Pop Rocker from Hellrazor

hellraiserIt’s easy to get carried away with all the modern fads and whatnot, but, for me, more often than not it’s the tried and true brands of rock n’ roll that always appeal to me. This brand new track from Hellrazor had me the minute the guitars offered up their distorted pop crunch, with vocals joining in to fill in the required hooks. I kind of just want to turn the track up and walk around the halls here at work…maybe that’ll work for you. If not, you’ll have to wait until November 4th to get your hands on the band’s new record, Satan Smile, courtesy of New Professor Music.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/278872080″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Chris Bierden Is Invisible Boy

chrisbierdenChris Bierden spends a great deal of his time with Polica, but don’t think that Invisible Boy will resemble that outfit too much; it’s clear with this single that he’s got another itch to scratch. Listening through, this sounds like a grander aim, something akin to a lounging version of Bowie. I love the fact that the central figure, aside from the vocals is the piano work…that always gets me for some reason. It almost sounds like Chris is channeling the world of Destroyer as well, crafting a huge operatic pop figure. Look for his debut album on November 11th via Totally Gross National Product.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/287530750″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More Mark Sultan

markThere’s something about the guitar and stomping percussion of Mark Sultan that’s always appealed to me. He, along with his friend King Khan, always manage to blend those old school R&B sounds and give them a little hint of punk and grit…that’s exactly what you’re going to get here. At times, he might settle a bit too much with the chorus, but I’m still stuck playing this song on repeat. I think that’s due to the great little croon he tosses in, such as the moment before the 2 minute mark; it’s a great moment of performance. His new record, BBQ, is coming via In the Red Records on November 25th.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/283079918″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Catching Up with Blue-Eyed Son

blueeyedI’m always striving to bring you the tunes that would likely fit anywhere on the net, yet somehow they get overlooked, like those tunes of Blue-Eyed Son. It’s the project of Andrew Helprin, crafting these beautiful little folk tunes; they’re understated, yet their simplicity also makes them forever endearing. Helprin is in the midst of releasing a track a month for the duration of the year, and this one was recorded with Scott McPherson (Elliott Smith), so he clearly is making a name for himself. I expect all the songs he’s working on will be released at some point with a full-length, but now, let’s settle into this song and await fall’s arrival.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/286640181″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ACL WE2 – Friday In Photos

acl-we2-121aAre you ready to reminisce?

Let’s kick off more photos from the front for Austin City Limits on Weekend Two. Friday was the day. Let’s name drop – Radiohead, Die Antwoord, M83, Foals and more. A whole day of headliners for me and I was super excited. I had one “break” where I decided to get photos of Banks and Steelz to fill in the gap. Oofah. Do I have a story.

How about you read past the break? I had to suffer for my art. Heh.

#pukeandrally #radiohead #cantstopmenow

Read more

More New Redspencer Tunes

redspencerYou know I love a good bit of casual indiepop, which is precisely what Redspencer has been offering us since they announced their latest album. If you’re basing your expectations on the new single, then you can expect relaxing guitar chords with just enough sharpness to near a jangle. The tones are bright enough throughout to match the album’s art work, and the backing vocals definitely provide an added texture of warmth. Perks is high on my list for year ending releases, so please don’t avoid the great pop music these guys keep putting out; their album hits on November 18th via Deaf Ambitions.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/288632228″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Happy Punk from Girl Tears

girltearsI cringe at the word pop punk,so I wanted to stay away from that with the latest single from Girl Tears, though I think there are definitely poppies elements hanging about in this single. That said, it’s a furious tune, hitting you with pummeling drums right from the start; it sort of reminds me of the hook laden punk that Terry Malts bring to the table. As quickly as the song bursts into play, it wraps up and is over…that might be the song’s only detracting quality. You will have more tunes to enjoy soon, however, as the group releases Woke Against the Tide on October 28th via Sinderlyn.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/277667829″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Folksy Tune From Mat Hunsley


While it’s still pretty damn hot here in Austin, Fall in general leads me down folkier paths of listening. Mat Hunsley, a singer/songwriter out of Newcastle, has got a good folk track in “Fires,” which you can listen to below. Hunsley’s vocals are rich as he spins rhymes atop the gentle strumming of acoustic guitar. This dynamic really holds your attention from the beginning as the song builds upon itself to a strong chorus-like ending with layers of vocals that wants you to sing along.

You can pre-order his upcoming EP,To Being Free, here.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/288830321″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Premiere: The March Divide Ready Bribing Jace EP

jaredWhen I pressed play on this track the first time, I immediately thought of Jets to Brazil, but, when I caught up with The March Divide singer Jared Putnam, it was clear I was a little off base. The band releases the Bribing Jace EP on November 4th, so I threw a few questions at Jared to see what he had to say about the release and the new single.

ATH: What were your influences when writing this new EP? Any bands in particular you were listening to at the time?

Jared: In a lot of ways, I wanted these songs to be experiments in pop. I wanted to mesh together what I think are the things that attract so many people to the genre: hooks, good writing, & ear candy. I’m not even sure if it comes through, but I used Tom Petty, 90’s alt/pop, & Radiohead as my primary references. I was trying to get out of my comfort zone, it was a completely different approach, for me.

ATH: There seems to be a slight bit of indecision on “I Might.” How did the song come about, and was a finite decision ever made?

Jared: I Might was the first song I wrote for the EP, & it actually set the tone for the direction I wanted to go. When I initially came up with the guitar part, I thought I was just writing another folk song. I spent a lot of time trying to write the rest of it; chorus, bridge, etc., etc., but nothing really felt right. For whatever reason, it reminded me a lot of 90’s pop, specifically that Susan Vega song “Tom’s Diner” & Primitive Radio Gods “Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in My Hand”. I decided to run with that approach, I looped the guitar part & started adding layers. It was a lot of fun to make.

ATH: For fun….two truths and a lie…don’t specify which.

Jared:1. Neil Young is my biggest song writing influence 2. I don’t care what anyone says, the minivan was the single greatest development in automotive history. 3. I find C.C. Deville’s (from Poison) guitar solo’s very emotional. They really tug on my heartstrings.

Pre-Order the EP HERE.

Charles Moothart Brings New Rocker

charlesCharles Moothart is probably most well-known out there as the guy working with Ty on Fuzz, and it should come as no surprise that his newest tune is just as rocking as everything his friend as put out, if not more so in regards to the later releases. It opens quick and powerful, blasting riffs through your speaker like nobody’s business, but where Moothart excels is just letting things go…as he does just after the 1.40 mark as he breaks it down into a wailing wall of a jam. You’ll hear this new burner on his new EP, Homegrown Paranoia, which comes out via In the Red Records in November.

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