World Brain Offer Ville Fleurie

German outfit World Brain recently caught my attention with their “Minute Papillon” single, but now there’s another urban pop tune to captivate you early this morning. Put yourself in the mindset of a traveler or urbanite walking through the city, images and buildings flash by, like the soft beats that provide you with the tempo for your walk. But, you turn a corner and your face lights up, just as you see a grand field or park, offering up a cheerful vision that matches the twist in the track. Those of you willing to indulge in some jazz-inflected pop, well, you’re not going to find too many folks doing it better. Open Source will be out on November 1st.

AUA Share Allies Single

While AUA prep their third album, I’m just now getting into the old ones, all because this new jam totally rips. It’s sort of a progressive punk styling, working with this rhythmic sensation that really drives the song, naturally. I mean, they’re just employing synths, bass and drums, and manage to create this wall of chaos that continuously grinds and churns right in your ear. There’s even some little synth solos, bringing the noise to the forefront as they bring you into the darker textures that unfold in the latter half. They’ll be releasing Painkiller No. 1 on November 8th, for those willing to take some risks.

Roller Derby Share Ready to Forget

If you’re seeking out perfect pop vibes on this Friday morning, might we direct you towards Germany’s Roller Derby. The band are frequent visitors on our site, and their latest single lives up to our continuous support, dangling another superb chorus that keeps you circling back. They’ve always had this style that feels like it could rush off into pure jangle pop territory, but somehow, they manage to pull it back just enough to set up that huge chorus that absolutely stuns every time it comes into play. Really hope the increased output of late means there’s something as special as this track on the horizon.

Mink Return with Perished in Bloom Single

After beginning the day with a little bit of subdued pop acts, I felt like maybe we all needed something to pick us up, or even just give a bounce to our step, like this rad new Mink tune. The German outfit are living in that territory rooted in a dance history, but perhaps flirting with the realm of indie rock where Future Islands hang out and party. You’ll feel the bass line pumping through you, with that synthesized beat driving you to run about your house with your arms spread out like an airplane…or at least that’s what my kid’s doing this morning. Feel free and crank it up!

Deathsport Share End of the World

I definitely remember being a young tween and realizing I wasn’t quite like my peers; they were devouring Nirvana and the like, and I was at home listening to my sister’s New Order and Cure tapes. They offered this electronic pulse and warmth that I clung to, at least for a few more years. Why does this matter? Well, if you listen to the new single from Germany’s Deathsport, you’re going to get that sentiment perfectly. It has this driving groove that locks you into dance moves, though like Republic-era New Order, there’s really feathered vocals, bordering on pure pop madness. Motorik beats and swirling dreamscapes abound, and all of it is destined to find a home inside your brain. They’ll release their Problem EP on August 16th.

World Brain Share Open

Clearly spacing out and drifting into the ocean waters is heavily on my brain at the moment, thus why finding this tune from World Brain was perfect. It felt like this typical ambient piece, which I quite liked as the vibe was right in line with mine. But, then the vocals crept into the picture, and the keys stroked a higher pitch, reminding me of Air in a sense, pulling more jazz and lounge influences into the fold; it’s perfectly fitting for sitting around the pool with a nice chilly beverage in your hand. Enjoy letting this wash over you.

Roller Derby Return with Dreams

After a slight line-up change, I’m really glad that Germany’s Roller Derby are back this year. I must have listened to “Always on My Mind” over 1000 times all on my own, and in fact, still jamming that track at least once or twice a week. They’ve just popped back in with a new single, one that shows their craft can be more elegant and elaborate in regards to their prospective pop sensibilities. They’ve peeled back the immediacy, allowing Philine to control the melody expertly; her voice is the dominant force, dancing over this driving groove that let’s plenty of space get filled in by keyboards and dainty guitar lines. A triumphant return, and finger’s crossed we get to hear more soon.

Pulse Park Share Dark Empath + Release First Second

Germany’s Pulse Park just dropped their latest full length, First Second, and I found myself immersing myself in the softened soundscapes they’ve crafted. “Dark Empath” is a standout, landing in the world somewhere between the Notwist and Radio Dept; it adhere’s to a fuzzy underbelly, then works everything around that, building both melody and discord into one being that reverberates through the whole of the tune. In spending some time with the tune, you’ll find it creates this sort of omnipresence in your life, not overbearing and heavy, but just sort of lightly floating with you, careful to be along for the ride. If you’re looking for a way to escape the Monday doldrums, then try out First Second.

Stream Velcros’ Strange News from the Vault

In incredible things I absolutely dropped the ball on, I’d like to present you the latest LP from German outfit, Velcros. We covered “Troubled Mind,” which was an absolute ripper, hinting at the band’s pop sensibility, blending the styles in a way I hadn’t really heard of late, aside from Salad Boys. In fact, the whole of Strange News from the Vault is filled with these ditties that flirt with being a hard-edged punk brand, whilst being tethered to their pop tendencies. Monday news is always slow, so I wanted to make sure that you had something to crank up to 11; might I suggest jamming out to “Floater,” my favorite on the record.

Hanemoon Shares Single + Releases Rain or Shine

Had a hectic wrap-up to last week, so didn’t get to dive into all the albums that dropped on Friday. But, one that was definitely in my musical wheelhouse, that might have slipped under folks radar, is Rain or Shine from Germany’s Hanemoon. The record is filled with these lightly jangled guitar lines, offering up subtle melodies that allow to let the day drift outside, melodically bouncing down the sunny road. If you’re missing the sort of bright pop styles popularized by the Lucksmiths and the like, then you’ve got to pick this one up immediately. It’s available today from Jigsaw Records!

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