ATX Spotlight: Fresh Abram Shook News

We haven’t heard from Abram Shook since 2015, but the good news for Austin, and everywhere, is that he’s back with the brand new Love at Low Speed. The batch of songs on this album is said to be of a more personal nature, which inevitably will hit home for listeners. I love how this song opens with Shook and guitar, and little else. It seems to fit the song, creating an immediate intimacy that captures the audience, before the track is built up by further accompaniment. It’s a slow-paced adventure filled by Abram’s continued sonic exploration as he seeks to reach musical perfection. My two cents? You’re close pal, so so close. New album will be out on June 16th via Western Vinyl.


New Music from Blank Realm

Blank Realm haven’t released anything new since they dropped Illegals in Heaven in 2015, but perhaps something is on the horizon. Our first hint is the new single they’ve tossed into the Split Singles Club courtesy of Milk! Records and Bedroom Suck Records. This has an old-school vibe to it, almost as if one of the Britpop forefathers opted to come out of retirement to bring us this skittering little club burner. You can subscribe to get more of the singles in a limited 7″ series HERE, or just enjoy a glimpse at the great music going on at the moment overseas…we’ll do our best to keep pointing you in the right direction.

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Catch Prichard Offers New Ballad

There’s something beautifully haunting in Catch Prichard‘s performance on this new ballad he’s penned. He’s set up the background perfectly, utilizing distant horns and careful guitar picking to create the perfect space for the deep tones of his voice. A slight warble in his throat, he comes off as a cross between Jeff Buckley and Antony, leaving you with this enchanting number that won’t fade from your listening memory. This song will featured on the collection of new work titled OK Cool, which is slated for release later this year.

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Loving This New Cayetana Track

I’ve been jamming this new song called “Certain For Miles” from Philly based Cayetana all morning and felt the need to share it with you now. I love the feeling of total raw and unabashed emotion you feel as vocalist and songwriter Augusta Koch belts her heart out with the faint hint of cracking under the weight of her feelings. The build up towards the climax, and the final delivery halfway through, is truly something to make you feel all the feels. A lovely track.

Cayetana will release New Kind of Normal on May 5th via Plum Records.

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New Honey Radar on Split with Telepathic

Honey Radar first came to my attention when they worked with What’s Your Rupture, and I’m always excited to hear what they’re doing. They’ve got a couple of new ditties for you with a split cassette on Third Uncle Records. I really like the first tune, which is featured below; it almost has this weird Stereolab feel to it, hiding softened vocals beneath the mix. It also helped turn me onto Telepathic, who offer up a progressive model of punk and pop sensibility…so you know it’s got me hooked. Give it all a listen at the stream below.

Beach Fossils Step in a Different Direction With “Saint Ivy”

Beach Fossils announced last month that they’ve got a new album on the horizon calledSomersault. Today, they’ve shared a new video for the second single off that release called “Saint Ivy,” which shows off a new sound for the band. There’s flute and strings tossed into the mix, which takes the band’s usual jangly rock to a whole new level. You can check out the interesting video and listen to a different side of Beach Fossils below– I’m stoked for the new album knowing that from these two singles we can expect a blend of old and new sounds from the group.

Somersaultwill be out June 2nd via Bayonet Records.


Do You Know Catalina La O? She’s on Slack Capital 2

Slack Capital 2 is a compilation of music by 27 of the greatest bands in Austin. All proceeds from the comp go to SafePlace, which provides support for victims of domestic and sexual violence. We’re unveiling one song per day until the the release party on April 14.

Song of the day: Catalina La O — “Se Nos Rompio El Amor”

And now for something completely different. Catalina La O is the new project of Khattie Q, formerly of the politi-punk band BLXPLTN. If you got to see Catalina La O at Bill Ball 2 last fall, you were treated to something completely unexpected — a bracing display of powerhouse vocals, belted out over a paired-down rock band arrangement totally designed to spotlight the emotion of the song and the singer. Like wandering into David Lynch’s night club Silencio, it was at once beguiling and captivating.

“Se Nos Rompio El Amor” is an epic ballad first made famous by Spanish singer Rocio Jurado, and the band is fully dedicated to it. After a long instrumental intro, Khattie’s first whisper draws you into the emotional turmoil of the song. Soon she and the band reach great heights, draw things back down again, then explode into a finale that will leave you spent (the title of the song means “We broke love”). A truly powerful performance by a talent we’ll be keeping an eye on for a long time. — Eric Braden

PreOrder Slack Capital 2 HERE.

Release Show on April 14th at Barracuda!

Fresh Music from Jasmine Minks

Those of you who’ve followed the history, not just the hype, of Creation Records will surely find new music from The Jasmine Minks exciting. There’s a classic nod in the songwriting, letting melody slowly float from the microphone as guitars drift upwards and other musical accompaniment fills in the space. But, more important is the fact that the money raised from this new 7″ all goes to Motor Neuron Disease research, which has affected the band personally (guitarist Wattie’s brother suffers from MND). It’s a good cause, and a great song, so order the new 7″ HERE. They’ll also be playing some shows to benefit the cause if you’re over on that side of the pond…check their Facebook.

PLAZA Unveil New Single

While the following PLAZA tune is just over three minutes, I feel like it covers a lot of territory; there’s a lot of movement within the confines of the song. The band pulls back, lets guitars ring out and vocals soar, only to return to a semi-stationary spot. There’s this light-hearted quality that’s central to the song too, allowing for the band’s focus on melody to enter playfully before guitars screech and squall to match the distant shouted vocal. It all ends with a huge crash to close the tune out, showing us all that the band aims to create a huge sound with the release of their debut EP on April 14th via Behind the Wall Records.

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Breezy Rocker From B Boys

B Boys are a Brooklyn three piece making high intensity punk gems, or it least that seems to be the case on this new song/video.The sound on “Energy” reminds me of Ought in a lot of ways– the vocals are a bit detached from the instruments, but their delivery builds over the course of the track, spiraling out of control in to a barrage of quick lyrics in the last thirty seconds. To put it frankly, there’s a lot of Energy going on in the song as well as the video below, guitars cut through the mix with persistent punk intensity while front man spits line after line at you with a tone that only grows more heated. Take a peak below and just try not to feel amped up for the rest of your day.

Dada, the band’s upcoming full-length, will be out June 16th viaCaptured Tracks. Keep your ears to the ground for more from B Boys.


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