SXSW Interviews: Doe
Last year the Doe released Some Things Last Longer Than You to rave reviews, and they’ve opted to follow up their success by bringing their energetic pop rock to the States for SXSW. We briefly caught up with the entire group to give you a little insight into what they’re all about, as well as toss in a sample track from their last album, which is available via Old Flame now.
ATH:For a lot of bands, this is their first time coming to SXSW, Austin, or even the United States. What are you anticipating for your arrival into our town? Anything youre really hoping to do (again) while youre here?
Jake: Weve all been to the states individually before but this is our first time doing SXSW. I think the three things that literally everyone thats been before has told us itll be is a) chaotic, b) crazy hot and c) amazing, so I think were just anticipating a week of being on our feet all day in the scorching heat but having the best time haha. I went a couple of times nearly 10 years now ago but was only there for a day each time, so Im really looking forward to being there the whole week and with two of my favourite people! I had one of the best Bloody Marys of my life at The Jackalope so I want to go back there and see if theyre still as good.
ATH:For most SXSW sets, you get 30 minutes to leave a lasting impression. What’s your plan of attack? You have a set list mapped out yet?
Nicola: Were planning to mostly play stuff from the album, but when the audience least expect it BOOM well throw in a new song or a golden oldie and they wont even know weve done it cos they probably dont know any of the songs. Weve got a cover ready in-case of emergencies.
ATH:The festival caters to music fans, but food and booze are an important aspect of the fans and the bands. What’s your band’s food and beverage of choice?
Dean: Tasty vegan treats and grape soda.
Jake: Seconded. We all really love pizza too. Real cheese, vegan cheese, no cheese, whatever, its ALL good. If you have a friend or partner that doesnt like pizza then you should re-evaluate your relationship immediately.
ATH:Describe the music community where you come from – Does everyone work together? Is there lots of competition?
Nicola: Its great that we live in London because theres so much going on here, theres a lot of support in different communities and if you come across something that maybe isnt so supportive its easy to avoid for the most part. The people we surround ourselves with are only too happy to share contacts, information, etc and thats definitely played a big part in us getting to do a lot of cool things along the way. Like with anything, theres some politics and competition involved, but for the most part its all good and healthy and you fuel each other.
ATH:What are a few bands we in Austin and the States might not know about that should be on everyones musical radar?
Dean: Alan J
Jake: Charmpit and Brunch.
Nicola: The Spook School (who are playing SXSW), Slowcoaches and Shit Present.
ATH:Let’s say your band has been booked an official showcase at a pop up venue somewhere in the middle of 6th street (where a lot of shows are set up). The lineup features thrash metal, hip-hop, spoken word, and you. The sound is horrible, the lineup is not your style, and the crowd seems angry at the world. How would your band deal with such a situation?
Jake: We have a backup Slipknot cover set for such an occasion.
ATH:What’s your favorite album to come out in the last year? What’s playing in the tour bus/van?
Nicola: I loved Out of the Garden by Tancred which came out last year, so thatll be playing somewhere in the airwaves but also live because as luck would have it theyre playing SXSW.
Dean: I havent heard anything better than Frank Oceans Blonde since its release.
Jake: Break by Slingshot Dakota. It came out a little under a year ago but Ive only picked up on it in the last month! Its so good though, I love all the distorted synths and the drum sound is killer.
ATH:What are your band’s thoughts on and experiences with streaming services like Spotify, Pandora, Youtube etc? Are you sticking to services like Bandcamp to sell and distribute?
Nicola: Obviously making money from your music is becoming (has become) a lot harder as an artist, but on the flip side its incredible that you can access huge audiences through streaming services and you kind of have to evolve with the way people consume music. Its fun occasionally getting 0.00005p in royalties
ATH:Clearly coming over to the SxSW to play shows is something a lot of bands are excited about, but what are some other life or musical highlights for you this year? Wed like to get to know you.
Jake: This year is shaping up to be super busy for us and we have a bunch of things happening that I hope will be both life and musical highlights. Lots of fun shows and touring and a second record if we have time! Every year since we started has been a little more exciting than the last and hopefully that will continue to be the case.
ATH:Arent you happy we didnt ask about Trump?
Nicola: Im sorry.
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