New Jam from Letting Up Despite Great Faults

Feeling as if the Pains of Being Pure at Heart left you behind by strengthening their sound with a little bit of the loud? Well, if you miss those whispering vocals amid melodious post-rock, then let me introduce you to Letting Up Despite Great Faults.  The LA band has been working really hard, and they’ve readied a brand new EP, titled Paper Crush.  It will be released by Old Flame on the 2nd of August, and I’ve just been blasting it around my house all afternoon.  Sure, there are similarities with POBPAH, but don’t just think this band is here to rip any one off.  The vocals are superb, pristine, yet quiet, and the album has a ferocity that you wouldn’t necessarily expect upon first listen.  Get ready folks, as this is something really special.


Download: Letting Up Despite Great Faults – Teenage Tide [MP3]

Vetiver – The Errant Charm

Rating: ★★★½☆

As soon as you come across The Errant Charm by Vetiver, there will be two things that stick in your mind, at least if you approach things in a certain way.  For one, the color scheme of the album sort of seems to hint at finding a warm place in a cold background, or even a sterile one for that matter.  Two, the title reflects finding one’s way by not going the traditional, or expected path.  After spending hours with the record, surely you’ll see where this all fits into the motifs of the record.

Everyone seemingly uses the acoustic guitar nowadays, stripping the sound of on-stage performances in favor of more intimate feelings.  Such is the way you’ll begin on “It’s Beyond Me,” which begins by wrapping the acoustic guitar in hints of atmospherics, but just after the 1 minute mark, things lift up, albeit just a bit.  The gentle shift in mood of the song matches that of the cover, going from one point and blending it into the next.  You’ll really have to spend time with the details here, as they definitely hold a great deal of the musical meaning. For instance, “Worse for Wear” tramps on, with its hollow drum beat, muted strumming, but again, the melody shifts, going in what one can assume is a bit of an unexpected change.  The Errant Charm is full of such moments, making it a joy for those who listen closely.

There’s even some peculiarities in Vetiver‘s approach this round.  On “Fog Emotion” there’s evidence that the group have responded to current themes, kind of giving off that faux-80s groove, but, like the fog mentioned in the song, a mellower meandering track finds its home, moving the song away from known cliches, as the band clearly intends to make the sound their own.  All this moves into what one can deem as the orange area of the album cover, offering up The Errant Charm‘s two hottest tracks.  “Right Away” is a short and simple track, with really nothing special to it, other than the fact that the harmonies presented have a tendency to hang in your mind long after the song has ended. Even more special is the way it tails off, changes a bit, but maintains its lasting impression. “Wonder Why” has a bit of a moving stomp to it, so it’s easily going to find itself labeled one of the more upbeat tracks present, but it’s the momentary touches that grab you, such as the female vocal accompaniment during the chorus, or that piano kicking in and out of the track. This is the type of track that makes you want to go back again and again.

Just as the press release reads for The Errant Charm, it’s clearly a piece constructed for wandering off on your own path, finding your own place in the musical landscape of your soul.  Whether you want that color to be bright or warm, you’re bound to find the songs Vetiver has put together as fitting for your own travels about, even if those travels only take place in your mind.


Download: Vetiver – Wonder Why [MP3]

The Rosebuds – Loud Planes Fly Low

Rating: ★★★★☆

After five full-length studio albums, it is safe to say that The Rosebuds have shown you the various things that they can do. Be it dance tunes, grounded indie rock, or wispy pop, this band has done it all. With such a wide range of capabilities, it is hard to predict where this band will go next, which contributes to the delight and spontaneous feel to Loud Planes Fly Low.

Things start out strongly on the first song, “Go Ahead” where listeners are greeted by the mellow voice of lead male singer, Ivan Howard and the sweet echoes of female singer Kelly Howard. As far as pop tunes from this band goes this has got to be one of the more solid ones. Faded percussion rises then falls to meet the serenity developed by soft “ooohs” of the background, creating a head bob worthy beat. By the time it builds up to the end at four minute twenty seconds, it’s hard to resist the urge to skip back and repeat.  The Rosebuds make it difficult to move on from the bluesy, yet breezy appeal of this first number to the second song, which is always an excellent sign of things to come.

