Show Pics: Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile @ ACL Live (11/11)

We have a little bonus show coverage today.

While I was eating tacos and getting melt-faced over at Emo’s, we had an opportunity to send in a photographer to take in the magic of Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile performing at ACL Live. I was a little bummed to miss this one, but my priority was with the Sound On Sound team. I was supposed to be out standing in the field, after all.

Anyway, click through. You’ll get to experience the show via the lens of Rick Kern, bearded dude and all-around good human.

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Stream the Debut LP from Odd Hope

Ever since I first heard Odd Hope, I wanted to share it with people. But, until recently there have only been a handful of tunes floating about…until today…you can now string the debut LP in its entirety. While the more spirited numbers are always appealing, like “We Belong” or “Come On Down if You Want To,” there are still some more subdued tunes within that really emphasize the songwriting ability of Tim Tinderholt. If you like your pop music written for no one, then this is perfect for every one. The self-titled LP will be available from Fruits and Flowers on December 1st.

Upbeat Number from Fascinations Grand Chorus

Fascinations Grand Chorus have a full-length in the works, but in the meantime they wanted to drop a little EP for your pleasure. “When You’re Mine” looks back at classic pop music with Stephanie coming across like the best of the doc-wop era. That being said, the keyboard line that drives this song is catchy as all get out, and really sets the tone for the track. Sure, the song’s lighthearted, but the depth of the studio work illustrates that they’ll surely be more than a one-trick pony. Indulge your sweet tooth with this one; look for the Anglesea EP on December 8th via Silent Stereo.

Show Preview: Shana Falana @ Cheer Up Charlies – TONIGHT

In 2016 Shana Falana released the most excellent Here Comes the Wave, and still riding high on the release; the band heads into Austin this evening at Cheer Up Charlies. You’ll get a steady dose of female-fronted dream-pop, akin to Wax Idols or Frankie Rose. They’ll be joined by several Austin acts, with our own Blushing joining the ranks of Lake of Fire and Angry Beige to round out the bill put together by the Nothing Song. The tune below is still my favorite Shana Falana tune off the last record…such a gem. See ya’ll tonight!

Another Tune from Hovvdy

Austin’s kicking some ass this week…Marmalakes, Loma, Little Mazarn and now another track from Hovvdy. This one is another slow burner, akin to the early 00s post rock scene…think of a weird meld between American Football and Bedhead. It’s impressive how they take the most relaxed approach; this song burns like a smoldering fire, warm but always seemingly near its end. Each continued play only brings the song nearer to you, giving you a gift you’ll take with you for the foreseeable future. They’ll release Cranberry on February 9th via Double Double Whammy.

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