New Song from Hunters

There’s been a whole slew of releases coming out lately, so if you missed one or two, we wouldn’t blame you.  Here’s one that caught my eye, so I wanted to share it with you all.  The band is called Hunters, and of course, they’re from NYC.  They just releases their Hands on Fire EP, and while at first you’ll hear some steady punk synergy, there’s a bit of sex appeal brought in by singer Isabel Almeida.  Oh, and if you need any further proof that the band’s a big deal, they had a hand in mixing by Nick Zinner of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.  Pretty big deal and pretty exciting track.


Download: Hunters – Headache [MP3]

Show Preview: Pure X @ the Scoot Inn (10/28)

Date Friday, October 28th
Location Scoot Inn
Doors 800p
Tickets $10 from Thundertix

I know that there’s tons of great shows in town this weekend, but one of the better local shows features some pretty prominent bands.  First off, you’ll get Pure X headlining the gig, and they’ve received a lot of great press nationally, not to mention from this writer in particular.  Also on the bill is popular up-and-comer, SleepOver, who’ve just released their latest record.  Then, you’ll get a bunch of other acts like Silent Diane, Survive and Children of the Grave, all of which comes your way via the most excellent folks over at Scoot Inn.  If you’re free Friday, there’s only one place to be.


Download: Pure X – Dry Ice [MP3]

New Jam from Bass Drum of Death

If you hit up the Toro y Moi show earlier this month, then hopefully you got there earlier enough to catch Bass Drum of Death.  We’ve raved about the band for some time, and their live show was simply fantastic, as we’ve come to expect from the band.  They’re heading overseas to support their recent album GB City, but not before dropping a new rocker on us.  It’s a steady groove, with a catchy closing chorus, and a bit of grit–these are all good things.  So, if you haven’t gotten into these guys now; you’ve got a bit of time to make it up to yourself.


Download: Bass Drum of Death – I Dunno [MP3]

The Spits – Volume V

Rating: ★★★½☆

The Spits are technically five albums into their career, but the odds are they’ve written more than that, with limited edition pressings and such.  If you’ve followed the group, then you’re accustomed to their sound; it’s pop punk if you washed it with fresh sewer water.  Yeah, I said it, and I’m going to say I love it.

“All I Want” blasts out from the beginning, bringing you a bit of dark edged punk, though the lyrics lean towards a bit of a love song.  It’s the great dichotomy of The Spits brand of rock n’ roll. They’ll take you on an even more furious ride with the next track, “My Mess,” which definitely has a sloppier feeling to the vocals.  Don’t get stuck on this one too long, as it’s pretty much over almost as quickly as it started, closing out with steady machine gun drumming and odd bits of telephone noise.

Perhaps one of the things that seems to differ on Volume V is the steady inclusion of this slacker, or subdued vocal.  It’s as if singer, Sean Spits is relaxing while the rest of the group blasts through each track.  Lead single from the album, “My Life Sucks” see the band pushing forcefully towards the end, while Sean seems to lackadaisically lay his stories atop the tune.  It’s not so much the lyrical content that does well to break up the monotony of typical punk fare, but the overall delivery, pushing a different spin on punk rock.

For me, it’s tracks like “Fed Up” and “Acid Rain” that grab at my punk heartstrings.  They’ve got a much more traditional feel, not that I necessarily need that, but that’s definitely where nostalgia and appreciation for modern punk meet.  I even feel as if I hear a bit of The Riverdales in “Fed Up,” but perhaps that’s just wishful thinking on my part.  It’s everything a good old punker needs: simple and fast–the perfect recipe.

Interestingly, The Spits never seem like they’re willing to settle in one place, which is perhaps why they’ve attracted me so much over the last several years.  Closing number “Last Man on Earth” has this Ian Drury approach to the songwriting, all placed over what seems to be a synthesized drum beat. This isn’t the sort of thing you’d expect from a band such as this, but its successful because it never grows stale, always giving you something to look forward to, or at least talk to your friends about in the end.

Regardless of whether the group is up your alley or night, you’ve got to appreciate the fact that they’re not settling for your run of the mill punk rock.  They’re pushing the boundaries, even within their own group, making Volume V as in enjoyable, if not more so, than all their previous records.  You’ve gotta love the Spits, and if you don’t, you’re missing out.


Download: The Spits – My Life Sucks [MP3]

Funx3 Fest Interviews: Memoryhouse

As we get closer and closer that fateful date marking the beginning of our beloved Fun Fun Fun Fest, it’s time to get down to business. Let’s begin with a few interviews spotlighting some of our favorite bands playing the festival. Today we’ll bring you our very first Fun Fest interview focusing on Sub Pop band Memoryhouse. After the jump you’ll find interview questions from composer Evan Abeele.

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More Great Pop from Little Red

I went with sort of a more rock oriented morning starter for everyone this morning, so I had to redeem myself, or rather, at least offer the other side of my musical tastes.  Little Red‘s new album, Midnight Remember, has been playing around my office fairly frequently, and you can now get your hands on it!  But, in case you don’t have the time today, here’s another great track to warm your soul.  It’s just a great melodic ballad with quietly strummed guitar being featured before the song itself begins to meander further into the spectrum of catchy pop tunes.  One listen to this song and you’ll surely find yourself humming along, hoping to have a day as promising as this young act.


Download: Little Red – February [MP3]

Free Album From The Darcys

Not too long ago we shared a new song with you from a recent find of ours The Darcys.  That song, “Shaking Down The Old Bones”, caught our attention and caused us to do more research into the band.  Fast forward to now and the self-titled LP mentioned earlier is now out and actually available to download for free over on the band’s website.  Here also is another new song from the new album “House Built Around Your Voice”.  We dig.


Download: The Darcys – House Built Around Your Voice [MP3]

Surfer Blood – Tarot Classics

Rating: ★★★★☆

If you haven’t heard of the riffy surf rock of Surfer Blood, where the hell have you been? No really, these guys have been to at least two SXSW’s and put out a killer first album. Well, if you haven’t heard of them before, they are a four part, all male band hailing from West Palm Beach Florida, who pack all the balmy weather of Florida into a neat sound package to be sent all over the world. I guess if you’re still a stranger to this band, Tarot Classics is an excellent place to start.

The first song, “I’m Not Ready,” comes out kicking and rocking, with hooking guitar parts and the gravelly vocals of John Paul Pitts’s familiar yells. Instantly, you’re bobbing your head along with that bubbling bass underneath and grooving along to the playful matching of vocals with guitar. At 4:24, this first song does go other places than what makes up the first minute of the song, which is excellent. Surfer Blood refuses to fall into that realm of already-done-before, and somehow manages to keep things fresh. Towards the very end of the song, they drop into this old-time swoony, beat, complete with backing ‘oohh,’ that brings the track out of, and then back into, its hazy garage rock zone that this group are the kings of.

 “Miranda,” is up second on this EP, and it comes across as Surfer Blood’s stab at a track devoted to a lady, and the chorus consists of just her name repeated over and over. While not as interesting as the first track, it does provide for a change in tempo. This second song explores more of a classic rock jam, one that you could hear echoes of from other bands. Yet, while it does go places other bands go, Surfer Blood manages to put their own flair on it, with the backing vocals giving it that extra dimension.

 The third and fourth songs are also excellent jams that add to Surfer Blood’s listening catalog. Both of them, well all of these songs, serve exactly as an EP should: as a lovely appetizer. These tastes of new material from this band make me hungry for their next full-length release album and if this is any testament to the merit of the next album, we should not be in for a disappointment.

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