Sloppy Rocker from Vamos + Austin Show @ Hotel Vegas

vamosI don’t know too much about Vamos, other than the Chicago trio just recently released a blast of a record, Spiderbait.  It’s this meld of punk rock with bits of sloppy party rock thrown in; it’s basically the sound of three guys blasting out a good time.  It’s one of those songs you just want to turn up real loud, bounce around your room and sing into your hairbrush (is that just me?). The group will be blowing into Austin on August 26th (Hotel Vegas) to support the record, so I wanted to make sure those locals that follow us are keeping an eye on what’s coming their way. The rest of you can find their LP on Maximum Pelt Records.

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New EP from Menace Beach

menacebeachIf you’re looking for one of the hottest stars in the biz right now, then you needn’t look any further than Menace Beach.  As far as hype goes, they fall in the vein of Diet Cig and Bully, in regards to the hottest rising stars of 15′.  I love the blend of male and female vocals, and especially enjoy the way there’s just a bit of recording haze on it.  It gives it the feeling of not having been done strictly with saccharine in mind.  This is the lead track off their Super Transporterreum EP, which comes out via Memphis Industries.

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More Tunes from Woolen Men

woolen-menI really think that people will love this new record from Woolen Men.  It reminds me of some of the structural work that’s been done recently by the likes of Parquet Courts, but that’s not to say that it really sounds anything like that.  In fact, they take a similar approach, though it’s got more pop sensibility to it.  Honestly, it feels like Dear You-era Jawbreaker meets Parquet, which is a formula for love in my book. Their new effort, Temporary Monument, will be out on September 4th via Woodsist.

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Promised Land Sound Give Us A New One

988605_388342504603069_2075855350_nWe’ve given some love to Promised Land Sound in the past so you shouldn’t be surprised to see their name mentioned here again.  Today they have this great new track “Otherworldly Pleasures” for your listening pleasure.  It’s a little bit psychedelic with dashes of Americana and maybe even just a hint of folk stylings for good measure.

You can pick up new album For Use and Delight on October 2nd via Paradise of Bachelors.

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New Music from Stanley Brinks & the Wave Pictures

wakefieldThese pop aficionados have been working together rather closely of late, so much so that they’re basically one band….one that I’m definitely enjoying.  Stanley Brinks and the Wave Pictures are in the midst of recording yet another album for Fika Recordings, but in the meantime, they’re offering up this brand new 7″ to sample some of the work.  It’s a playful number, but not in the oddity sense, just in the cheery mood flowing through your speakers. A great tune for a great day here in August, so figured you should have the ability to enjoy it yourself.



Fresh Lo-Fi From Oh Well, Goodbye

10919414_567610736708647_6026023984687587141_oNathan gets credit for finding this sweet jam, but he was kind enough to pass it along to me, so I’m doing you all a solid and sending it your way. Oh Well, Goodbye, or P.J. Rourke, hails from Liverpool, and he’s  got a brand new tape of ‘ramshackle lo-fi indie’ for you to sink your teeth into. The tape is excellent, and you can purchase it here after you listen to the whole thing, but I’m really smitten with the track that I have for you below called “So I Say.” It’s only a two minute song, but its simplicity and rawness will lure you in for sure. Crisp drums welcome you into the song before the blistering guitars join in for the first part of the track, which then transitions to jangly rock and then back to that gritty lo-fi from the beginning. It’s a great track and tape out from Bleeding Gold Records. 

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Fresh Instrumental from Lymbyc Systym

wv141I’m not usually one to get drawn into instrumental music (I’ve always had a thing for lyrics), but there are a few bands that have done it right, winning me over.  Long ago, Lymbyc Systym was one of those, so it’s exciting to see them crafting some new music for their label Western Vinyl.  Their latest single,which hit on Friday, has this expansive electronic quality, though they incorporate brief samples, much as Mogwai or local boys EITS have done. For me, I’m just amazed at how impactful a song over 6 minutes can be, whilst still holding your attention.  Look for Split Stones on October 16th.

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Show Spotlight: Royal Headache @ Red 7 (TONIGHT!!!)

Royal HeadacheIt’s pretty hard to pick a show of the week when the week is just getting started, but seriously, if you miss this show you’re going to regret it for the rest of the night.  One of our favorite local acts, Jonly Bonly is opening up, followed by their friends and rock n’ roll trio Bad Sports.  I’d go to a show to see both of those bands alone, but Royal Headache is coming! They’re an Aussie act, so you never know when you’ll be able to catch them.  But, they’re also blowing in to support their new LP, High (WYR?).  It’s the perfect blend of soul and post-punk, and the energy from Shogun on stage is something you won’t wanna miss. Please please come hang out. Doors are at 8 PM.

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The World Wants You to Listen to Cold Beat

coldbeatI really like this new Cold Beat single; I’m hooked on the synth propulsion that opens up the song. But, like all things associated with Hannah Lew, there’s this beautiful harmony working beneath, even if there’s a touch of sterility in the song’s craft.  I’ve always been a fan of Lew’s new project, but I think when Into the Air gets a release, it’s going to be the one that really breaks through to a larger audience…perhaps even encouraging them to go back the oft-overlooked Grass Widow. Look for the new LP on September 4th via Crime on the Moon.

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Have A Nice Weekend

Oslo ParksIt’s still hot. I am still pretty surprised by how big Blues on the Green has gotten. I guess it is one of those things the jaded indie music snobs are supposed to mock, but I won’t. We just need to find a way to parlay that into getting more people going to local shows. Local bands, maybe make sure it is cheap by involving a corporate sponsor. Oh wait, we are doing that! Put this on your calendars people: Sailor Jerry and Austin Town Hall Present – 3 x 3 – 3 Bands for 3 Bucks

I talked about summer jams in a post earlier this week. We have had a few selections earlier this week that could certainly fall into the category of a summer jam. While sampling tracks, I came across this new-to-me hit from Oslo Parks. I am quite jealous of you peeps in the UK as Oslo Parks is opening for ATH fave Chad Valley for November/December dates.

Summer is slipping away. Enjoy.

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