Shivery Shakes/Bop English Tour Kickoff @ Cheer Ups (5/12)

Shivery ShakesAs if two great bands weren’t enough for you all, you should go out and support a couple of great local acts getting ready to head out on tour.  You’ve got to fill their pockets with gold, buying merch and throwing spare change their way.  Shivery Shakes and Bop English are hitting the road, kicking off their respective tours with The Rotten Mangos, Texas Never Whispers, and The Inscape at Cheer Ups tonight. I’m still really proud of the Shakes album, Three Waves and a Shake, which you can grab right HERE; I’m happy to have my name associated with that LP. You can find all their tour dates right HERE, but if you’re living in Austin, head out and support all the bands tonight.

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Have You Met the Domestics

domeThere’s something to be said about a good pop song. It moves beyond genres and typical blogger tropes, moving into the territory where we find this new single from Portland’s The Domestics.  Opening slowly with a piano backbone and picked guitar chords, the song prepares you for the burst of sensational pop songwriting. That burst of melody and energy uplifts listeners immediately, begging you to start over again, just so you can get that feeling one more time. It’s a pop addicts dream, and one that should build your anticipation for the group’s forthcoming self-titled album on Tender Loving Empire come July 17th.

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Show Pics: Crocodiles @ Holy Mountain (5/6)

We are still catching up on unfinished business from last week. Psych Fest Levitation took over all things on Friday and I was stuck in prep mode before being able to post these pics from a lovely little show at Holy Mountain last week. We ran the Stephin Merritt shots from that night, Crocodiles is next up as we finish out our double-header night with jams. Along for the ride, we had Unknown Relatives and Que Pasa.

Click through for a few comments and more than a few pics…

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Even More From Eternal Summers

It’s clearly no secret at this point, ATH has a love affair with Eternal Summers.  The pop tunes with that little bit of rawness around the edges creates some truly special moments for the band.  As the release date for their new album draws ever closer, let’s get in one more single to preview the material.  This one is called “Come Alive”.  Enjoy and happy Monday.

Don’t forget to pick up Gold and Stone out June 2nd on Kanine Records.

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Mac DeMarco Strikes Again

unnamed (2)Yesterday, I saw King Mac DeMarco at Levitation, and while that was probably one of the most joyful hours in my recent life, I was feeling a little bit of post-demarco-depression this morning when I woke up. That is, until I saw this new single from Mac Daddy, which put me back in a sunny place. This track, “The Way You’d Love Her,” is a subtle track off of the new mini LP, Another One, which is out August 7th from Captured Tracks. While I’m a fan of almost anything this zany character puts out, I’m really digging the soft vocal delivery here and almost a touch of genuine sentimentality from Mac and company. Take a listen and groove along.


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White Reaper Kill it Again

untitledMan White Reaper just seem to continually fly a little under the radar despite their stellar rock tunes.  We raved about the band last year after the release of a self-titled EP full of punk rock inspired sounds, catchy hooks, and loud guitars.  Nathan already shared with you new single “Make Me Wanna Die” back in April, and I’m pleased today to bring you new single “I Don’t Think She Cares”.  Let’s put it this way, if your Monday is dragging a little bit, spin this song a few times and all will be right in the world.

Don’t forget that new album White Reaper Does it Again is due out on July 17th via Polyvinyl.

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New Part Time Track

parttimeOne of the reasons I love listening to Part Time so much is that while there’s a consistent sound, there’s always some differentiation on his albums.  This new track has a Cali feel, which isn’t surprising considering his current location. The vocals on the track are a little bit hidden between the mix, but the melody that exists below is strong enough to make the song a standout, nonetheless.  Virgo’s Maze is the new album title, and it should definitely provide a nice mix of hit after hit; look for the record to be released on June 16th via Burger Records.

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Spirited Single from Redspencer

redIt’s currently raining, or feigning thunderstorms, so I needed something to get me over the weather, and this Redspencer tune sounds like a pretty solid way to start it off. The guitars ring out brightly, and there’s a relaxed cool that comes in with the vocals.  These Aussie lads have been making ways overseas, and they look to have an impact here too with the release of their brand debut EP.  Deaf Ambitions will release it this coming June, brightening your listening habits just a little bit.

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Hard Left Hits Hard

hlIt’s refreshing that there’s a group of old school rockers and label owners throwing down some brutal politico-punk.  In a landscape bogged down by nostalgia and copy-cat artists, Hard Left hit fast and hard, stomping through their latest single without looking around for camaraderie.  “Imagination” is most notable for the rabble-rousing growl of Mike, while the trumpet blasts and backing vocals of Donna seem like a rioting call to arms.  I love the fact that the band seemingly fit into their own small space in the musical sphere, doing things on their own terms; it’s precisely the way we’re meant to enjoy our rock n’ roll.  Look for the band to release their debut, We Are Hard Left next week; you can order it HERE.

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Show Review: Stephin Merritt @ Central Presbyterian (5/8)

When you’re given the opportunity to catch Stephin Merritt, you better believe I’m going to jump at the chance.  I’ve been obsessed with Stephin’s work for close to two decades, marveling at his wit, and his output.  He brought along fellow Magnetic Fields member Sam Davol for accompaniment, packed folks into the Central Presbyterian Church and treated us to an evening of tunes from his catalog, spanning A to Z.

Read on for my thoughts, and for photos from Brian Gray.

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