ATX Show Preview: Adam and the Cola Kids vs Ramesh (2.5)

RameshTONIGHT! Man. What to do? There’s two incredible shows going down, and it’s hard for me to pick just one; maybe I’ll just scramble back and forth between the two. Take your pick…classic indie pop or garage-influenced power pop…either way you’re going to win if you go out tonight.  So, you can hit up Holy Mountain for the softer side of things.  The Columnist, Charm Bracelet and Missions all open things up for Ramesh.  I love Ramesh, as a person and a performer; he manages a great stage presence that’s as inviting as it is exciting.  We even helped released his debut LP last year, so pick one up if your in attendance.  But, I also adore the work of Warm Soda and Those Howlings, who are opening for Adam and the Cola Kids at Hotel Vegas. Those Howlings will use this as a release to their new album. So pick a show, either show, but go out and have fun kids.

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ATH Curates SXSW Playlist

sxswfm_LOGO-stacked-4CI’ve been fortunate with this site, and such fortunes continue with some friends reaching out to have me curate an hour of music featuring SXSW Official Austin acts that I wanted to rest of the world to know about. It also features my horrendous voice, though only for like 30 seconds total. I kind of went all over the map, trying to be as diverse as possible within the realm of my own tastes.  The little show will run three times today on SXSWFM (9 AM, 3 PM, 9 PM), which is a great place to get to know some of the artists, not just the Austin ones.  Here’s the artists I chose to include: Flesh Lights, Sour Notes, Jess Williamson, Roger Sellers, Mirror Travel, Shivery Shakes, Grape St, Ramesh, A Sinclair, Love Inks, Hundred Visions, Abram Shook, Ssleeperhold, The Zoltars, Warm Soda and The Eastern Sea. Just doing what I can to give a little love to our friends.  Special thanks to Brett and Rory for this rad opportunity.

Top 15 Austin Albums of 2014

Top LocalsIt’s that time of year when we all toss up our arbitrary lists of what we think is best, and seeing as we’re based here in Austin, we opted to go with our Top 15 Austin Albums first.  Why 15? Well, there were a lot of great releases all over the place, covering different styles, and appealing to our different writers. Sure, the list isn’t perfect, and it doesn’t reflect singles and EPs, as that could get entirely too crazy.  I included links to the labels so you can buy these albums from the hard-working folks in our town.  Also…there are two releases on our label, but I have no qualms about that; I didn’t set out to put out a bad LP, so obviously, they’re going to be in here.  And without further meaningless words…here’s the best records from Austin that you should already own!

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Check Out the Shivery Shakes Album Teaser

Shivery ShakesWhat’s the point in running your own site if you can’t promote the bands you’re working with? As you surely know, we’re really stoked to be working with Punctum Records to release the Shivery Shakes LP next week.  It’s titled Three Waves and a Shake, and it shows their refined pop sound finally ready for mass consumption.  The dudes in the band have been kind enough to share this little teaser album video, featuring snippets of the tracks and hotshot photographer, Pooneh Ghana. You can order your LP HERE, and check out releases from Ramesh, Young Girls, Literature and Grape St while you’re at it.


Show Pics: Ramesh Release Party (9/18)

RameshA big thank you to all who braved the elements on Thursday night to come hang with us. The show had a feeling of family as everyone was a familiar face. Ramesh shared a few stories of roommates and eating bugs. We spilled beer, cleaned it up, danced quite a bit and I was on hand to get photographic evidence of two great sets, She Sir opening and Ramesh celebrating this great new record. All hail, The King.

Won’t you join in a photographic journey as we pretended to ignore the flood outside…

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Busy Thursday Night in Austin

ramThere’s really only one show you NEED to go to.  That’s the Ramesh album release over at the Belmont, which kicks off at 7 PM.  I’ll be there, smiling, and hopefully selling LPs.  But, for those of you who aren’t into Ramesh, which I completely respect, there’s tons going on tomorrow night, so here’s some places you might want to find yourself.  Read more

Ramesh The King LP Release – TODAY!!! Album Stream

ramFor a kid born and raised in Austin, there are a handful of bands that hold a great deal of meaning to my life, at least in regards to growing up.  Voxtrot is one of those bands, so it has been an absolute pleasure for me to work with Ramesh, one of the main songwriters in the group.  He quietly released The King digitally earlier this year, and we here at Austin Town Hall Records are releasing the album TODAY on vinyl.  It’ll be at all your local shops, but you can also grab it from us online HERE. And, if you’re lucky enough to live here in Austin, Ramesh is playing his album release show at the Belmont on Thursday night with She Sir and Mahogany.  It’s going to be a great night in honor of this great release.  I hope to see you there, or ship you a record.

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Thus Far….Albums of 2014.5

docIt’s still rather early in the year to start talking about best records of the year and what not, but as we’re midway through 2014, every one is doing it…so why not join in the fun.  But, with this in mind, remember that these lists are arbitrary, and if anything, pretty meaningless in the long run; you never know if your thoughts will change in six months…and really, they’re just like, our opinions man.  We’ll have two sections…one for national albums and another section of Austin albums released up to this point in 2014.   Read more

Show Pics: ATH and Side One Track One Presents @ Holy Mountain (6.20)

She SirWhat a fantastic night of local (and nearly local) talent.

She Sir opened and are getting tighter and tighter. The material from their latest effort was the perfect start to the night, engaging or the background music for patio time, you get to choose.

Young Girls played new stuff, the entire EP and a few of the hits that made us fall for them. Now a lean three piece and bolstered by Nicholas powering away on drums, Pete and Charlie split front man duties. I am biased, but I loved their set the mostest.

Ramesh is the latest in the ATH Records stable, test-pressing in Nathan’s mitts. Two members of the brand new backing band are friends from Shivery Shakes; they had about a day to learn the material. If the material can be this good live as a new ensemble, I cannot wait for them to get more time together. This record could be one of the best of the year.

Abram Shook had the backing vocalists on stage this time around and as he put it, the songs just get sexier. We love this record, go see him ASAP.


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ATH & Side One Track One Presents @ Holy Mountain (6.20)

10321675_10100906098219088_7853577584341865387_oWe’ve been talking about this for weeks, and we’re just a day away from what we consider to be one of the best bills in town Friday night, if not THE best bill in town.  All four acts have released great albums or EPs this year, which alone warrants your attendance.  Doors are at 9, and at 9:30, you’ll get to hear She Sir.  Their album Go Guitars needs to be in your collection, especially if you consider yourself a fan of dreamy indiepop. Next up are Young Girls, who we helped release their Young Girls EP; it’s infectious surf pop with a dose of bad ass.  Following them will be Ramesh; we’ll be releasing his debut album on vinyl shortly, so come sample everything great he’s got in store.  And the night closes with Abram Shook, long considered one of the best songwriters in town.  If you don’t have his album Sun Marquee, you’ll want to grab it at the show! So come one, come all, and get there early to have the night of your life, with us, your friends at ATH and Side One Track One.

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