Dufflecoat Records Update

dufflecoatThe world out there for indiepoppers is tiny, so I was worried that I hadn’t heard too much from Dufflecoat Records as of late.  But, it turns out that I was a boob, and didn’t realize the label had switched a lot of their news over to Bandcamp.  So…seeing as I’m a huge pop fan, and hopefully a purveyor of such as well, I’d be remiss to not fill you in on the latest releases from the label: Exiles and Brideshead.  The latter is a collection of previous works, as well as brand new songs…so you can’t miss buying Never Grow Up.  Exiles have this new EP, I’ve Got Secrets Too.  Both are must have for pop fans, and you can stream a track from each below! Those of you that love this genre will surely find that you’ll enjoy browsing the label’s catalog…so do it to it.

Throwback Rocker From Gold Class

1436552349AxS1_cjzsZi0FSmGzHo7_wrMG_4PBJezllKZdzMc_zpsbcyznyihMelbourne based Gold Class has been picking up lots of positive praise recently online and I figured we should be talking about this promising band as well.  Below you can find the groups latest single entitled “Furlong”.  Expect some throwback style, sluggish and heavy styles here for fans of all things old school.  Call me a fan.

You can pick up It’s You on September 4th via Felte.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/219974218″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Announcing ATX Popfest!!! — September 12th @ Cheer Up Charlies

11921975_1035276473149720_2134988977_nPop music is near and dear to my heart…it was my gateway drug into music.  And, Austin’s got an incredible pop scene that often goes unnoticed, so I got together with some friends and some great bands in Austin, and we’ve organized a great night of music for you.  We’re calling this gathering the ATX Popfest; it’ll feature 10 great bands for $5.  That’s 50 cents a band, so you can’t beat that. Here’s the line-up: Tres Oui, MCG, Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Templo X, Rose Selavy, Young Girls, Shivery Shakes, Summer Salt, Polio Club, She Sir and a Guest DJ.  Show will start at 6 PM, and there will be bands selling merch, booze, etc.  Come enjoy and partake in some of Austin’s finest pop delights.

Also…I’ll be celebrating the release of the Rose Selavy/Templo X 7″ that night, so if you can’t make it to grab one, order it HERE.

Have a listen to it now; I’ll make a master mix of the great bands for you guys later!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/123990690″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Pleased to Meet You: Gobbinjr

gobbinjrI really have no idea what lurks behind the name of Gobbinjr or the brand new album manlang, but musically, it really quite intersesting, if not quite pertinent to this week’s listening rotation. It’s all the work of New York’s Emma Witmer, and there’s a couple of tracks I’d like you to listen to today. “BB Gurl” is the first single, and it’s a bit of twinkling pop, akin to early sounds of Rilo Kiley.  Still, there’s this dreamier sound hiding behind the song, which is why I wanted to share “No Name” too, as it’s one of the album’s best tunes. It takes on a more solemn approach, and in doing so, it tugs at the heart quite a bit…stellar tune. You can order it from Gold Flake Tapes if you’re interested, as you should be!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/213545258″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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Here We Go Magic Share “Ordinary Feeling”

herewegomagicIt’s been an interesting progression for Here We Go Magic. They had a lot of success with their initial sound, blending elements of folk with psychedelic flare (before it was cool).  But, as of late, it looks like Luke Temple has cleaned up his approach, providing the band with a more delicate touch. You can still hear elements of the atmospheric flourishes leaking into this song, especially during the perceived chorus (it has a cool J Spacemen feel if you’re into that), but by and large the song seems held back to a certain degree. I’m really interested to hear what all of Be Small sounds like when its released by Secretly Canadian on October 16th.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/219828622″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Is Bubblegum Lemonade Back?

bubblegumlemonadeWell, it sure looks like Bubblegum Lemonade is back, and I couldn’t be happier.  Some like it pop came out far too long ago for my tastes, and I’ve been clamoring for Laz to get back in the studio with his friends and make me some new hits! It looks like he’s done just that, with news on Friday leaking a brand new demo that sounds pretty near perfect…if you exclude the final mastering. Like all his work, it borders the line between great power pop and indiepop, filled with catchy melodies and infectious tunes.  No word on a release, but let’s hope its sooner rather than later.


Show Preview: Ne Hi @ Red 7 – Tonight


Date 8.24.15
Location Red 7
Doors 8 PM
Tickets $8 at the Door

You’ve only got one week left to enjoy Red 7; it closes at the end of this week.  Still, there’s a few great shows left for you, like the one this evening featuring Ne Hi.  They released this arty piece of post-punk earlier this summer, which garnered the Chicago act a lot of praise; I think it’s been well deserved. They’re working on a new album, but they wanted to see your pretty faces before finishing it up.  Oh, and if you show up early you get treated to one of the great many local treasures, The Zoltars.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/213551901″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Something New from Human Music

humanmusicI know it’s easy for us to write about all your favorite news from the other sites, but I really try to find things on the weekend that you’re not getting anywhere else, like Winnipeg’s Human Music.  It caught me at first because of the Soft Boys reference, but musically, it’s pretty marvelous.  There’s a pop sensibility, but there’s also some great structural experimentation at work here…like a post-punk band taking on their inner jam tendencies.  You can find the entire stream of their excellent new album, Sup, by clicking HERE…I know I’m hooked. Want great music? This is it. Look for the release on Sundowning Sound Recordings now.


Download: Human Music – Cool Party [MP3]


Have a Nice Weekend

Beat ConnectionWe have plenty to do this weekend. Hopefully, those of you in Austin got a little of the rain that fell the last couple days. I recently talked to a friend about the fires in Idaho as his family has a cabin in the woods they use for human sacrifice, erm, hunting and vacations. Scary stuff, entire towns are being burned to the ground and their property is surrounded by three fires. Thoughts with those affected by the wildfires out west, they need the rain way more than we do.

Sorry for the bummer, even though you prolly just hit play instead of reading these words. #finebethatway I’ll make up for it regardless with a PYAITK track from Beat Connection, their end of summer jam via a rather cool video. Add it to your Soundcloud playlist here or just listen to what I’ll listen to this weekend here, this song included. The next album from the band is called Product 3, due mid-October.

We don’t have a pool, but I bet this song would sound better poolside.


ATX Weekend Show Preview

austin_mainAlright, summer’s about to be over for most of the ATH crew as we head back to school, so you can bet we want to enjoy the last weekend of true freedom with some great live music. Lucky for you I’ve got the full rundown of all the shows you’ll want to hit up this weekend and some tracks to get you psyched to go out and support your local scene.

Friday (8.21)

Super Thief, Tunic, Xetas, Back Legs at Beerland // 9 pm

Mother Falcon, RF Shannon, Quintessential Clarinet Quintet at The North Door // 8pm

Saturday (8.22)

Daniel Johnston, Dana Falconberry at the Mohawk // 8pm

Ramesh, Roses, The Sour Notes, Moving Panoramas at Hotel Vegas // 9pm

BLXPLTN at Radio Coffee & Beer // 10pm

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