Derde Verde Share Your Ghost

I’m a little late in the game sharing this track, but it’s an utterly haunting folk rock tune that brings me back to early Grizzly Bear days, so it’s a must listen. Derde Verde is a two piece based out of L.A., comprised of Dylan McKenzie and Jonathan Schwartz. “Your Ghost” is their latest single and it’s a perfect slice of introspective beauty for you to get lost in.The last minute of this track is where the band really shines–lead songwriter and vocalist Dylan McKenzie’s vocals soar above the winding guitars and steady percussion like a beam of sunlight finding its way through the branches of a tree. “Your Ghost” is at once delicate and lush, making it the perfect soundtrack to the cool breezes of fall that will hopefully be on their way to us soon. Take a listen below, and look out for the band’s upcoming LP, Slow Light, which will be out on October 11. Pre-order it here.

Ray Ray’s Top Songs of 2017

We’re now only a few short weeks away from the end of another amazing year in the music industry. We ATH kids went all list, all the time this year with a whole bunch of opinions about top albums, top Oceanic albums, top Austin albums and even one about albums you’ve probably never heard of. We like music, we like lists, and we like debating about both lists and music, so deal with it. I’m continuing our insane foray into lists this year end season with my personal Top 25 songs of 2017.

A quick blurb and full list after the jump.

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Top Albums of 2017

Lists are arbitrary and burdensome, but why not join the fun everyone else is having? We gathered our lists, separate lists for all of us, then combined them into one that had 50 albums. What you get here are the four writers/contributors of ATH, giving you their meaningless opinions on what we thought was the jam in 2017. It’s alphabetical, and we put the initials next to it so you could track down your enemy!


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Did You Watch This New Grizzly Bear Video?

  1. Grizzly Bear, who will be joining us a little later in the year at Sound On Sound Festival, are releasing their new album,Painted Ruins, this week and they’ve just dropped a new video for the single “Mourning Sound.” On the off chance you’ve yet to hear some of the new material from this forthcoming release, I suggest you take a peek at the star-studded surreal video below and fall in love.

Did I mention Grizzly Bear will be at Sound on Sound in November? They’re one of the reasons I’m so stoked on the lineup–have you picked up your three day pass yet?

Painted Ruins is out this Friday. Pre-order your copy here.


Sound on Sound Lineup is Here!

Well ladies and germs, it’s here, our friends over at Margin Walker have yet again outdone themselves this year with an incredibly impressive lineup. Simply looking at the big names of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Grizzly Bear, Iggy Pop, and The Shins should be enough to get your butt out there. Digging deeper we’ve got Cloud Nothings, Japandroids, my teenage self in various forms via Taking Back Sunday, and holy hell… Cannibal Corpse! Even the small names near the bottom are impressive with Hoops and Girlpool just to name a couple. Something here for everyone. Well done guys, well done. The festival will again take place out in Sherwood Forrest on November 10th-12th.

GA tickets and more can be found here. Full lineup also on SOS site or can be seen by clicking the poster on your left.

Sprawling Pop from Tweed and Hyenas

yl4glxaWhen you press play on the latest track from Tweed & Hyenas, be prepared to indulge your listening skills. As you’ll notice, the song moves along rather slowly, creeping along fantastically. Each vocal note is placed carefully, much as all the instrumentation is used sparingly, allowing for the filling of pop sensibility. Plus, those vocal notes are quite remarkable, almost perfect in every note. It all leads you towards a wondrous closing minute and a half, recalling the best, and most accessible, bits of Grizzly Bear. The band is currently wrapping up their first EP, and lets hope this gem is on it.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATX Spotlight: Brand New Roaring Sun Track

roaringsunIf you’ve been following us, we’ve been following Roaring Sun, the newest young act in Austin to really win us over. The trio of youngsters, first started by the Rawlinson brothers, are still so young that they’re willing to throw in all their influences to see what sticks. We’re fortunate for that, as they’re crafting this delightful pop bits that look ready to build a promising career. This song has some electronic touches, washes of distorted guitars and a softness in the vocals that makes your heart swoon. But, the special part of this new single comes right after the 3 minute mark when they break into this elaborate pop world akin to Grizzly Bear. I continue to be impressed by how quickly these guys have come around. Keep an eye out Austin…and beyond.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More New Music from Future States

futurestatesNow, this is going to come out of left-field, probably even more so for Future States, but this song, to me, picks up where Grizzly Bear left us all. First, the vocal display shows the group harmonizing together, almost using that as the sole instrument through the song. But, where they make it different is they take the textured indie rock formula and turn into a pop adventure during the middle of the tune. I guess in the end it sounds like an early Wes Anderson tune gave birth to Ed Droste and gang…and I love that about it. Look for the band’s Casual Listener via Golden Brown in a store near you.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

The Genius of Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk

bbddmRemember when we all first discovered Grizzly Bear? All of your friends and their friends were talking about this great new act that burst forth seemingly out of nowhere. Well, that’s not the story for Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk, and then again, it is. They’re not a new act by any means, but they’ve been layering lush harmonies atop one another for quite some time, culminating in the beautiful new tune. I’m not one-hundred percent sure what the lyrics are taking on, but that’s what a lyrics sheet is for, right!? Their new effort Burritos will be out next week via Fire Talk Records, but I implore you to go to their BANDCAMP PAGE and explore their catalogue.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Folk Pop From Monogold

monogoldYou know those hooks that are present in some of the later Woods records, like that track “Cali in a Cup?” Imagine a band writing a whole album like that, using lush arrangements, careful manipulation of vocals and instrumentation and filling all that space with great pop sensibility. That’s precisely what you’ll get when you listen to this new Monogold single, and presumably their forthcoming LP, Good Heavens. Some of the harmonies on this track even border the landscape where we find Grizzly Bear traversing, musically speaking, so that’s an added bonus for listeners. You’ll be able to grab your own copy of this delightful LP when the group release it on September 25th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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