New Video Featuring The Sunny Pop Of Chorusgirl

chorusgirlLondon’s Chorusgirl released their album not too long ago at the beginning of November, and from that album, today they’ve shared a rad little music video for the track, “Dream On, Baby Blue.” This track is a bright and airy dreamy pop song that’s got enough sunshine in it to bring you back to warmer days (even though it’s not that cold here in the ATX). You can watch the quirky music video below, and be sure to pick up a copy of their debut album here, as they are clearly cranking out some good tunes.



Album Stream: Husky Rescue – The Long Lost Friend

huskyFinding yourself lost in the new album from Husky Rescue shouldn’t be much of a problem, yet that’s precisely where I think the music is intended to go. The Long Lost Friend (Special Edition) is brimming with electronic experimentation, symphonic flourish and the gorgeous voice of Johanna Kalen; each song takes you somewhere new, be it the pulsing throb of “Under Friendly Fire” or the oddball experiment of “Tree House,” each song sounds different. Each tracks leaves you somewhere new. If anything, the collection of songs take you all over the map, yet the album’s design is cohesive, leaving you precisely where you left off. It’s available this Friday via Catskills Records

New Music from Great Lakes

GreatLakesCOLOR1Winter is here folks, well, musically speaking. It’s that time of year when slow ballads and folk-laden tunes are coming left and right, but perhaps none more enjoyable than this bit from Great Lakes. The center of this song holds true to modern folk/Americana tropes, but the layering of harmonies and various bits of instrumentation adds more depth to the song itself, creating a dense study in the genre for listeners. The Brooklyn (by way of Athens) will be releasing their 5th album next year; Wild Vision is being put out by Loose Truck Records on January 22nd.

Sit Back and Enjoy The Crookes

avatars-000069037526-aoum01-t500x500I’ve mentioned UK band The Crookes several times before on our website and the band has always been hovering a bit in that not huge yet should be area.  Today I think the band may be breaking out with this new single “The World is Waiting”.  This is truly a brit pop gem here with some incredible, driving guitars and this overall sense of urgency permeating through.  I’m seeing a lot to be enjoyed here.

The Crookes will drop Lucky Ones via Modern Outsider on January 29th.

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Go Check Out Astrid Swan Tonight at Strange Brew

astrOver the years, we’ve bonded with Finland’s Soliti Records. They’re a small label in a small country, but those of you in Austin could be in for a treat tonight if you’re up to heading out to Strange Brew for an evening of music. Astrid Swan, wife of label owner and musician on the label, is playing there this evening. She crafts these beautiful pop tunes, built around the strength of her vocal performances. It’s an opportunity to welcome our friend to our fair city, but also to get a glimpse of musical happenings from around the world. The gig starts at 8 PM, so we hope you can make it out…you never know when she’ll make it out.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


You Beauty Offer Up Something A Bit Different

12107067_1019804001405757_5678164075322496692_nI don’t really know what to say about You Beauty other than I’m really enjoying their latest single. It starts out with this brooding bit of post-punk, offering up spoken word to accompany that style. But, as the song pushes along, a shimmering burst of pop shines through in the chorus; it twists the listener up, somehow reminding me of the joyous early days of Brit pop. The band has a new album titled Illywhacka coming your way on January 16th courtesy of the folks over at Bedroom Suck Records, which has been super reliable this year.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Subtly Groovy Indie Rock From World Champion

12185218_1940953429463297_4303173634602847897_oSo maybe I’m a few days late on this track and EP from World Champion, but it’s kind of a slow news day so far so I’m back tracking. World Champion are a group out of Sydney composed of William Campion and Julian Sudek. They’ve got a neat sound that you’ll hear on the track below called “Tip Pit,” which is driven by the bluesy guitars and falsetto’ed vocals. It’s a mellow jam, but a good one nonetheless. If you like it, be sure to check out the EP, Avocado Galaxy, which the band just released, right here.

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Fresh Single from Great American Canyon Band

12239231_10156232362360068_2759024979203893259_oThe last time we heard from Great American Canyon Band was a few years back when RayRay turned us all onto the act. But, the band have jumped back into the swing with a new single that will feature on their brand new album, coming out in early 2016. It’s the sort of drifting folk stylings that people seem gravitate towards, bringing warm harmonies and filling in the empty spaces with sliding guitar chords. It’s a return to simple structures and perfect execution, which makes the listen all the more enjoyable…so lets be on the lookout for the group in 2016.

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Have You Heard John Rusch

johnWell, I hadn’t heard of John Rusch either, that is until I got turned onto the songwriter last night. Perhaps he’s writing tunes in his bedroom right now as we speak, and I hope they’re all as good as the hits he recently put up on his Soundcloud. Sure, some of the songs take on too much, but when you listen to every moment, and I did, you find some really incredible songwriting lurking (besides, it’s gotta be hard being a one-man band!). I particularly love his Vanessa Williams cover (streaming below). When everything else just seems like another carbon copy, try out something a little different.

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The Best in Indiepop of 2015

indiepopTons of genres out there, but if you’ve been following our work, you know that I’m really partial to the indiepop scene. I scour the confines of the Internet for any and the best of the genre, and admittedly get tons of tips. So, I looked back through what had come out and wanted to throw a little bit your way…just another list of what I think was the best in indiepop in 2015. Still staying away from numbering. Also…some of this has made my other lists, but I wanted to expand on my favorite genre a little bit. Read more

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