to breathe before the group rush you back into the grand swinging golden age of pop. You’ll find this track on Flowers Telegraphed to All Parts of the World, dropping on September 22nd via HHBTM.

Another Tune from the Garment District

When we were last covering music from the Garment District they were blending psychedelia and bits of disco to kind of create this cool amalgam of pop vibes. This time, they’re straight into the pop realm, kicking out a thumping groove from the get-go. It allows the tune to have this magical pulse to it, lifting the listener as it leaves plenty of space for the guitars and vocals to enter. When they unite here, the track twists into more of a kind of futuristic dancefloor hit, spinning you in circles as the guitars shuffle and the vocals kick in this swirling euphoria. Once you near the songs end, it sort of sputters into this bit of exhaustion, letting the listener grab a breath while closing up the doors. Flowers Telegraphed to All Parts of the World is out on September 22nd via HHBTM.

The Garment District Ready New LP

Our friends over at HHBTM will be releasing a new record from the Garment District (Jennifer Baron of Ladybug Transistor) this September, and there’s been a delightful single fluttering about you would likely enjoy. There’s about a minute of ambiance, opening the video and flirting with imagery, but, it just seems to be hanging on the edges, eventually fading away to let the song run in with this mixture of bounding pop and psychedelia; singer Lucy Blehars voice shines through it all, hitting these crystalline notes that land perfectly in the mix. The track moves back and forth between bits of softly curled elegance and that stomping psych boogie, so you get all my favorite pieces tied into this musical trip that rewards time and time again. If you’re interested, the band drop Flowers Telegraphed to All Parts of the World this September, so grab it HERE.

ATH Top Songs – 2023

Well, we did it folks. We made it through another year. Your ATH crew was busy as ever, posting well over 1,000 songs this year(!!!), sharing album reviews, and covering local events throughout Austin. As we wrap our FIFTEENTH year doing our thing, it’s also of course that time to share our top tunes from the past 12 months. Now remember, we often post 4-6 songs every single day, so this was a tough list to preen and edit before settling on the top 150 from the year. In my totally accurate math, this is about 10% of everything we covered this year! After the jump you can find a full list of all the songs plus playlists for you to take along with you.

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