Central Heat Exchange Share Debut Single

We’ve been hearing rumors of Central Heat Exchange, primarily through out distant connection with Santi of Daphne Tunes/Growl, who is actually in the band; we also knew it was a supergroup of sorts, featuring various members from Varsity, Pool Holograph and Living Hour, not to mention their friends and cohorts. Today, we finally get the joy of the first single, with an announcement they’ve signed with Birthday Cake/Citrus City/Sunroom for their debut LP. Being a fan of all the members, I had high hopes, but they’ve really knocked it out of the park here. The vocals feel like a cool crisp bike ride through hilly territory, cruising lightly, wind at your back. And, while I like the soft jangle approach, there’s these little peaks and valleys in the musical melody that really works its way under your skin. I think my favorite ten seconds comes between 2:20 and 2:30, so be sure to tune in all the way to the end. We’ll keep you posted when we get more news about the LP!

Daphne Tunes Share Thinkin on a Mem Video

Daphne Tunes is helmed by one of our dear friends, Santiago; he formerly fronted ATH act Growl (those LPs are $5!). But, don’t let our allegiance to our friends steer you away from the playful video below, directed by Santi himself. Plus, we’re really picky, and we only love the greatest voices out there…so just listen to those pipes and I think you’ll get why we love his work so much. I love the guitar work here too, the way it kind of shuffles up your feet, getting your body swinging naturally from side to side. Right now I’m thinkin’ on a mem, and missing this band’s live sets! If you dig, you can grab Volume 2 from Uncool Records.

Goodbye to Growl

Back in 2017 we were lucky to release Won’t You, the debut full-length from Austin’s Growl. I’d been following the band for quite some time, so I considered it a monumental achievement in its own right; I couldn’t be more proud of that record. But, there comes a time when you let go of the things you love…and as such, we big a fond farewell to Growl, who are currently calling it a day due to life changes amongst the band. Kent, Austin’s best drummer, is off to grad-school…Jon is headed to Seattle then to Sweden for the time being. In honor of their happy closing, we’re pleased to share the following video. It was shot by Ryan Sax while the band was touring throughout the States; you can hear a beautiful acoustic version of “Passerby” and a live version of “Duck Sauce” from their LP (you can buy it HERE); it does a really great job of capturing the spirit of the group, one of the many reasons we were fortunate to work with them. We wish both Kent and Jon the best as they depart; Austin will have a huge hole where the boys in Growl have gone on to adventures unknown.

Second to Last Growl Show at Cheer Ups Tonight

Hopefully you all enjoyed listening to Growl throughout their time as a band…and those in Austin get a few more chances to see the band before they call it a day; one is tonight at Cheer Ups! A few of the members are moving on in life, chasing new opportunities outside of Austin, thus they’re amicably taking a break on Growl. We were happy to be part of that story by releasing Won’t You a few years back; you can stream it in its entirety below, with a link to your own copy HERE. They’ll be joined on stage tonight by Robby and Sherry who will kick things off when doors open at 9 PM. Come on out and enjoy what could be your last chance to see Growl.

Enjoy a New Song from Daphne Tunes

Daphne Tunes is the project of Santiago, who happens to be one of my favorite songwriters in Austin; I like him so much I begged and pleaded to put out his other LP with his band Growl. In this project, Santi favors a softer side with carefully picked riffs and melodic vocal lines. What’s impressive about this song is how it jettisons off in an entirely new exploratory zone, highlighted by monosyllabic vocal notes riding the high of the galloping guitars. The Volume 1 EP will be released at the end of the month by Two Moons.

New Music from Most Likely (formerly Planet Manhood)

You read that right, Planet Manhood is no more. Instead, Sam Houdek (who also plays in Growl) has changed the name of his project to Most Likely. With that name change also comes new music, hinting at a future LP in the works. Perhaps my ears are deceiving me, but his vocal work here seems to recall the early stuff of Elf Power (my favorite EP period), and you’ll also get some of Sam’s signature guitar sound, even as he needles away at bent strings and feedback. We already loved the work of Planet Manhood, and with more great songs, wouldn’t expect anything to change, other than the name. Enjoy Most Likely.

Show Pics: Caroline Says and Growl @ ABGB

This show was a while back. I brought along the camera just for fun, even through it was a date night/friend dinner, as I hadn’t shot at ABGB. I figure I might as well share pics even though I am still learning a new camera system. On tap, besides the beer, was Caroline Says and ATH Records‘ own Growl. Both bands are chock full of familiar friendly faces. So, delicious pizza, great beer, wife, friends that joined for dinner, Team ATH Records, two solid sets in a unique venue, lovely evening had.

Click through for some tips and pics.

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Show Pics: Tres Oui and Growl @ Hole in the Wall (5/25)

…with Blushing, too.

I am finally getting around to sharing some pics from our little party the other night at Hole in the Wall. I used to go there quite a bit way back in the day. I went on a few dates with a girl whose family lived there. I dared not go back for a decade after breaking up, just in case.

HitW also made for a great test of some new hardware. I have gone mirrorless with Sony. It is a brave new world.

Click through to see some photos from the night full of Blushing, Tres Oui and Growl with a few thoughts on both music and photography.

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ATH Presents Blushing, Tres Oui and Growl @ Hole in the Wall Tomorrow

From time to time we like to put together little rock n’ roll shows, and boy do we have an incredible one for you tomorrow night at Hole in the Wall. It just happens to feature some ATH Records bands breaking down the doors and throwing some great pop music in your faces. Blushing is one of our favorite new acts in town, so hopefully you’ve caught on to their dreamy stylings. Tres Oui, well, those guys are great…this is jangling Prefab Sprout at its best. Oh, and you didn’t hear Growl all over your local radio in April? Well, come see them! Doors are at 9..we’ll see you there!

Growl Release Wont You at Cheer Up Charlies Tomorrow

It’s that time, the time I hope you’ve been waiting for. We’re finally releasing Growl’s debut LP, Won’t You, today! It’s a great bit of guitar pop, filled with huge hooks and harmonies galore. If you’re looking to pick it up outside of Austin, you can find the album HERE. But, if you happen to be in Austin, and happen to be free Saturday night…come pick it up in person at Cheer Up Charlies! They’ll be joined by heavy-hitters Popper Burns, The Halfways and The Two Lips. We’ll have copies for you to grab, and good tunes for you to love! Just in case you wanted to sample the goods, stream the LP below!

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