New Funky Tune from Harlan

It’s always nice to start off the week in a positive manner, providing you with a boost of energy level we all need heading back into work on Monday.  I think this new tune from Harlan is going to be the tune that does just the trick.  It’s definitely a tune with a hook involved, and I find it rather a chilled out hook, rather than an in-your-face approach.  The 80s guitar solo near the end is a nice little touch as well.  You can find this track on the upcoming 1984 EP, which is available this Tuesday to all listeners.


Download:Harlan – 1984 [MP3]

The Hermit Crabs – Time Relentless EP

Rating: ★★★½☆

We’re almost a decade into the excellent career of The Hermit Crabs, a Glaswegian group specializing in jangling guitars and sentimental melodies.  They hit 2012 running with the warming Time Relentless EP, crafting timeless pop songs that every listener will surely find endearing, no matter how many times you play it on your stereo.

We find the group opening with “On The Spectrum,” and Mel opens with a steady vocal that attaches itself to your inner ear from the moment she joins in with the carefully choreography of the guitar.  As she sings of her favorite fella a light backing vocal warms your heart, illustrating the relevance of The Hermit Crabs in everyone’s personal indie pop collection.

“Time Relentless” continues the pop barrage, using a heavy drum beat as the backbone of the song.  Once the guitars take on a more prominent role in the song, you’re going to find it hard to ignore the fact that this group can clearly match any of the work of their compatriots Camera Obscura.  I know it might seem like hyperbole, but each little added touch deepens the emotional appeal, such as the added keyboard wash that hangs far off in the distance of this track.

Perhaps my favorite track on the Time Relentless EP is also its shortest, “Stop This Now.” It begins with a strummed guitar, and Mel coolly singing atop it, but the song blossoms into pop beauty when the lead guitar begins to noodle its way in and out of the track, all the while the rhythm guitar still carries with it a steady strum.  Again, you’ll find the perfect backing vocal assuring you of the pitch-perfect melody in Mel’s voice.  Such a wonderful track.

Closing out the EP is a more melancholy number, which comes to you via “So Blue.” Instead of revolving solely around the guitar and Mel, they use a bit of piano to provide the slowing mood.  For me, I keep hearing the guitar cutting in, as if it’s crying with the emotion of the track.  While it definitely has a change of pace, this is the sort of song that indie pop fans fawn over.

While The Hermit Crabs aren’t necessarily a household name as of yet, you can be assured that those of us in love with the group are begging to share the group’s music with you.  It might not seem otherworldly, but the perfect execution of blissful pop songs makes the Time Relentless EP a must have for all fans of the genre.


Download:The Hermit Crabs – Stop This Now [MP3]

Time Relentless EP is available now from Matinee Recordings.


Slow Number from Chelsea Wolfe

I’ve raved about the songstress Chelsea Wolfe in the past, having fallen in love with her haunting pop last year on Apokalypsis.  Now she returns with a softer affair, one based mostly on her voice and acoustic instrumentation, though other bits are added.  She seems much more confident this time around, having settled completely into her remarkable voice.  Her new album, Unknown Rooms, comes out on October 16th, and it’s definitely going to be a must have as we move into the wintry months. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Catherine Irwin – Little Heater

Rating: ★★★☆☆

It’s not often that I delve into the country-side of the music world, but when I do, it has to be for something pretty special. So when I first began to listen to this second solo record from Catherine Irwin, it was hard to really take notice of the deep songwriting, simple, yet suiting instrumentation. However, what was instantly evident was the copious amount of soul in this woman’s work.            

Such soul is evident on the first track, and runs strong from start to finish on Little Heater; the blood that courses through this album’s veins. “Mockingbird” enters with some gentle guitar and Irwin’s twang-y, classical country vocals. The lack of percussion is made up with the rhythmic strumming and the vocal help that Irwin gets from the backup singers. The result is a fuller sound, with a central focus on the songwriting and lyricism that Irwin brings to the table. The first few songs are pretty mild: “Dusty Groove,” and ”Hoopskirt” pander around shortly after the opener with similarly simple arrangements. There are still other musical elements to spice up the classic guitar/vocal acoustic sound such as some steel guitar and string work.

