Psych Rock Goodness From Midday Veil

11406529_10153480555113755_7897575093842938437_oSo Midday Veil, out of Seattle, are just about to release their latest full-length record, called This Wilderness in a few short weeks on September 11th, so they figured they’d share a new single from that record to give you a bit of a taste of what’s to come. “Babel” is a sprawling track of psych rock, with whirring synths and hazy vocals to set the tone. The band does a good job of leading you by the hand as they gently transition from each part of the track. Take a listen to the psych journey below and get ready for This Wilderness that’s out on Beyond Beyond Is Beyond Records soon.


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Gardens & Villa – Music For Dogs

sc320Rating: ★★★☆☆

When Gardens & Villa’s Music For Dogs initial sounds flood through your speakers, immediately you get the impression of an electronic system booting up; “Intro” is almost a minute of futuristic synthetic sounds waving through your speakers. The level of anticipation swells with the beginnings of the huge sounds, all of which point to what’s to come next. Now, this is not the kind of entrance that the band really needs to make—Music For Dogs marks their third full-length record, following last year’s Dunes. And yet, the band amps you up for this collection of songs all the same, properly ensuring you’ve transitioned into the right frame of mind before you begin the album.

And when you do enter the first real track, “Maximize Results,” the band hits you hard with their synth pop: pulsating synths create a constant harried motion to the song, all while the vocal performance doubles up on this mood. Underlying this borderline paranoid feeling there’s a groove to the song in the distorted guitar riffs and the handclap beat. This then transitions quite abruptly into the light and airy “Fixations,” which strikes quite a bright note after the heavy opening number. Here, the synths are still buzzy and drone-like, but not as oppressive and dark as the first number. The piano also helps to brighten up the song, with its bouncy notes joining the mix with flair. It’s a catchy contrast to its predecessor before the band jumps back into the overall darkness that seems to coat most of the record.

While the album starts out quite strong with these two solid tracks, it seems as though the energy is a little difficult for Gardens & Villa to maintain through the duration of Music For Dogs. This isn’t to say that there aren’t some great and memorable tracks on the record, as there are numbers like “Alone In The City” and “I Already Do” that tack onto the aforementioned tracks as standouts. Oddly enough, where this synth pop group seems to shine the brightest on this record is not when they’re grooving hardest, but when the songs push into a tender emotional level. “Alone In The City” is a bit of a tender ballad type track that puts the vocal performance of Chris Lynch at very focal point. His voice is raw as it honestly professes lines like “Stay away from me tonight/I’ve had enough for once and it felt alright” and “This place is a nightmare/if I can’t be right there in your arms.” The sounds are subtle, and the nuance of sound that the band brings is glorious via the soft chimes that softly unfold amidst the gritty guitar and gently floating synth sounds. Same goes for the last song of the album, “I Already Do—” the band strikes this balance of groovy tune with tenderness in the mix of premature nostalgia in both the lyrics and bouncing piano sound.

Music For Dogs hits hard at first listen, but then slowly fades into a different tone, but still shows a band that’s come a far way from their debut album of 2011. The tracks that float to the surface upon further listening are evidence of their growth and movement into a balance of harsh electronic sound with real human emotion.



Fresh Tedo Stone Tune

tedoI love the crunchy glam rock that Tedo Stone‘s crafting, which is good that he’s back with another single.  Just listening to the track, there’s a huge wall of sound waiting there for you, waiting to crash into you.  But, just as you expect it, the song subsides into a softer movement; it’s the perfect twist to gather your attention. On September 18th, you’ll be able to hear more of his work, as he’s set to release Marshes via This Is American Music. What a great Friday tune.

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Have You Met Love Sport?

lovesportHonestly, if you’re thinking, who the fuck is Love Sport, then that’s totally understandable; it’s not every day that Finnish bands break in the US.  That’s until our friends over at Soliti sent me this catchy new single from the fan, and I was instantly hooked, meaning the band have officially made it Stateside.  It’s got the appeal of modern slacker indie rock, but the production is ten times better than that of someone recording in their bedroom. It gives the tune more punch, but also encourages you to spend time with the track, rather than listen to it in passing. They’ve just completed their 6 track EP, Almost Doesn’t Mean You Made It, which will be released on September 4th by Soliti…sounds like a deal to me.

