Revisiting the Cosmos

The Cosmos are a now defunct rock n’ roll outfit from San Fran, featuring members that went on to participate in bands like Terry Malts and Dominant Legs, among others. Not too long ago they compiled their songs from the 2001-2004 years, and gave them a proper tape release. Why does that matter today? Well, for one, if you listen, you’ll see they were ahead of their time, as I can hear tons of modern acts in the stuff they were creating. Also, the band just decided to up and let you download that compilation of songs for absolutely free, though I warn you, these are working musicians and they all deserve a few bucks from you. Slow news week, so why not write about shit that rules?

Big Bill Residency and Brand New Single

Our long time favorites, and ATH Records alumni, Big Bill are here to make sure that the month of June is as exciting as ever; they’re kicking off a residency at The Electric Church this very night! They’ll bring along their friends every Friday and provide you with an evening of great Austin music and, likely, sweaty fun.

In celebration of their residency, the band has just uploaded a brand new single (rumored to be on a forthcoming LP). I love the playful exuberance in the song, especially once they get things going with the shuffling guitar chords and rolling drums. This could be the hit dance crazeof the summer (I think most showgoers in Austin already have it down!). Come on out to the Electric Church tonight and be sure to buy the song from the band so they can go make you more hits!

Stream Tincho’s Nos Vemos EP

TINCHO-PROMO-PICA couple of weeks ago I shared with you guys a new single from up and coming Seattle based outfit Tincho and many of you have requested to hear more. Well today your wishes are granted with a stream of Tincho’s entire new EP Nos Vemos! I’ve already shared my comparisons with my previous posts so now I simply recommend that you spend some time with this 5 song album today. I promise you won’t regret it.

You can also get a download of the EP for only $2 over on bandcamp. $2 only!

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3579354903 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=63b2cc tracklist=false artwork=small]

Check Out the SXSW Preview Guide

SXSWMusicBloggerGuide-IGThere’s only a few times in the year when I bite off more than I can chew, and this whole SXSW time is one of them…but I’m always happy. Not only have I been helping SXSWfm with a radio podcast, but I also have been working behind the scenes on their preview guide for the festival…along with other notables like OVRLD, Sterogum and Pigeons and Planes. Short version…it’s live. Check it out below.

SXSW Preview Guide

Great New Track from The Black Watch

12189194_900374606710510_95011315810630846_oI’ve got the utmost respect for The Black Watch, who’ve been consistently releasing great albums for the last 20 (+) years. They’re constantly playing with varying directions, yet sounding wholly original as lead songwriter J.A. Fredrick ignores all the modern musical trappings. Personally, I think this lead single from their forthcoming Highs & Lows album sounds like one of their best tracks, period. It’s got a great sound coming from the guitars, brimming with really bright chords that ring out perfectly in your ears. The vocals have this deep tone to them, smoothed out in just the right places to make the song an undeniable hit. Pick up the album on December 4th on Pop Culture Press Records.

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Pollen Polish Off Some Pop Songs

pollI was fairly unaware of Pollen until the other day, but having hit upon the group’s new single, I’m now going back and devouring their catalog, whilst looking forward for more tunes. This track’s a great little gem, operating on a strummed guitar, simple percussion and a lo-fi aesthetic that still sounds incredibly charming to me. Having been quiet for nearly a decade, the band are set to burst in 2016 with a slew of new songs and four albums, including their upcoming album, Confidence Will Kill You. It’s all being handled by Royal Mint Records who have a very limited 7″ out now, with more music to come in January.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More Fresh News from Le Rug

lerug2Not too long ago we brought you news of Le Rug and their new release, Game Over. It’s said to be a collection of 70+ songs on both cassette and digital formats via Fleeting Youth Records, and while that may sound daunting, I think everyone is going to get more than their fill. On the latest teen there’s almost a nostalgic late emo feel, akin to early Say Anything. Still, there’s this wild indifference to the polish and production, which makes these songs rather endearing to listeners, ignoring expectations in order to just rock ahead. Look for the release from FYR on November 20th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATX Spotlight: Isaiah the Mosaic Release Heroin Island

isaiahIsaiah the Mosaic has been making waves in the Austin music community for the last few years, but interestingly enough, they don’t have too much recorded material to offer the masses, aside from their Systems EP. Perhaps some change is on the horizon as the group have just released a brand new single for your ears. It’s got trickling samples working in the front of the song, waiting for the entrance of the warm washing vocals. The pace is relaxed, offering more a steadying hand to the group’s electronic dream world; I will say the live setting is always far from relaxed, so it’s nice to hear a studio version. Hopefully we hear more from the group in the near future.


Dark Wave Tune from The Black Ships

deadempiresI love everything about this track, and I loved it from the moment I pressed play. It opens with a darkly tinged guitar line, setting the mood for the listener before the drums enter with a synth wash to coat the track in that beautifully warm feel many of us adore. If you’re one of those music fans still holding on to the pop of the 80s, then you’re going to find yourself playing and replaying this track from The Black Ships, who’ve just announced a new LP. This new effort is titled Dead Empires and is slated for a December 4th release date.


Download: The Black Ships – Dead Empires [MP3]

ATX Spotlight: More New Tiger Waves Tunes

Tiger WavesAfter being relatively quiet for the last few years, the boys (and female friends) in Tiger Waves have been really hard at work. Today they unleashed another single they’ve been sitting on, and this time you’ve got two jams to get lost inside. Listening through, I’m continuously impressed by the band’s disregard for modern tropes, choosing instead to forge their own path. Take a listen to the second tune, “Turns to Sky,” which seems to employ the Brian Wilson everything and the kitchen sink method. Even with filling the space with sound, they still craft these undeniable melodies that you can’t pull yourself away from. Still no word on when all this comes out, or how, but when it does, it is destined to be well-loved.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

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