The heavier, and in my opinion, more interesting numbers come towards the end of Little Heater. “Save Our Ship,” employs Irwin’s deeper range, although her voice never loses that unmistakable country twang. This song stands out after things get a little one-dimensional in the progression of tracks and picks the energy up a little after a long series of songs. A big part of this song is the elegant and somber strings in the background that makes its way to the front of the mix by the end of the song. This plays for a darker, resigned sound that continues on “Pale Horse/Pale Rider.” However, on this number there, the dark aspects come from the bluesy guitar rather than the strings in the background. It’s subtle changes like this that provides for variation within the Irwin’s country style.

At the close of this rather long album, it’s clear that a whole lot of effort and time went into crafting all of these tracks. Despite not being the biggest country music fan, I still found songs that related to my musical palate in their soulful nature, but there is no doubt in my mind that those who are big country fans will love this album.  Such is a testament to the talent of a musician.

Afternoon Delight with AC Newman (+ Neko)

You know, I feel like I beat the world over the head today with some rock n’ roll, so I figure we could close out the day with a little touch of perfect pop from our beloved AC Newman.  The singer has teamed up with his New Pornos bandmate, Neko Case, combining for a mellow little pop ballad that’s sure to give you a spritual lift as you try to wrap up the world’s longest Friday.  This track will be featured on Newman’s upcoming record for Matador Records, Shut Down the Streets, which will hit the stores on October 9th. Hope everyone has an awesome end to your Friday. Be safe out there folks.


Download: AC Newman – Encyclopedia of Classic Takedowns [MP3]

Show Review: Beach House @ Stubbs (9.20)

In what was an absolutely hectic night for the Austin music scene, we started our evening at Stubbs catching two of the better acts in the whole scene, The Walkmen and Beach House.  For my two cents, there was only one clear-cut winner on the evening, but for that you’ll have to read on.

…not to mention you’ll get great pics from Brian Gray that you can’t get with your cellphone.

Read more

Catchy Pop Jam from Your Youth

We here at ATH had a late night last evening, bouncing between one of the busiest nights I’ve seen, so I’m in need of energetic tunes today.  Jumped on the punk rock wagon this morning, and now Your Youth is just giving me a good old alternative kick in the ass.  At first, you’re really sort of expecting some sort of radio pop tune to come out, especially with the casual intro, but trust me, the song blasts off loudly, bringing the jams straight to your head.  Such energy is fitting considering this tune is on the group’s five song Battery EP, which is being put on by Old Flame Records on October 23rd.


Download: Your Youth – Thick Gold (Bodied)

New Jam from Legendary Wings

In what has already been a great year for Dirtnap Records, they continue with the latest release from Legendary Wings.  The group has a little bit less power-pop then recent releases from the likes of White Wires or Mean Jeans, but what it lacks in the pop vein is made up with a sincere rock n’ roll enthusiasm that’s bound to be the soundtrack to my Friday.  There’s an obvious spirit to the band, and it shines through in the tune we’ve got below.  If you dig it as much as I do, pick up their album, Making Paper Roses, which comes out on October 9th. Nooge.


Download:Legendary Wings -Paper Roses [MP3]

Show Preview: Mark Kozelek @ Scottish Rite (9/21)

Date 9/21/12
Location Scottish Rite Theater
Doors 8pm
Tickets Sold Out?

My apologies to the Mark Kozelek fans out there for the super late show post, but I’m sure you keep up with the guy and knew about this already.  For those of you who were clueless like me, Kozelek has a planned solo show going down at the Scottish Rite Theater in Austin Friday night.  If you’re going to keep being like me, I’ve been a huge fan of Kozelek for a long time so I expect to see you at the show.  The guy crafts some of the best singer/songwriter, albiet depressing, music in the game.

Oh and it appears that tickets are sold out so showing up to the venue and scalping is recommended.


Download: Sun Kil Moon – Carry Me Ohio [MP3]

New Pop Tune from Patrick Wolf

I’m not quite sure why the states haven’t completely warmed to Patrick Wolf, the 28 year old songwriter with exceptional gifts.  Perhaps it has been the fact that he’s changed his persona from time to time, such as in the picture featured here, then moving forward to his more clean cut look of present.  Regardless, I’ve been obsessed with his music for so long, and that only continues to grow as news comes of an upcoming October release for a new record, Sundark and Sunlight.  According to Patrick, he really wanted to go back to his roots, influenced by what an artist can do acoustically, then adding lush arrangements.  It’s very much what expect, which is glorious. Love this dude.  


Download:Patrick Wolf – Overture [MP3]

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