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Stream War Tuna from The Lochness Mobsters

wartunaIt’s been a pretty good month for ATH Records, with our releases of Rose Selavy/Templo X split 7″, the Ocean Party announcement, and of course, the debut of The Lochness Mobsters.  Things rolled along pretty quickly, and while the Austin trio is out on the road, we wanted to make sure the rest of you folks were able to hear their excellent debut, War Tuna.  There’s touches of surf, garage, soul, pop, garage, and ultimately just good times. You can stream the jams below, and grab your own copy on all white vinyl HERE or HERE. Also, if you happen to be living out on the East, check this spot for their TOUR DATES. Austinites can welcome them home to the Grand on August 30th.

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Another New Jam from Jacuzzi Boys

Jacuzzi_Boys_Edited_2Just a short bit ago, we had a scorching rocker from Jacuzzi Boys to announce their new EP, but now they’ve settled into a different groove for their new single, “Sun.” This one’s got more of a chilled out vibe at the start, like you’re sitting on the patio relaxing after a day on the Miami beach (where the band is fun).  Still, they employ their hooks with a rocking chorus and a more emphatic closing to stick with the band’s penchant for rocking out.  Pretty sure this tune’s a hit. Look for their Happy Damage EP on September 18th via Magma.

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There’s No Stopping Shopping

unnamed-3If you haven’t already gotten behind Shopping, the three piece from East London, stop whatever you’re doing and fix that right this instant. They’ve got a new single for you to jam hard to today and you have no excuse not to listen to the post punk rhythm of “Straight Lines.” This may be my favorite track from the band that I’ve heard thus far, though it seems like that’s the case for each new song that I hear from the group which must be a sign that their upcoming records, Why Choose is destined to be a blistering hit with catchy guitar riffs and pop hooks to the post punk sound. You can pre-order Why Choose here from FatCat Records and get excited for its October 2nd release.


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Childbirth Go Sinister For Their Second Single

1903008_689358711103923_95482703_nWhen I shared this first single with you from Childbirth, I dug it, don’t get me wrong, but I was slightly apprehensive as to how this punk/ ultra lo-fi sound would transmit to other styles of songs. With this new track, “Let’s Be Bad” these ladies have completely erased the doubts from my mind. This song is a creeping, twisted, sinister sounding punk track that slowly evolves into a raging fireball of rock as the lyrics ironically urge us to do seemingly ‘bad’ things… like splitting dessert and ordering white wine . Now I’m properly excited for the release of Women’s Rights out on Suicide Squeeze Records on October 2nd.


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Digging on This Quiet Hollers Tune

quiethollersAs soon as this Quiet Hollers tune rolled out, I was hooked enough to play the track over and over again, with nothing else on my mind.  The vocals have a familiar air, similar to MMJ, but rather than jam it out in parts, I really enjoy the fact that the song has these minimal little movements, all brimming with hook-laden melodies. The band will release their self-titled LP on October 23rd just before heading out on the road to support it; they even have a date booked in Austin at the Blackheart. Have a feeling a lot of people will enjoy this jam.

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Wax Idols Still Turning Heads

I really admire Hether Fortune, and not because she’s an outspoken female artist (though that’s cool too!), but rather because she seems willing to really explore her own tastes and her own songwriting on her own terms.  I’m not saying that her new effort, American Tragic, will have no apparent correlation to her earliest work with Wax Idols, but it almost sounds like an entirely different band (albeit a band comprised entirely of Hether save percussion work). She’s always had an aura of darkness (real or perceived), but I like that there’s this focus of light in the tonal switches…especially around the 2.5 minute mark.  I read she was really into Beyonce during the year she recorded the new record, but I sweat I hear a bit of Madonna hiding too. The new effort will be out on October 16th via Collect Records.  It’s a change of pace, yet the songwriting is still just as good, if not better.


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