The Dream Of The 90s Is Alive With Night Flowers

11816265_882537551835279_1261872544787042425_oSo this track may be a few days old, but bear with me, as it’s a Monday and I’m playing catch up, but I don’t think you’ll really mind once you have a listen. Night Flowers are a five piece out of London who have taken shoe gaze dream pop to a whole different level. With the track below, “Sleep,” you’ll notice immediately the 90s influence in the guitars and percussion: that sort of grungey distortion on the riffs, the jangle of the tambourine. The vocals are what really make this song stand out for me; the female vocals are so pure and clear that they almost sound translucent, warmed up over the track with some other backing male vocals. I’m really digging the sound here, so I’ll be excited to hear the rest of the band’s self titled EP that’s due out from Dirty Bingo Records at the end of September.

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