Announcing ATX Popfest!!! — September 12th @ Cheer Up Charlies

11921975_1035276473149720_2134988977_nPop music is near and dear to my heart…it was my gateway drug into music.  And, Austin’s got an incredible pop scene that often goes unnoticed, so I got together with some friends and some great bands in Austin, and we’ve organized a great night of music for you.  We’re calling this gathering the ATX Popfest; it’ll feature 10 great bands for $5.  That’s 50 cents a band, so you can’t beat that. Here’s the line-up: Tres Oui, MCG, Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Templo X, Rose Selavy, Young Girls, Shivery Shakes, Summer Salt, Polio Club, She Sir and a Guest DJ.  Show will start at 6 PM, and there will be bands selling merch, booze, etc.  Come enjoy and partake in some of Austin’s finest pop delights.

Also…I’ll be celebrating the release of the Rose Selavy/Templo X 7″ that night, so if you can’t make it to grab one, order it HERE.

Have a listen to it now; I’ll make a master mix of the great bands for you guys later!

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