More From Fear of Men!

12711219_989518334429855_87472059364947692_oWe’re fast approaching Fear of Men’s newest release,Fall Forever, which is out June 3rd via Kanine Records. And while we here at the ATH offices are undoubtedly fans of the group, we also understand that in your endless quest for seeking rad tunes that you may have overlooked this trio from Brighton somehow. It’s time to fix that problem, and you can do that by pressing play on “Sane” below. It’s a beauty of a track, with thecaptivating vocals in the spotlight. There’s no lack of drama either, as the song takes a little while to build into itself, with swells of synths exploding in the stop-and-go style and drum sounds popping and bursting occasionally. Make sure you get on board the Fear of Men train and pre-order their album right here

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