SXSW Interview: The Bobby Lees
If you haven’t started making your band list for SXSW, you better get cracking now before you run out of time. One of the bands near the top of my list is Woodstock, NY based outfit The Bobby Lees. Having never seen the band live before, I’m pumped to experience the raw energy and fire in a proper venue. Hit the jump for the band’s responses to our pressing questions.
ATH: Whats the name of the band/group? Where are you from?
The Bobby Lees
Woodstock, NY
ATH: Describe your groups sound.
The worst new metal band you’ve ever heard.
ATH: What was your most recent release? Any planned releases from 2020?
We just put out a single called “Coin” and were putting out a cover of Bo Diddleys “Im a Man” next week. Our new album comes out May 8th on Alive Natural Sound Records.
ATH: For most SXSW sets, you get 30 minutes to leave a lasting impression. Whats your plan of attack? You have a set list mapped out yet?
You wanna know how I got these scars?
ATH: Lets say your band has been booked an official showcase at a pop up venue somewhere in the middle of 6th street. The lineup features thrash metal, hip-hop, spoken word, and you. The sound is horrible, the lineup is not your style, and the crowd is growing antsy. How would your band deal with such a situation?
We’d start publicly masturbating.
ATH: There are tons of bands coming into town. Of the 1000+ bands coming into town, who would you ideally like to play with. Which band friends will be here?
None of our friends bands will be here but were excited to hear a bunch of new shit.
ATH: What has everyone in the band been listening to, or, what plays in the tour van/car/bus?
Rat motel, The Stools, Radattack, Fishbone, Limp Bizquit, Frank Sinatra
ATH: Describe your perfect festival, real or not? Whos headlining? Wheres it take place? Etc.
Weekend at the Black Lagoon, we love you Kevin.
ATH: Whats on the bands rider? If were bringing you food and booze, what can we bring you?
Fun dip and Ring pops for Kendall. 3 copies of the Prisoner of Azkaban by Jim Dale for Macky. Sam and Nick don’t want anything.
ATH: The band gets to create their own taco pop-up shop at SXSW? Whats the name, and what sort of tacos will you have? Any sides?
Naked Lloyds. Well serve you anything you like.
Thanks again for making the time to do this!
The Bobby Lees actually have a ton of SXSW shows currently lined up. You can see all of them on their tour page.