Parallel Share Blister Video

There’s such an incredibly vibrant scene going on in Oakland these days, and I’d love to add Parallel to that list, especially now that they’ve officially announced Flooded. There’s certainly a familiarity in the sound, with ringing guitars introducing a melodic element; it’s bright and crisp, despite darker intentions hanging about. Soft vocals accompany the sound, like a a voice from the past just whispering through, light and airy; the heavier vocal creeps in during the verse, building in this bit of inner turmoil, taking the song into the shadowy realms. At times, you can hear similarities to shoegaze and the like, but it’s almost as if the band’s not entirely convinced there, choosing instead to make it entirely their own sound, with genre nods merely there as a foundation. The band are slated to release Flooded on July 10th via Play Alone and Cherub Dream.


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