The breezy pop with deeper set roots continues on the second song, “Limitless Arms,” as well as the third, “Second Bird of Paradise.” However, on the fourth song, you have a pop track with a basis in a sort of disco groove. On “Come Visit Me,” Kelly explores the feeling of throwing away future consequences for an instantaneous gain (“Even if it fucks me up”), while maintaining a stellar 70’s feel with it’s string work. It’s songs like these that serve as reminders to the versatility of The Rosebuds; they can deliver danceable tracks that have substance as well.

“Worthwhile” ends things in a softer, acoustic light. Ivan leads the way once more with his soothing voice, and delicate strings join him and the guitar plucking towards the end of this little number. It’s a delightfully tender moment, and is the perfect finish for The Rosebuds.

Honestly, I can’t find a song worth complaining about on this album. With its limitless diversity, there is definitely something for everyone to enjoy. So find your own favorites on Loud Planes Fly Low and cherish a band that brings so much to the musical table.


Download: The Rosebuds – Woods [MP3]

Show Preview: The Rumble @ Beerland (6/15)

Date 6/15/11
Location Beerland
Doors 9pm
Tickets FREE!!!

It’s time yet again for another Rumble in Austin at Beerland on Wednesday night.  This time around we’ve got some great local talent in the form of Beautiful Supermachines, Chronolung, and Milk Thistle.  As always, this event is totally free to the public and drink specials will be provided all night long courtesy of PBR.  Be there.


Download: Milke Thistle – Goldin Theng [MP3]

New Track from Total Babes

One of my favorite records of the year, which still gets spins was the smash hit by Cloud Nothings, so I’m really excited to see what Total Babes has to offer.  TB is the side-proejct of Jason from Cloud Nothings, who’ll be releasing Swimming Through Sunlight on Old Flame Records later this summer or early fall.  While you can definitely see some similarities between Jason and CN frontman, Dylan, this has more of an early Wavves feel to me, with its lo-fi tendencies and vocals shrouded in bits of noise.  Give this one a try, and I’m sure you’ll want to go play it again and again; this is a good thing mind you.


Download: Total Babes – Like They Always Do [MP3]

New Music from Braid

I was fortunate enough to tour alongside Bob Nanna and his posse during the Hey Mercedes days, and while I look back at that, the one thing I remember about those guys were how incredibly down to earth and real they were, despite the fact that they were 3/4 of Braid, which was one of my favorites.  So, I’m happy to see that Braid’s original lineup has reformed, or rather, reconvened, in order to give us some new tunes.  Polyvinyl will do us the honor of releasing the new EP, titled Closer to Closed, but says there are no plans for a full-length, as of yet.  This first listen is a lot less discordant and angular, but the maturity demonstrates that they still have the passion, and obviously the songwriting chops to keep on trucking. I hope you love this track as much as I do.


Download: Braid – The Right Time [MP3]

New Music From Extra Happy Ghost!!!

Here’s a lo-fi style pop jam from Calgary based outfit Extra Happy Ghost!!! that I’ve been jamming this weekend.  The tune is called “So At One” and will appear on the band’s upcoming debut LP Modern Horses due out July 26th on Saved by Radio/Saved by Vinyl.  I doubt it’s going to pull you out of your Monday hangover, but you should at least enjoy the simple pop stylings.


Download: Extra Happy Ghost – So At One [MP3]

Wooden Birds In-Store @ Waterloo @ 5 PM

Last week, Wooden Birds released their pretty awesome Two Matchsticks LP, and with that, the band is set to leave town for a little bit of touring across the nation.  If you’ve got the time today, you need to go check out their in-store performance today at Waterloo Records at 5 PM.  Rumor has it that you might even get to see Andrew pull out some old favorites from his American Analog Set catalog.  I mean, come on, it’s going to be hot outside, so why not grab a few beers, watch a good band, and enjoy the AC at Waterloo? I’m hoping they play this awesome cover:


Download: The Wooden Birds – Maneater (H&O Cover) [MP3]

New Music from Teens

What’s the best new music your $3 can buy?  In my opinion, it’s gotta be the new self-titled record from Teens.  It’s the perfect short little release for summertime, filled with bits of garage rock, hints of psychedelia, and perhaps a hint of classic surf twang.  The vocals are a bit gritty, but you can’t deny the passionate approach of these guys.  Each song breezes in, making you shuffle your feet just a bit, then goes off into the next song before you’ve had a chance to sit down and breathe. If you want to have a wet n’ will summer filled with hooks and debauchery, I suggest you choose the Teens to be the soundtrack.


Download: Teens – O’Lay [MP3]

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