The Small Intestines Share Old Town

If you’re of a certain listening habit, and you know who you are, you’re definitely seeing the Small Intestines as one of the year’s most anticipated records. The Aussie outfit features members of Chook Race and Peach Happening working together between projects to create something new and exciting. Employing sharp angular chops is always going to be an easy way to grab my attention, but it’s hard not to fall in love with the dual vocal approach from Matt and Tristan as it breeds a sense of natural camaraderie that makes being in a band so much fun. Personally, I love the recording a lot too, the cymbal work gets captures perfectly, so its not all smashing drums and bass grooves; it rules. Hide in Time might be your favorite LP of the year; it drops on September 29th via Lost and Lonesome/Meritorio.

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