SXSW 2014 Interview: The Mary Onettes

the-mary-onettes-Gunnar-BjörlingThe madness that is SXSW is upon us, and as we ready ourselves and our livers, we’ve got another interview featuring one of our favorite bands, The Mary Onettes.  The Swedish act has had mild success in the States, but their new music is really building a solid name for the band over here, so we hope that this little introduction encourages you to get on board with us.  If you do catch them…be sure to get one of those t-shirts. 

ATH: There was a lot of hubbub last year concerning corporate sponsors and pay to play and what not at SXSW. As a band, what’s your reason for coming to pay at the festival? What do you hope to get out of it?

TMO: Hmm.. Good question. We’re mostly just looking to have a good time I guess. We have no expectations business-wise. We want the people who are there and interested to get to know our music. Nothing else really.

And I’ve heard something about bats flying from a bridge in the city at dawn. Sounds really nice.. I want to see that. And maybe sell some of our new beautiful T-shirts.

ATH: For most SXSW sets, you get 30 minutes to leave a lasting impression. What’s your plan of attack? You have a set list mapped out yet?

TMO: We don’t really have a setlist right now. But we’ve been playing quite a lot the past year so I feel we have a lot of strong moments to share. I think we are better at including more spontaneous elements in our shows as well. We can do whatever we want .. and not being scared of it. So that might be key for our SXSW shows.

ATH: The festival caters to music fans, but food and booze are an important aspect of the fans and the bands. What’s your band’s food and beverage of choice?

TMO: Generally, when we are on tour, we always try to get local food and beverages from the promoters. In Texas we want to eat a lot of Texas specials. I don’t eat meat but I am hoping for a lot of chili. I’ve heard that range of food at SXSW is great.

When we are on tour at home we always try to get as healthy food as possible. But that always fails.

ATH: There are tons of bands coming into town. Who would you ideally like to play with of the 1000s of bands gracing our city? Make your own optimal line-up.


Mark Kozelek.

Small Black

Future Islands

Painted Palms

The Mary Onettes

The Pains Of Being Pure

ATH: We are partial to SXSW obviously, but what festival do you feel is the best around?

TMO: We’ve played a lot of festivals in Europe. They are generally really good. Primavera in Barcelona is super duper! Would love to play there again. The Swedish festival Way Out West is also very good!

ATH: Let’s say your band has been booked an official showcase at a pop up venue somewhere in the middle of 6th street. The lineup features thrash metal, hip-hop, spoken word, and you. The sound is horrible, the lineup is not your style, and the crowd seems angry at the world. How would your band deal with such a situation?

TMO: Hmm .. Maybe read some great Swedish poetry so that people get really serious and maybe sad. And then play our show. And then more poetry.

ATH: What’s your favorite album to come out in the last year? What’s playing in the tour bus?

TMO: I don’t know if it counts but the re’releases of Cleaners From Venus is just great! Other than that maybe some Part Time.

ATH: The digital age is upon us, like it or not. What are your band’s thoughts on streaming services like spotify, pandora, etc.? Blow em all up? Or embrace the future?

TMO: Well I just cope with it. I feel that there’s so much music that I’ve found lately on Spotify that I just can’t hate it. Well I hate the spotify settlements of course! Actually they really suck. But I choose not to be bitter about it. I really hope that things will chance so that it becomes something that it benefits the artists more and more. Now the bosses are making ridiculous money. Not really fair.

ATH: Day parties have replaced showcases for music discovery? Is the conference really completely upside-down?

TMO: If I knew more about this I would maybe have a clever answer. But I don’t . Sorry

ATH: Flatstock is a crowd favorite. Have you ever been to browse? Find a print to buy? Find a print from one of your shows you didn’t know existing?

TMO: Hmm.. Have no Idea what this is. As you can understand The Mary Onettes are rookies this year.


Download: The Mary Onettes – Dare [MP3]


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