Los Campesinos! On Daytrotter

loscampCombine one of our favorite bands Los Campesinos! with one of our favorite sites Daytrotter, and you can expect a post on the ol ATH.  The indie popsters recorded a session for the site over the weekend and we’ve been jamming it in our offices.  Head over to check out the awesomely long set.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/los-campesinos-you-me-dancing.mp3]

Download: Los Campesinos! – You! Me! Dancing! [MP3]

What Laura Says On Daytrotter

Over the weekend recent ATH fave What Laura Says recorded a live session on one of our favorite websites Daytrotter over the weekend.  The live set features 4 songs and includes this awesome unreleased version of “I Suppose”.  Check out the whole thing now and tell us what you think.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/what-laura-says-i-suppose.mp3]

Download: What Laura Says – I Suppose [MP3]

Corto Maltese on Daytrotter

cortoWe love the project over at Daytrotter, especially when they do work with local Austin bands. Corto Maltese is one of the younger bands around town who are making a name for themselves. Their Daytrotter session is full of four unreleased songs recorded during SXSW. Unfortunately, the band have no current shows lined up, but at least we have these new songs.


Download: Corto Maltese – Providence (Daytrotter Session) [MP3]

Here We Go Magic on Daytrotter

magicDaytrotter has just put up a brand new session with Luke Temple and Here We Go Magic. Lucky for the fans, this session has a brand new track to offer you, not to mention it has a few reworkings of other tunes from the band’s self-titled debut, Here We Go Magic.  If you like what you hear from this band, be sure to check them out on tour in Austin with Grizzly Bear in June.


Download: Here We Go Magic – Collector [MP3]

Kevin Devine @ Stubbs (5/12)

kd Kevin Devine seems to have been around forever, and his shows are always an intimate affair worthy of your listening.  You can catch Kevin tonight at Stubbs playing his most recent album Brother’s Blood.  And, you can also head over to Daytrotter to catch a recently recorded set he did for those good folks.  Here’s a track from that session.


Download: Kevin Devine -Carnival (Daytrotter Session) [MP3]

Illinois On Daytrotter

illinoisSo here’s our obligatory Daytrotter post of the week… The always stellar live music website just posted a session by Pennsylvannia band Illinois that we’ve been enjoying. We caught this band during SXSW a couple years ago and sort of forgot about them until now.  Check out the 4 song session now or listen to “Are You Coming With Me?” below.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/illinois-are-you-coming-with-me.mp3]

Download: Illinois – Are You Coming With Me [MP3]

Daytrotter SXSW Sessions

20030654-3737972Damn you Daytrotter!  We promised these people no more posts about Glasvegas and then you go and do this!  What we’re talking about is a new series of live performances on the Daytrotter website featuring bands recorded during SXSW.  The sessions are extra special because each band takes a few of their songs and turns them into acoustic mini-ballads.  Right now the site has sessions posted by our very own Strange Boys and of course ATH favorite Glasvegas.  Check out this cry yourself to sleep at night version of Geraldine (also one of our songs of ’08).  Keep checking back to daytrotter often as more sessions are said to be on the way.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/glasvegas-sxsw-session-geraldine.mp3]

Download: Glasvegas – Geraldine (live/acoustic) [MP3]

New Tunes from Dent May

dentIt’s hard not to love a man with a ukulele. First, there was Stephin Merritt, and now the indie world has given us Dent May. We loved his debut album, and right now we’ll gladly get our hands on anything the man will put out, so when Daytrotter released an unreleased song, we jumped on it so as to bring it to you. Here is “Eastover Wivez.”


Download: Dent May – Eastover Wivez [MP3]

Bob Mould on Daytrotter

bobNormally we wouldn’t just throw Daytrotter session after session in your face, but that site is the place to be, as they’ve gathered two greats in their studios. Earlier this week it was Stephen Malkmus, and now it’s our Number One Gay Dude That Rocks, Bob Mould. The man goes into the studio to play four new songs off his upcoming album for Anti Records titled Life and Times. This track is a great preview into the album, as is the entire session.


Download: Bob Mould – I’m Sorry Baby But You Cant Stand in My Light [MP3]

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