Tennis System Offer Another Hit

Tennis System is simply one of those bands I’ve been talking about for years who somehow continue to fly just a bit under the radar. The guys have put out some incredibly solid tunes over the years and it’s been easy for me to show my support. Tomorrow the L.A. based trio will release their latest LP Lovesick on Graveface Records (pre-order here). If you aren’t sold on the band yet, I suggest you check out the latest single from the album “Rotting Out”. This is post-punk, shoegazy bliss.

More From Hearty Har

Right around a month ago a band called Hearty Har from L.A. hit me up with some songs they were looking to get out into the world. Well, now song number two entitled “Radio Man ’56” is ready for your ever awaiting ears. This one is a great blend of Bowie style, mid-70s themed psych pop music. I’m also once again impressed with the tightness of the band and the overall quality of the performance. Well done once again.

ACL Interview: Deap Vally

We here at ATH are now counting down the weeks to yet another party time at Austin City Limits Festival. It’s crazy to think how long we’ve been doing this, and yet the excitement continues to remain the same each and every year. We’re doing our usual thing in lead up to the festival with interviews, previews, recommendations, and guides. Already we’ve shared an interview with White Reaper and Nicole told us about 5 things she’s most looking forward to over the weekend. Today I move us forward with a sweet interview from L.A. based rock duo Deap Vally. Hit the jump for full interview.

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Slick New Single From Dutch Party

Infectious is not a word I use frequently to describe music, but that’s exactly what comes to mind with this new track “Blade Runner” from L.A. based Dutch Party. Mastermind behind the project Ken Franklin immediately draws you in the second you hit play with the tracks catchy as hell take on electronic themed pop music. It reminds me a bit of Painted Palms and I’d say that’s a solid compliment.

Dutch Party will release new EP Combat Pop later this fall.

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Throwback Rock From FACIAL

I’m not sure why it is, but I’ve really been in heavy rock mode recently. Maybe it’s because summer is almost over and the music releases my inner anger of having to go back to work. Woe is me right? For whatever reason it may be, I’m keeping ATH heavy with this new track “Animals” from L.A. based trio FACIAL. To me it’s a throwback song full of 90s grunge themes but with a bit more urgency and downright power. Won’t you get heavy with me?

Facial will release Facade on on September 29th via Chain Letter Collective.

Let Henry Nowhere Brighten Your Day

After a slew of some heavier tunes, I’m ready to switch gears a bit with this new song called “Don’t Care Where” from L.A. via Oakland based artist Henry Nowhere. What if The Drums made lo-fi pop in their bedroom? It would sound a bit like this. You’re in store from breezy, bright, and sunshine filled pop music. Easy listening if you will.

Henry Nowhere will release a new 7″ digital EP on September 8th featuring this track and one other. Pre-order from Sleep Well Records now.

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Try Some Alt-Rock From Prism Tats

Sometimes a song doesn’t quite do it for you on first listen, but then catches your ear more and more with each play. Right now this new one called “Used to be Cool” from L.A. based artist Prism Tats is one of those songs. It has a very old school feel to it with rocking guitars and a very anthemic, loud feel. I find myself wanting to get up and dance along, and I don’t dance…

Prism Tats will release 11:11 on July 28th via Anti Records.

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New Single & Video From Dent May

What’s left for us to say about Los Angeles based Dent May? He seems like one of the “ATH originals” who has received tons of coverage since our simple beginnings 10 years ago. His music has consistently been some of the best in the indie pop genre during that time. Today I’m pleased to share with you his latest single with accompanying video entitled “Picture on a Screen”. The song just sounds like Dent May right? No one else can create such a smooth, bright and full yet simple sound like he can.

Dent will release new album Across the Multiverse on August 18th via Carpark Records.

The Parson Red Heads Return

Man it has been one hell of a long time since I last heard anything from Portlandbased group The Parson Red Heads. To be exact, they last released new material in 2013 with their album Orb Weaver. Well they are back and releasing a new album in just a matter of days. The band has sent over a few new singles to bring the hype and I personally like this one entitled “Coming Down” the best. It sounds like something out of 60s era L.A. if blended with indie sounds from the band’s new NW home.

You can check out 2nd single “Time After Time” here and 3rd single “Please Come Save Me” here.

New album Blurred Harmony is out on June 9th via Fluff and Gravy Records.

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More From Quiet the Pilot

L.A. based songwriter Ryan Moore and his project known as Quiet the Pilot caught my ear towards the beginning of this month and I’ve been enjoying him ever since. Today he’s peaked my interest again with this new track called “Stan the Man”. I’m reminded immediately of my late 90s/early 2000s indie emo bands like The Promise Ring as the song sort of meanders here and there in a most chilled out way. I suggest you check it out now.

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