Dream Pop from The Belinda Butchers

The last several years have left me with a pretty solid impression of what to expect with San Francisco bands, so I was surprised when I started checking out the latest EP from The Bilinda Butchers, Goodbyes.  If you can catch the allusion in the band’s name, then surely you’ll think you’ve got them locked-down, but they’re not out to blaze the trails of their namesake…though you could possibly throw the haze/gaze word around a bit.  I like the rhythmic electronic of this track, with it’s vocals immersed beneath the song a bit.  This definitely gives me a different idea of what San Fran is all about.


Download:The Bilinda Butchers – Hai Bby [MP3]

More New Music From Jason Collett

A few weeks ago, I was beside myself when I heard about a new album from long time singer songwriter Jason Collett.  At the time, we only had a taste of the album with new song “I Wanna Rob A Bank”, but now Mr. Collett has offered up yet another new tune for his fan’s pleasure.  This new slow burner, “Where Things Go Wrong”, is an interesting piece of songwriting that features a downtrodden tempo with simple lyrics that accurately convey the break up message.  You can pick up new album Essential Cuts on September 25th via Arts & Crafts.


Download: Jason Collett – Where Things Go Wrong [MP3]

Show Preview: Natural Child @ 29th Street Ballroom (9/2)

Date Sunday, Sept. 2nd
Location 29th Street Ballroom
Doors 800 PM
Tickets $10 at the Door

I know it’s Labor Day weekend, and I know a lot of people are traveling around town, but if you’re not going to skip out on the city, then you need to head over to the bash at 29th Street Ballroom, featuring one of my favorite acts, Natural Child.  I can’t say enough about how great these guys are live, and with their latest record, Hard in Heaven, coming out on 9/11, they’re sure to bring a whole new set to get you nice and sweaty.  Just because they’re headlining doesn’t mean there aren’t going to be tons of bands worth your time. They’ve got Birdcloud, The Bad Lovers, Golden Boys–and more, so be sure to show up early folks!


Download:Natural Child – B$G P$MP$N [MP3]

Poor Moon – s/t

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Side project of two members of Fleet Foxes or not, Poor Moon is essentially the child of Christian Wargo, bassist/vocalist for the aforementioned band. For years, Wargo wrote and recorded songs on his own before he decided to bring along Casey Wescott, as well as Ian and Peter Murray to help bring his bank of demos and songs to fruition. Thus was born Poor Moon—a band to adapt a collection of songs into a collective album.

Naturally, with musicians from such a well-known band in the folksy/indie scene, people will be drawn to Poor Moon for its ties, but those who come looking for the vast dependency on warm harmonies and big, swelling folk sounds will have to keep on looking, because for the most part, this effort showcases folk sound on a smaller, minimalist scale. Take the first song “Clouds Below” for example, begins with some gentle guitar plucking and the soft vocals of Wargo, which meander in coolly, harmonizing with the impossibly higher backing vocal to create a serene and simple opener. This sets the tone for the album, alluding to signs of a peaceful, folksy sound.

But, the band picks it up a bit from where they leave you after “Clouds Below” especially on the third track “Same Way,” where things get groovy. One of the strongest on the album, the song employs some opening ‘ooh’s’ and is backed by strong melodic xylophonic sound as well as big echoing drums that fill the previously empty background of the song. There is a quite an enjoyable breakdown towards the end of the song that is just long enough to give you a taste of the musical ability of the members of this band and it makes you desire a bit more depth from the songs of Poor Moon. Through the rest of the album, you listen for little pieces of this depth that the band demonstrated on this song, but sadly they are in short supply. It isn’t the lengthy and full storytelling and serene folk album that feels right for the genre and it comes across as a group of songs that were forced to sound similar, as opposed to the authentic and natural production of an album.

Most of the songs are relatively short for folk numbers that are reaching to be meaningful and impress a feeling upon their listeners, which leads me to my biggest complaint about this album; there just isn’t enough on here to really make an impression on those who take a listen the first way through. With repeated listens, it’s possible to grasp and really hold on to the music that has been so meticulously laid out for its audience.

New Pop Tunes from Generationals

We’ve long supported Generationals over here at ATH, and I don’t think that’s going to stop anytime soon.  There’s something effortless about the way they construct their tunes, and this new single definitely epitomizes that aspect; it’s not overly produced, with just a simple vocal over an electronic beat in the background.  You can find this song on their upcoming Lucky Numbers EP, which will be available to the masses on October 2nd.  It seems to have a lot less of the guitar hooks, but when it sounds this good, who cares.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/58052680″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Pics: Wild Nothing at Red7 (8/29)

Late night for the photo guy, album reviewer, significant others and assorted friends.

Wild Nothing last played Red7 on the coldest day of the year in 2011. I remember icy sidewalks and legit need for wool hats. This time around, the show moved to the larger outdoor stage to accomodate demand with a swing of the weather pendulum towards 90F at show time. Austin’s Boy Friend and Super Lite Bike opened.

Click though for a few thoughts and plenty of pics.

Read more

New Dark Electro-Pop from LESANDS

I figured I’d throw the whole world for a loop by dropping this catchy hit from LA’s LESANDS.  Honestly, I’m digging it, though I can see just the faintest hints of a dub step influence hiding in the song.  But, the construction is pretty interesting in and of itself, not to mention the faint haunting of the vocals from the background.  It’s not my typical fare, and I accept that, but I just want it to be Friday already so I can get my dance on somewhere about town.  You dig?


Download:LESANDS – Prism [MP3]

Moody Beauty From Labyrinth Ear

Aside from trolling and harvesting for the best jams to share, we get music tips from all over the place. Sometimes, we miss things. Thankfully, our friends on the internet help us help you. This really is a digital village which is why I tell people to send me stuff (but not be offended if I don’t post it because I don’t like it).

Such is the case with this gem from Labyrinth Ear called “Urchin” Brooding, yearning builder with Scandanavian sensibilities, a friend on teh bookface (thx byron) posted it and so it shall be forwarded to the masses.

Be sure to check out their Apparitions EP, streaming on their Soundcloud. The player below includes a download link for “Urchin”.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/53543945″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Preview: Crooks @ Antones (8/31

Date 8/31/12
Location Antones
Doors 8pm
Tickets $8 @ Ticketfly

I don’t know how it’s possible that we’ve never covered local Austin boys Crooks on this site before, but things are changing as of right now.  For starters, the band currently has a highly overlooked debut LP The Rain Will Come available for purchase over on the band’s website.  The band also has been playing tons of shows around town recently, and you have another opportunity to catch a live set on Friday night downtown at Antones.  Fellow local up and comers The Couch and Frank Smith will also be on hand for your entertainment.


Download: Crooks – The Rain Will Come [MP3]

Quirky Pop from Jesus H. Foxx

Sometimes you stumble upon something that musically intrigues you, and while you might not give it much attention at first, it eventually finds its way into your brain.  When I first heard this track from Jesus H. Foxx, I found the construction quite fascinating, but I moved on for the time being.  But, now that the band has released Endless Knocking, their new album, I’ve got to support the group.  They’re a Scottish act, and the vocals have a deep resonance that reminds me of a gone-but-not-forgotten Arab Strap.  Be sure you listen in here, and stay until the end, as there’s an interesting touch in wait.


Download:Jesus H. Foxx – So the Wind Won’t Blow it All Away [MP3]

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