Slept on This Behavior Video/Tune

Although you can see the lights in the blogosphere starting to dim, we still get a huge number of emails all the time about new music, which I love. But, sometimes, you can’t squeeze everything into your listening, like this Behavior track. It was sent by a friend, so I went back and fell in love. In a sense, it reminds me of what I sort of wish had come out of the NYC scene of the early 00s…there’s touches of Strokes/Walkmen/French Kicks here, but the effortless cool doesn’t seemed donned for approval, rather an innate quality that lets the band throw jazzier elements into the mix atop jangling little guitar notes. It’s honestly like the band truly doesn’t give a fuck, they’re going to craft their own sound, and I love it. They’ll be releasing Spirits & Embellishments on October 18th via Post Present Medium.

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