Guantanamo Baywatch Aim to Keep Garage Rock Alive

While the spectre of garage rock still looms in the musical air, fewer and fewer acts are sticking to the genre at its purest (or as we ascribed it). Guantanamo Baywatch return with Desert Center, and just a slight hint at the sound they helped to repopularize. But, they’ve added a bit more boogie, a bit more soulfulness, all kicked on by the rolling drum work that opens the tune. There’s little musical stutters and exuberant shouts, and by the time the song hits its midway, you’ll be thinking that the band are perhaps as far removed as they could get themselves. Can’t wait to hear the new record, as these guys always have a secret hit or two saved for your ears until you buy the LP; it hits on August 4th via Suicide Squeeze.

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