Album Premiere: Mythical Motors

Mythical Motors - Selections lo-resIt’s not a typical thing for us to premiere an entire album stream on our website, but when it’s full of quality like this Mythical Motors album, we’re down for whatever. So basically what we have here is a career spanning compilation of singles entitled Selections From the Psychics Museum which features 22 songs spanning the Chattanooga based bands entire career. With so many songs for you to dive into, it may seem overwhelming at first for those unacquainted with the band. I say to you, patience my friends, I’m sure everyone can find something to enjoy and take with them. After a few spins, “Full Breathing Costume”, is a favorite of mine. This one is for fans of bands like Guided by Voices, Times New Viking, or even a local band like The Midgetmen. Check it out below.

Fall Break Records will release a limited run of cassettes as a physical release on May 27th.

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Single Premiere: Residuels

unnamed (3)My old friend Mike, formerly of Night Panther, pointed me towardsthis new project of his the other day. Going by the name Residuels, the group play their very own version of garage inspired, guitar heavy rock and roll music. Today I’m pleased to share with you their rockin’ new single entitled “Ordinary”. I’m immediately having this image of a snarling lead singer with a backing band who are keeping the energy levels turned to 11. Impressive debut guys.

This song is part of a 7″ single release on vinyl which can be purchased from Born Losers Records here right now. Official ship date is Friday, May 13th.

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Song Premiere: Apartment 3

Apartment3stooppicbetterJust the other day, Burlington, VT based Apartment 3 reached out to me in hopes we’d premiere their latest single here on ATH. After you hit play on this new track “Winter is Over”, I’m sure you’ll immediately see why I jumped at the chance. At its core, this is a garage rock tune with some elements of psych rock and penetrating vocals unlike other typical bands from the genre. I’m sure many of you out there can agree that this is clearly a talented band that we all need to start paying attention to. Better start now before they hit it big.

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New Music from Hollow FortyFives

10854948_481098848714403_3012434106806134452_oThe dudes from Hollow FortyFives have graced our pages before, but now that they’ve got a new track in the mix, we should go ahead and give that a push. This track pushes on the band’s garage rock tendencies, but continues to push melodies into the mix. I really appreciate the fact that there’s such clarity in the vocals, which isn’t always the case. I look forward to seeing what these guys come up with, as a new song generally means there’s a new release right around the corner. Happy Monday folks.

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Washer Blasts Out a Hit

washedoutI was immediately hooked on this new Washer single; it’s got discordant guitars ringing in your ear, but the vocal is what really got me into the tune.  There’s a familiarity in it, almost like early Braid, but then it takes on a scratchy yell to add some emphasis towards the end.  In less than two-minutes the band packs a huge punch to your eardrums, but they don’t stick around long enough to wear you out.  This tune’s definitely winning me over, which encourages me to pick up the band’s Split EP with Flagland when it hits on May 5th.

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Sick Sad World Garage Rock Supreme

sswI’m sure everyone is waiting for some new genre to break through to the masses, but in the meantime the combination of surf/garage rock is still alive and kicking…and it always deserves mention when it’s done as well as Sick Sad World‘s new single.  There’s a propulsive drum beat, though nothing outlandish; it holds the beat perfectly for the guitar work of Jake Jones to kick in with some solid power riffs.  Say what you want about the genre growing weary, but when it’s execute this well, I can’t help but turn it up and rock on out.  Look for the band’s new album, Fear and Lies, on April 21st via Help Yourself Records.

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Sun Voyager Full Steam Ahead

sunnyJust because they released an EP a few weeks ago doesn’t mean the boys in Sun Voyager can’t come right back with another single for your ears. The three-piece have again caught my ear with another slice of solid psych-influenced garage rock, the likes of Ty Segall.  This song slowly trudges along, capturing your ear whilst operating at a slow pace.  You’ll find yourself drifting in and out with this song, which is the perfect way to spend the midweek, if you’re asking me.  No words yet on a new album or EP, but I reckon at this pace, it’s just around the corner.

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I Love This New Wand Rocker

lordoftheringsOne of the more surprising efforts from last year was the debut from Wand, Ganglion Reef. It was an album filled with a great deal of modern tropes, from psych to garage, but it looks like they’ve focused more on the garage side, only they’ve turned up the volume a touch.  Their latest single has the band blasting in furiously, thought it slows down around the 2 minute mark for a nice walk in the park, all before smashing everything to bits as the song draws to a close.  In the Red will release their new effort, Golem, on March 17th of this year; it should be another great listen if we’re judging one song.

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Garage Jam From Desert Stars

desert starsRejoice, it is Friday! While it may not be the weekend just quite yet, nothing is a better transition from the gritty work week to the bliss of freedom like some garage rock and roll. Desert Stars are a Brooklyn based band that puts out gritty shoegaze indie rock. This song “Hamster Wheel” below is one that will have you playing on repeat over and over again. It starts with this disjointed bit of extremely crunchy electric guitar and some faint drum machine beats and then the band just really launches into the track. The whole thing switches from flat to suddenly three dimensional and so present in the bands wall-of-sound style. I don’t know what you think about it, but I’m jamming through the day with this number.


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Roomrunner Take us Back

artworks-000088050150-ulaptz-t500x500Though the term throw back is sometimes a label a band might not want associated with their name, it can also be a blessing if used in the right way.  Roomrunner is a band who could be considered to have a vintage sound, but also provide some modern pop tendencies to pair with their garage/emo based themes.  Check out their latest track called “Chrono Trigger” and let us know what you think.

Roomrunner have a new EP entitled Separate due out October 21st on Accidental Guest Recordings.

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