ATX Spotlights: New UVH and Jess Williamson

jessIt’s a busy week here in Austin, with various releases and some festival in town. So, don’t get lost in the weeds, as we’ve got a few updates for you!

First, UVH ran a song with over at SOTO for their upcoming release with GTZ Records. This track’s got singer Larry growling atop these huge indie rock riffs. We’re really stoked on everything he’s done.

Then, perennial fanboys are we, especially when it comes to Jess Williamson. So, of course we’re going to give her new song coverage. Her new album Heart Song comes out on November 4th, ready to move us all again.

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Survive – RR7349

surviveRR7349 (Relapse Records) sounds like some sort of galaxy or nebulae that has yet to be named by human scientists. While this isnt the case (Its the catalogue number) I think the general line of thought fits. The sounds, timbres and moods contained in this record are upfront, but theres subtleties at work that make it difficult to say exactly what they are. Read more

More from Mark Sultan

markIt seems like Mark Sultan is always up to something, and I’m grateful that he’s always kicking out tunes. Here we have Mark working on his own, bringing out his percussion stomp and rhythmic riffs to lay the ground work. Of course, it wouldn’t be a BBQ offering if we didn’t get to hear Mark blast those great pipes, hitting on the history of great rock n’ roll sounds. I could just listen to this guy belt em’ out all day long; you’ll be able to hear Mark’s new LP, aptly titled BBQ when it’s released on November 25th via In the Red Records.

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Pop Hits from Kuroma

kuromaThere’s something about this new track from Kuroma that reminds me of Papercuts; it begins rather innocently before building into this huge pop opus. The swelling burst of brilliance is accented by string orchestration, bouncing playfully during the song’s chorus. Oh, and if you’re listening to the lyrics here, then you’ll notice that the song’s a pretty nice ode to songwriter Hank Sullivant’s wife. This song will feature on the band’s new LP, The Dark Horse Rides Again, which comes out on October 14th via Votiv.

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Beautiful New Piece from Arbes

arbesWell, contrary to the date, it’s not quite Fall here in Austin, which makes this track from Arbes pretty perfect; it fits somewhere between the sunny playfulness of summer and the breezy afternoons of early Fall. I love the steadying hand the band employs, carefully moving guitar lines over rolling drums. It’s got this internal joyousness that only arrives upon repeated listens, which I highly suggest. I have a feeling that their new Psalms EP will be the perfect way to move between seasons…not to mention a wonderful way to pass any afternoon; look for its release on October 7th via Sports Day Records.

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New Ablebody Video ft. Sean Nicholas Savge

We’re a few weeks away from the release of Ablebody‘s full-length release, Adult Contemporaries, and the band have offered up this new video for their latest single. This is the sort of dreamy pop I’ve come to expect from the band, with the video seemingly matching the album’s contemporary adult motif. There’s a softness to this track, which walks that fine line between indiepop and soulful R&B, which is probably owed to the beautiful touch of Sean Nicholas Savage‘s vocals. Look to get your hands on their new LP via Lolipop on October 14th.

Premiere: New Suntrodden Single

suntroddenAs you’ve seen, I’ve been all about Suntrodden leading up to the release of his release, which is a month away! While you’ve heard touches of indiepop, this new single shows of Erik Stephansson to build this huge pop sensibility in really simple ways, utilizing the strength of his voice and careful guitar playing. At this point, I don’t think I can find a thing he’s done wrong at this point…this is a pop songwriter with the gift. Look to get your hands on Suntrodden II on October 28th.

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Gimme 5 ACL: Corbu

unnamedAs we get ready for ACL this weekend, team ATH has been trying to find new ideas for providing coverage for this year’s festival in unique and exciting ways. An idea was given to me recently to have a group highlight some of their favorite bands on the bill by way of a 5 song playlist. I jumped at the idea and asked New York City based outfit Corbu to be our very first playlist band. Maybe you’ll find something you like or rediscover an oldie that you forgot about. Check out the band’s words and playlist after the jump.

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Brand New Music from Halfsour

halfsourHalfsour caught our attention when they had a release with our friends over at Jigsaw Records, and they just unleashed another couple of tunes from their forthcoming Charm School. I like how these two tracks show the two sides of the story of this band, offering one with the male front and the other featuring a female front. In that story, you get a rambunctious semi-TV Personalities feel, while the latter brings out a more pop-punk centric jam. These new jams will be featured on the new release from Disposable America and Too Far Gone Records on October 14th…this should be on your list.

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The Burgeoning Cover the Neighbourhood

Radio pop music is an easy target for us all, but sometimes it just takes a touch from an artist you enjoy to have you look at it a different way. For me, I hate the Neighbourhood, but I really love the Burgeoning. I’m excited to hear the band’s new EP, Loud Dreams, in full…and instead of going the traditional route with single after single, they’ve recorded a bunch of covers in the abandoned house where they practice. It sounds pretty similar until the latter half where they take it into their own shimmering dream pop territory. Look for their new record on October 28th, and realize that even the radio might have something to offer us.

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