ATH Vinyl Mix – November 22

A few weeks ago, I dropped a new idea we’ve been playing around with where we create a mix, or playlist if you will, of tunes sourced directly from our very own vinyl record collection. Since the year is winding down and the new tunes are starting to slow down a bit, this seemed like the right time to go ahead and drop the mix for November. Stream it below and don’t forget we have a couple more mixes on our new ATH Vinyl Mixes page. Though it’s called “Friday Night Move Makers,” you can surely take this with you anytime you need a fresh mix at work, at home, or at the bar. Ya dig.

All songs come from our personal record collection. Direct all issues to our friends at Mixcloud.

Top Albums of 2021

Honestly, I’m pretty over lists at this point. They’re arbitrary and don’t really reflect anything but someone’s tastes, except here where they reflect the tastes of three individuals…because that’s how we roll. So, take this list with a grain of salt. These are the records we thought were the best, which mostly just means these are the ones we listened to on repeat throughout the year! Feel free to leave a comment on what you think we missed, or why we’re dumb; we love good comment trolls.

Also, because this list is really about crediting the art that made us happy, we wanted it to make you happy too, so we included purchasing links where we could. Read more

New Video/Single From Slothrust

I’ve made it quite clear over the years that Slothrust is a personal favorite band of mine. I’m not sure the band is in the “can do no wrong” category, but they are surely close. As many of you already know, Slothrust have a new album coming out called The Pact on September 14th via Dangerbird Records. We’ve already heard some music from the new album and today the band offered me this new video for “Double Down”. Some of you may have seen or heard the song already while we were holding off to get a quote from the band about the new video.

Leading lady Leah Wellbaum had this to say about the video:

“The video for Double Down is really centered around levitation and magic. Its about not knowing your own powers, and having them pour out of you in unexpected places. Other-worldly strength is going to manifest for people differently, and youve got to learn to harness it and let it feed you, not drain you.”

We All Need Slothrust

Whew. It’s been a hot minute for me as I bounced out of the country for a couple of weeks. Now back in the country and wading through a massive amount of missed music news, not much has been doing it for me other than this new track “Peach” from our Boston based friends in Slothrust. This band has been growing on my radar for a couple of years now and this track might finally blow them open. Hey but if it doesn’t, I’ll continue to enjoy them in my secret little music world.

Slothrust will release The Pact on Septmeber 14th via Dangerbird Records.

Gimme 5: Slothrust

unnamed-1After the smashing success of my first Gimme 5 feature with ACL band Corbu, I decided to keep the idea churning with bands coming into Austin. An easy first choice for the idea was Brooklyn rockers Slothrust. The band was in town last night at The Parish, and though I couldn’t be in attendance, I hear the show was was like most Slothrust shows, bad ass. So prior to the show, I asked the band to pick 5 random songs that mean something to them or have inspired them in the past. No rules or limitations. Follow the jump to see what they came up with.

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