This Tall Friend Single Is a Winner

There are some bands that don’t have to do too much to win you over, and I’ll admit that I don’t think Tall Friend are really crafting anything brand new. That being said, the execution of their style makes this new tune simply irresistible. At first, the bubbly bass grabs you, then drums and guitar slowly trickle into the show. Something about the vocal work of Charlie Pfaff has my head spinning; how can no one love this song as much as I love it right now! And, just wait, as the guitars build and build against each other, ending in an abrasive closing moment. I can’t wait for Safely Nobody’s to hit onAugust 11th.

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Another Slotface Hit

This year has seen the return of Paramore, but I’m going to place my bets on Slotface to be the new face of pop rock n’ roll. Even in talking about the latest single, the band said they focused on building the hook first, then worked out the rest of the track accordingly. There’s a stuttering from the bass work that’s cut through the middle by distorted riffs, all the while Haley Shea hits every note possible. The young Norwegians are already making a huge name for themselves, but you can expect them to continue to impress when they drop Try Not to Freak Out on September 15th via Propeller Recordings.

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Sleek Groove From Warhaus

Nathan and I were on the fence on this track from Warhaus, but the more that I listen, the more that I can’t get enough. Warhaus, if you weren’t already familiar, is the solo project ofMaarten Devoldere of Balthazarout of Brussels and if this track is any inclination of how great the rest of their tracks are, then you should probably explore their whole discography ASAP as I’m going to do. “Love’s A Stranger” is three and a half minutes of ultimate coolness. Devoldere’s vocals are confident and deep–you may imagine him donning a leather jacket and smoking as he delivers the lyrics to you. These deep set vocals are livened by some crisp female pipeswhile the instrumentation is a steady slow groove of guitar and jazzy percussion with synth motifs that will surely stay in your brain for days. Keep your ear to the ground for more from Warhaus.


New Young Guv Tune

I love how Ben Cook continues to move towards the dancer side of his musical repertoire. While he’s spent a great deal of time with guitar in hand for Fucked Up, his own offerings as Young Guv tend to take on a whole new playful role. The guitars have an underlying shimmer, synths pump through the mix and you’ll find a nice little coat of wash atop the vocals…it all leads to his latest hit that will have you clamoring for more. It also comes with a great little video created by Tristan CM, who has created some audio postcards to go with Guv’s forthcoming releases. Look for the Traumatic 7″ via Slumberland Records this Friday.

Slow Burner from Blue Movies

Today is my last day of real life work for some time, so I’ve got nothing but time for solid contemplation…that’s precisely where this Blue Movies tune comes into play. While the song stretches near six minutes, you’ve got plenty of time to digest the careful drum work and drifting guitar notes as they fade into the distance. Vocals are fairly solemn, almost whispered; there’s also something really familiar in the way the words are turned, I just can’t place it. You’ll find this track on the band’s new record, Disenchantment, which just dropped.

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New Single And Video From Lea Porcelain

I’m looking to shake things up a bit today with this unique and creative new single from Berlin based Lea Porcelain. When I say shaking things up, I simply mean a song like “A Year From Here” is a little different when compared to things I normally post. Here me out though, as this song is truly beautiful and trance inducing. I also find the track mellowing me out as we speak with it’s droning effect and repetitive rhythms. Check out the new single with accompanying video below. You’ll be glad you did.

Debut album Hymns to the Night is coming on June 16th.

More From Trevor Sensor

Today, Trevor Sensor has released the title track from his upcoming release, Andy Warhol’s Dream, and it is yet another solid track from the gentleman. While his earlier work reminded me a whole lot of The Tallest Man on Earth, it seems that Sensor has found his stride in expanding his sound towards an americana direction. You still get the ever haggard and rough vocals that you’ve come to love from this artist, but the piano really shines as a bright and clean counterpart to the grit of Sensor’s voice. Take a listen below and then go pre-order his new album here.

Andy Warhol’s Dream will be out June 16 via Jagjaguwar.

She Sir Returns With New Album

Those of you that know of my appreciation for indiepop and the like will surely be aware of how much I adore Austin’s She Sir. Today we’re here with this brand new tune to announce the release of their new LP, Rival Island. Even if you’re not aware of the band, this is a great place to start, as the guitar work here is exactly what makes the band so special…sometimes it’s jangling, sometimes it’s circular, sometimes it’s dreamy. Russell’s voice sounds perfect behind it all (soft and understated), providing what continues to seem like effortless pop of the best sort. There are few, if any, that do it better than She Sir, so look for the new album from Shelflife on July 21st.

Enjoy a New Gambles Tune

Since I stumbled upon Gambles way back when, I’ve always been drawn to his songs. Sometimes they’re pretty stark, much like this new tune he just put up; it only moves beyond vocals and light guitar strums at the 2 minute mark. When you hit that mark, the production swirls filling in the space with choral vocals and added layers that build the song beyond a mere folk ballad. Thereare hints of a new release, as his work is always prolific and ever-changing (he claims these are love songs). A certain Joshua Tillman behind the production board could hint at a certified hit coming our way very soon.

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