Levitation Festival – Wrap Up

And just like that, Levitation 2022 has come and gone as fast and powerful as a Slift guitar interlude. With absolutely no remorse for ear drums, the entire billing unconditionally brought their fucking A game. Earsplitting, breakneck, and with style points in spades, this years fest was one for the record books. 2 nights of Gizz, 4 nights of the Osees, La Femme and Black Angels closing things out, what is not to like? If you were following along, your ATH crew enlisted amongst the thronged masses in the Red River Cultural District this weekend to get a massive dose of culture. We spread out as much as possible over the weekend and below are our major takeaways and favorite shows you should be listening to and seeing live if you get the chance. Until next time, hit the jump.

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Protomartyr Share Michigan Hammers

Admittedly, I haven’t quite boarded the most recent Protomartyr train; I know it’ll grow on me, but this is the first single where I felt excited for the LP. Honestly, I’m absolutely in love with the guitar sound; I love the way they just ring out discordantly, like they’re just tearing the fabric on your high end speaker covers. Joe Casey’s indifferent delivery is the calm in the storm here, settling the track as best as he can; there’s a nice middling section to, giving listeners a little reprieve, a chance to contemplate and reflect on the track. Their new LP Ultimate Success Today will be out on July 10th via Domino.

Most Likely New To You: Protomartyr Reissues Debut LP

Everyone’s favorite post punk doom-rock band, Protomartyr, just announced that they’ll be reissuing their debut LP,No Passion All Technique,which has long been out of print and not available on streaming services. Such an uncommon phenomenon will be erased for fans on May 3rd, when Domino reissues the album and the band releases an extended digital version. They’ve dropped single “Jumbo’s,” from that first release, with its official video, which gives you a bit of a slice of what it’s like to watch the band live. While “Jumbo’s” feels definitely less polished than any cut off ofRelatives in Descent, the band’s most recent full-length, but that’s the kind of demo-esque gold I imagine we’ll be getting with the rest of this reissue. Pre-order it here.


Top Albums of 2017

Lists are arbitrary and burdensome, but why not join the fun everyone else is having? We gathered our lists, separate lists for all of us, then combined them into one that had 50 albums. What you get here are the four writers/contributors of ATH, giving you their meaningless opinions on what we thought was the jam in 2017. It’s alphabetical, and we put the initials next to it so you could track down your enemy!


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Show Review: Protomartyr @ Barracuda (10/20)

Last Friday night we welcomed Protomartyr to Barracuda for a night of dark post-punk tunes. Coming up on a decade of existence, Protomartyr have become a staple of the genre, the current dark state of the world giving them the perfect backdrop for their brooding tunes. On their latest effort, Relatives in Descent, they took the post-punk to a greater height, giving audiences moments of aggression followed by great cathartic release. These new tracks played well in the live setting– read on for some brief thoughts on how the evening unfolded.

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Show Preview: Protomartyr @ Barracuda (10/20)

Friday night is nigh approaching and if you’re like me, sometimes you need a little bit of darkness to bring you to the weekend. The bringers of this darkness this week are Protomartyr, who will be joining us for a lovely night of dark wave, post punk tunes over at Barracuda. While there are quite a few great local bills you can choose from on this Friday night, if you’re in the mood to spice things up and jam along with distortion, you’ve gotta go check out Protomartyr playing jams from their latest release,Relatives in Descent, which came out at the end of last month. The album is filled with grumbling, heavy riffs, which will get you raging along into the rest of your weekend. Openers are Sweet Themes and Flasher, who will open the night with their grunge and shoegaze on steroids, respectively.

Get your catharsis on and and pick up your tickets before this one sells out–scope out some tunes from each group below.

Protomartyr Sign to Domino for New LP

I don’t think there’s a single person that dislikes Protomartyr, and I think this new single is going to continue that run. They’ve announced they’re signing to Domino to release Relatives in Descent, and this video/track is filled with these miniature movements that are sure to captivate. At first, the band sounds like a more brooding National, almost more sinister, then a slight pop interlude with strumming guitar and a blast into the chorus…they go back, but then comes the next movement with the mellow release of the repeated lines “she’s just trying to reach you.” They emphatically bang to a close, go soft, then bang back out only to quietly fade away with a light string. Look for the new album on September 29th.

Sound on Sound 2016 Preview: The Do’s and Don’ts

13557836_290760167940194_5618505617977878544_nIt’s finally here! By this time tomorrow we here at ATH will be headingout to Sherwood Forest, swords and shields in hand, ready to fest. Ever since the lineup was announced for the inaugural Sound on Sound Festival, we have been eagerly awaiting to descend upon Austin’s newest excuse to invite a ton of great bands to our town and enjoy all that these lovely folks have put together for us. To help you out, I put together a little guide to help you fest your best. Read on for my ‘tips’ or else be labeled a KNAVE.

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Did You Catch This New Protomartyr Track??

0002686207_10I’m a pretty big fan of anything that Detroit’s Protomartyr puts out, so naturally I feel inclined to share with you a song they recorded for Adult Swim’s Summer Single collection. Apparently, this song was recorded in a two day span back in March, but when you take a listen to it, it oozes nothing but meticulous and refined garage rock. The track is slow but steady beast that thumps along, the guitars swelling with grit and cutting like knives through the mix. Make sure you take a listen below and check out when the band will be coming to your city next right here… *Spoilers* they’re even coming to our very own Sound on Sound Fest in November. Make sure you’re there.

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