Colin Miller Announces Hook EP

There’s a certain brand of artist that make you feel like you’re capable of penning your own heartfelt songs, and on Colin Miller is one such artist. Sitting here listening to the lead single from the forthcoming Hook EP, and I feel like I could sit down and write something as strikingly beautiful and personal as this; I’d record it on a 4 track, giving just a faint hint of tape hiss that establishes bedroom intimacy between myself and the listener. Everyone would be charmed and rush to play my songs on repeat, put them on mixes and buy all my stuff on Bandcamp Fridays! But alas, that’s just how Colin Miller made be feel, like I could do it too, like I could be in on the craft. But alas I can’t, so I’ll do the next best thing and pick up the new Hook EP from Oof Records on March 19th.

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