Lionlimb Share New Video

Lionlimb have a new album coming out soon and from this upcoming release, they’ve shared a new video for the track, “Clover.” The track is subtle at first listen, but upon further visits, you begin to get a real grasp of its complexity. At the helm is Stewart Bronaugh, with his Elliott Smith-esque vocals. Accompanying him on the song are a delicate arrangement of strings and bouncing piano, acoustic guitar and bass, along with drums that weave the whole piece together. You pick up on different aspects with each listen, the track not lingering in one place for too long; constantly pushing into new territory. The video shows the band trying their hand at shooting with a newly purchased 16mm camera. Take a peek below and get excited for the band’s upcoming release,Tape Recorder, which will be out February 23rd via Bayonet Records. Preorder it here.


Lionlimb Announce New Album/Video

Lionlimb, comprised of Stewart Bronaugh andJoshua Jaeger, have announced that they’ve signed to Bayonet Records. With this announcement, they’ve shared the first video from this album for the track, “Maria,” which is a six minute twenty second sonic journey through several different genres. What strikes me most about this track is the orchestral elements that sweep through the mix and carry the song with grace and delicacy. You have a solid indie rock song for sure, but there’s this extra layer of beauty that makes it hard not to slip into the song. Check out the video below and look out forTape Recorder, which will be out February 23 via Bayonet Records.

Look Into Lionlimb

lionI think the last single from Lionlimb definitely played upon the band’s knack to come off (vocally, at least) in the manner of Elliott Smith, but this song does a bit more to distance itself from that notion. My ears almost hear a smoothed out R&B focus, twisted a bit by a solo-ing bit that knifes through the track…not to mention the bounce of the piano. For me, this is perfect timing, as it’s good to see that the band aren’t sold entirely on one sound, meaning hopefully those stupid press folks (wait, is that me?) can steer clear of the old pigeonhole. Look for Shoo on March 4th via Bayonet Records.

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Lionlimb Release New Single

lionFor some reason, I can’t help but think of Eliott Smith when listening to this new track from Lionlimb. Sure, a lot of it comes directly from the vocal inflections, but I can also hear it in the way the songs are constructed. It all harkens back to a purer era in pop songwriting, which you know always has my ears perked up. The band release their debut Shoo on March 4th via Bayonet, and with all the promise of this early single it should definitely be something we’ll all be noticing in the very near future.

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Lionlimb Get Jazzy With Their Lo-Fi

unnamedLionlimb consists of Stewart Bronaugh and Joshua Jaeger, whom you may be familiar to you as parts of Angel Olsen’s backing band from her most recent tour. If they aren’t already familiar to you, in about three and a half minutes that will change. “Turnstile,” the single below, which will be released as a 7″ from Bayonet Records on September 18th, gives you a different spin on lo-fi with the incorporation of jazz elements to the track. On first listen, I didn’t really know what to make of the song, but now I can’t stop spinning the tune. The way the drums are heavy on the cymbal sound and the crisp piano sound provide the jazz sound while the heavily distorted guitar riffs pop in and out of the low key vocals. It’s a solid track, one which you can preorder here, if you do the iTunes thing.

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