SXSW Interviews 2025 – Hachiku

Maybe you thought we were done previewing bands for SXSW this week? Well maybe you thought wrong! We were not quite finished with all of our previews and have one more for you today coming from Australian based upstarts Hachiku. These are some great and thoughtful responses, and we super appreciate these and all of the responses we’ve received so far. See ya out there! Hit the jump for interview from Hachiku along with tunes and set times.

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SXSW Interviews 2025 – Delivery

It is upon us and here people. SXSW music officially kicks off TODAY and while most of the ATH staff is stuck at work, you should be out and about or at least prepping for the week ahead. We are super pumped today to finish off our preview interview series with possibly our favorite band coming in to town this week, Australian buddies Delivery. They smashed it out of the park with these responses and we hope you’ll enjoy them as much as we did. Full responses along with set times and music can be found after the jump.

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SXSW Interview: Cloth

I know SXSW has made some errors, and it’s hard to support something so massive in the current climate. But, one thing I’ve always appreciated it that a lot of country’s send their favorite artists abroad to spread the word on their art scenes…and Scotland’s Cloth is one such group we’re excited to get to know better when they make their way next week. They’ve got a new record titled Pink Silence coming out in April, so take a quick read below and get to know them!

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SXSW Interviews 2025: Last Waltzon

As we continue to churn out some of these SXSW getting to know you pieces, I am finding a lot to look forward to next week when the music lineup really shows up in Austin. If you’re one of those still holding on to the old Austin narrative, why not venture out and see one of the hundreds of amazing bands coming to town? One such band we’d recommend is Montreal based outfit Last Waltzon, who were kind enough to answer our interview questions. You can find full responses, show dates, and tunes after the jump.

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SXSW Interviews 2025: Saint Blonde

One week away people. Just one more short week away from the chaos and joy that comes with the annual SXSW festival in Austin, TX. Though one can never be truly prepared for everything, we hope you fans have at least had some time to peruse the band list to find something that sparks your interest. Hopefully another interview set, this time from Texas natives Saint Blonde, will further spark some musical interest in your ear holes. Check out the band’s responses along with tunes and show times after the jump. This one had some really great and thoughtful responses.

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SXSW Interviews 2025: Gold Star

It is here folks. It is somehow time to start planning and prep for SXSW 2025. Things are happening a bit earlier this year in March so we are going to start churning out coverage now with less than a month to go before things kick off in Austin. It seemed like a no brainer for us to continue our quick hit interview sessions, offering a brief glimpse into the lives of these musicians and creatives. Starting things off with a bang this festival season, we have Los Angeles based artist Gold Star. You will find his full interview, along with current known show dates and streaming music, after the jump.

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Levitation Interviews: Hello Mary

Unless you are living under some sort of large rock, you should be fully aware that Levitation Festival started last night in the ATX. We saw many of you out and about and look forward to more moments of tunes and fun as the weekend progresses. If you’re still looking for some recommendation this weekend, we’ve got one last getting to know you interview from Brooklyn based Hello Mary. Be sure to hit the jump for interview, tunes, and set times.

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Rock n’ Recipes: Blood

If you haven’t been following our site over the last few months, you might have missed all the great singles that Blood dropped before releasing their excellent Loving You Backwards LP this past Friday. We’re big fans, and were bummed when they left our city to venture off to greener pastures, but it seems to have worked out well for the music. We reached out Tim to ask a few questions and get a quick little recipe for a delicious peanut-butter and pickle sammy! Check out our talk with Tim and the recipe below. And stream the LP right now. And hopefully my horseradish pickles are in the mail!

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Rock N’ Recipes: R.E. Seraphin

As we continue our Rock n’ Recipes feature, we wanted to reach out to our old friend R.E. Seraphin, who has connections all the way to one of the earliest ATH Records releases (Mean Jolene!). A little over a month ago, his project released their new album, Fool’s Mate, so we reached out to Ray to talk about influences, the recording process and more. Plus, he’s got a killer recipe for Pimento Cheese that you’re going to have to try! Read on to hear more from R.E. Seraphin.

Stream his latest LP:

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Rock n’ Recipes: Outer World

Hopefully you took our suggestion last week when we encouraged you to give a listen to Who Does the Music Love, the debut LP from Outer World. Members of the group have been playing in other acts we’ve enjoyed (Dahlia Seed/Positive No!), so we reached out to Kenneth and Tracy to see if they could give us some insight into their LP. Plus, as an avid coffee enthusiast, with a slight sweet tooth, I was excited to get the recipe for their “Coffee Surprise,” which can easily be replicated at your home! Check out the band’s and stream the LP HERE. It’s out now via HHBTM.

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