Janelane Shares Ask Me Why Single

Spring is here, well in Austin at least, so what better than a little dash of sunny pop vibes, courtesy of LA’s Janelane. You might recognize the band, as they released a nice 7″ via Kingfisher Bluez, and with a new single, perhaps there’s more on the way from Sophia Negrini and company. This new track hits all the perfect pop notes, pulling airy jangle notes into a galloping frolic as Negrini’s voice warmly serenades the listener. Personally, I love how this track never quite dives right into the formulaic manner of this genre; it’s got the same infectious nods as an Alvvays, per se, but the chorus just hangs out on the mellower side, hitting dreamier notes rather than bursting into current pop tropes. Keep your eyes peeled, as there’s more deliciousness to come your way.

SXSW Interviews: Good Looks

SXSW is under way, with music pretty much in full swing now. But, we’ve got last interview to drop in your laps from our friends in Good Looks. We’ve covered several of the group’s singles from their forthcoming LP, Bummer Year, but here’s a closer look at the group, with a jam linked with our approval. Check out their SXSW dates after the interview!

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Yea-Ming and the Rumours Share By the Sea Video

I’m not sure where you are in the world, but you’d be best served to settle down and enjoy So, Bird, the new LP from Yea-Ming and the Rumours. Today, I’m excited to share one a new video for one of the album’s standout tunes, “By the Sea.” It’s a wistfully penned track, with Yea-Ming Chen’s vocal performance engraining itself in your mind; there’s something about it that just feels other-worldly, stuck in some purgatory between 60s chanteuse and modern dream pop. Of course, the musical elements only highlight the vocals, careful not to get in the way, with careful strums and meandering notes hanging in the distance, lifting Chen’s voice to intoxicating levels; I, admittedly, can’t get this song or its performance out of my head today. If you’re enjoying, and why wouldn’t you, you can grab So, Bird from Dandy Boy Records!

La Bonte Share Angel Video + Prep New EP

This Spring, LA based La Bonte will be releasing their new Grist for the Mill EP, and with that come this great new single from the band for opening track, “Angel.” The song burns ever so slowly, matching the movement of the water in the visualizer. While the folk tendencies pervade the tune, there’s a certain heaviness that builds and builds, allowing the guitars to churn and twist beneath the mix and really drive the song into this beautifully stretched darkness. The exhibited patience allows everything to swell and move through the song’s six minutes, so leave bread crumbs behind as you’re mind is quite likely to get lost in the immersive experience. Grist for the Mill drops on April 29th.

Crake Share Bobbie Single

Fika Recordings latest signing, Crake, have just dropped another single from their new LP, and dammit if I’m not stuck on the chorus of this song. Rowan Sandle has this distinctive voice, bordering on the highest of notes, though approached with heavy tones simultaneously; it’s a beautifully dizzying. But, this song really hits home when it hits the 48 second mark, turning into this beautiful stretch of understated melody, riding back into the next verse ever so casually. I dare you to listen through this whole song and not be charmed by the group’s offering; I’m totally awestruck by how much joy I’ve been able to extract from this track…so soothing. Their album, Human’s Worst Habits, will be out on May 25th via Fika.

SXSW Interviews: Ceramic Animal

SXSW is underway, and with that, we’ve got one more interview to get up for you. Today we’ve got Ceramic Animal answering our questions. The band just dropped their great new record, Sweet Unknown, last week, which you can stream right below. Indulge yourself, then read more about the group after the jump.

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US Highball Share Let’s Save Bobby Orlando’s House

I’ve been a fan of James Hindle and Calvin Halliday since their Pooches days, and their latest US Highball single takes their jangling joyousness and spins it in a little bit more sedate tone. It’s not that the duo lose any of their melodic hooks, rather they just soften the edges, putting them more in line with the likes of Lucksmiths or Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness; I don’t mind that one bit. It’s a classic pop sound, soaked in harmony and sampled beats, whetting the appetite for the release of their forthcoming A Parkhead Cross of the Mind, dropping on March 25th via Lame-O Records.

Stream Posmic’s Sun Hymns EP

Posmic is a relatively new band featuring members of Post Pink and Wildhoney, and their new Sun Hymns EP is officially available for your indulgence as you go on your day. It’s going to be impossible to pigeonhole the group, as each song on this EP seems to branch into varying genres, dabbling in elements of psychedelic pop or touching on fuzzy power pop or linking up with more modern notes. “Whirly King,” for instance, sounds like the band said “Parquet Courts are cool, but what if they made less spastic pop jams with dueling vocal melodies?” Then there are other tunes that feel like the band’s DC area locale bleeds into the tunes, such as on “Mynah Hymn.” And don’t miss out by jamming to a few tunes, as “Black and Blue” is one of the EP’s secret weapons! Sun Hymns is officially out tomorrow via Let’s Pretend Records.

SXSW Interviews: Constant Follower

I spent a lot of last year hyping Constant Follower, particularly around the release of Neither Is, Nor Ever Was. So, I’m really excited to see the band coming over here to play SXSW this year. We were fortunate enough to grab a few moments from the band and have them fill out our little questionnaire, with one of their hits below to sample.

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No Suits in Miami Sign with Shelflife

We’re big fans of Swedish hitmakers No Suits in Miami, and it looks like we’re not the only ones out there, as the group just announced they’re signing up with Shelflife to help release their new record. We’ve covered a few of the singles attached below, but when groups you love go big, you’ve got to send out a reminder. The four songs below all offer a tethered dream pop vibe, though I think each one illustrates the diversity the group aim to bring to Nothing Ever Happens; I think I’m definitely backing “Buffy” as one of my favorite tunes on this whole LP. The whole album drops on March 25th, but pressing play below allows you to sample four great pop tunes!

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