ATH Premiere: Dark Industrial Pop from SPC ECO

SPCECO-Dark-Matter1500xFirst, the name SPC ECO is pronounced as “space echo,” so I’m glad that’s out of the way. Now, let’s spend some time listening to this great piece of industrialized pop music. Sure, I could just call it some minimal version of electro-pop, but it feels like more than that to me. From the album artwork to the sterility lurking just beneath the emotive croon of Rose Berlin, there’s a concept at work here; you’ll hear actual electronic noise construction, not just repetitive bleeps and bloops. Oh, and it cannot hurt that Dean Garcia, formerly of Curve, is the constructionist behind it all. Their new album, Dark Matter, is being distributed by Saint Marie Records, who’ve had themselves quite a run lately. Happy Friday.

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Salad Boys – Metalmania

TIM099_SaladBoys_frontCover__72361.1437766489.1280.1280Rating: ★★★☆☆

We seem to be in the era of jangly rock and roll. That is to say these days have brought the indie rock scene to a point in which the norm is now those angular workings of guitar riffs in whatever genre you like; there’s the stoner rock of bands like Mac Demarco, or more tightly wound pop groups. Regardless, in order to stand out, you’ve gotta make the jangle your own, taking it in a direction different than before. Enter Salad Boys of New Zealand, whose sound ranges within the genre, from laid back to melt your face off in the mere jump of a song on Metalmania. 

This group of gentlemen open the album with a delicate sound on “Here’s No Use–” with the winding guitar work that won’t quit and the urgent yet soft vocals of Joe Sampson, the song seems fairly subtle at first. The drums are barely there, merely gentle clicking to match the rhythm of the guitar as it loops in its neat and clean sound. As the track progresses, the elements gain a bit of traction; secondary vocals join the mix and the guitars are doubled up to round out the opening track. The next song, “Dream Date,” shows the other, less chilled out, rock side of Salad Boys– the guitars are faster and heavier, drums join the mix, adding a thick layer of percussive sheen with the abundant crashing of cymbals.

These two directions of tracks seem to account for the direction of sound that Salad Boys take on this record; you get the laid back sun-bleached indie rock of the first track, or the more high-energy rock of the second track. Each style seems to suit the band’s sound fairly well, and the back and forth doesn’t feel like whiplash as it does a trip through changing terrain, soft and lush at one moment and biting rock the next.

Most signs point to Metalmania to be a grower of an album– while each track is pleasing to the ears and begs for you to play it outside at a barbecue or driving around in your car with the wind blowing through, there aren’t clear standout tracks. Originally, I thought it was when the band ripped into the rockier side of their sound, but those with mild tonality seem to grasp my attention just as much. Perhaps in time, these numbers will be apparent, or perhaps the tunes on this album are a little too mild. Regardless, I look forward to hear what Salad Boys have in store for us next.

Air Waves Release New Single and Album Today

Air WavesFriday’s got some good releases coming out, but I think one of my favorites this week has to be the new effort from Air Waves. I really enjoyed their debut, and have had Parting Glances on a steady rotation for the last few weeks. Today you can grab that record from Western Vinyl, but it comes with a new single to share as well…another that features Jana Hunter of Lower Dens fame. I like the darker undertones of this record, and song, especially when the track takes a pulsing turn on the latter half, anxiously pushing you towards the ending. Buy this album…you’ll be happy you did.

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Indiepop Delight from Sleuth

sleuthAre you looking for the perfect place where Alvvays and Allo Darlin meet? That perfect indiepop comes in way of Vancouver’s Sleuth. The vocal qualities seem to lean more toward the former, while the musical aspirations closely resemble that of the latter. It harkens back that perfect late 90s era of pop music…no bullshit, just great songs. They’re doing a limited release of their latest album, Out of the Blue Period, via Kingfisher Bluez and Jigsaw Records this month, so if you know anything about modern indiepop, you know this is always a trustworthy source.

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New Tuff Sunshine Jam

tuffTuff Sunshine has been on my stereo a lot lately. There’s something about their blend of styles that’s been really attractive; I can hear glam, punk and even roots-rock coursing through their songs, so the diversity keeps things pretty interesting from start to finish. Still, it all has this anthemic touch to it, almost built to be blasted out of your nearest arena show (do they even do those anymore?). They just unleashed this video version of the song HERE, but I’ve got the song below for you to stream. Their album Fire in the Hero Building will be out on October 30th for those interested parties.

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ATH Premiere: Stutter Steps Are Your New Favorites

stutterstepsOkay, so maybe Stutter Steps aren’t your new favorites, not yet anyways. But, those of you who’ve carefully wrapped yourself in a world of indiepop and Australian/NewZealand guitar craftsmanship will surely find yourselves a new band to adore. This first single is as fine example of the art of songwriting as I’ve come to hear, which should come as no surprise; Ben Harrison, the man behind the band, can call himself a contributor/collaborator to the works of Dean and Britta (if you need to look that up then it won’t mean much). Still, I can hear the band’s references to Flying Nun, though I prefer to imagine Harrison crafting his own American version of the Go-Betweens. There’s incredible melodies and such a gentle warmth; you’re bound to find this the most endearing tune today. Their self-titled album will be out soon via Wild Kindness Records.

Fuzzy Rocker From The Noise Figures

untitledSometimes we could all use a little bit of rock n roll in our lives to awaken the demon within.  Thanks to Greek duo The Noise Figures, my inner rocker is being awakened with this sweet track “Holy One”.  If I was pressed to describe the song, I’d call it a fuzzy rock n roll track devoid of gimmicks and tricks.  Nope, this is just a straight up rock song and I’m in need of such a thing today.  Enjoy.

Pick up Aphelion later this month on the 28th via Inner Ear Records.

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New Old Jonathan Bree Tune

jonathanI feel like I’ve given a lot of coverage to the jangling guitar types in the Oceanic area, so why not turn our attention to this beautiful piece of pop music from Auckland’s Jonathan Bree. Jonathan’s been working on this album for a bit, and it’s said to have a lot of classical influences from the likes of Tchaikovsky. Still, the construction and Bree’s vocal tones make him sound a little bit more like Jarvis Cocker, in my mind at least. He’ll be releasing A Little Night Music on October 23rd via Lil Chief Records. You can also view a great video for the song HERE.

Another Track from Traams

traamsIt’s looking like things for Traams are coming together quite nicely; everyone is trying their best to catch the band’s attention and give them a few kind words. Why would we be any different? Modern Dancing is the title of the band’s new effort , and this single has this propulsive groove coming from the rhythm section that I hope is prevalent throughout. It’s a pretty intoxicating track with that rhythm, but don’t think that the band’s knack for incorporating understated guitar noise will be absent…just listen right at the 2.30 minute mark. This is definitely one of my highlight tracks from the record, so spin it a few times to see if you feel the same. It’s out via Fatcat on November 13th.

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ATX Spotlight: Stream the Jared Leibowich Album

jzI’ve always known that Jared Zoltar had a knack for writing incredible tunes; he’s been crafting timeless pop music with the Zoltars here in Austin for some time, but could he keep it up on his own? Um, the answer’s a definite yes! Welcome Late Bloomers is his new solo-outing under his given name, Jared Leibowich, and it’s probably going to end up in my personal year end list of great things to come out of Austin in 2015. I don’t know, I’ve been listening to this non-stop and now I feel like I’m fawning over Jared, so let’s just say it’s your turn to fawn over him. He’ll also be playing a residency at Beerland all through October, so be sure to catch one of his shows…it’s always worth your time. His new album is available now through Unblinking Ear Records.  

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