Twain Shares King of Fools Single

New Austinite Matthew Davidson, aka Twain, has a new track out there, and with it, we can only hope that it signals a new LP on the horizon. There’s something special about Davidson’s songwriting, something that feels naturally cinematic in nature. Through the verses on this song, there’s something both wistful and spritely, setting up the vocal meandering of the chorus, where Matthew clearly flexes his voice for the audience. Honestly, his range is all over this track, stretching to his unexpected notes here, settling into angelic moments there, all letting us rejoice in his craft. This single is out now via Keeled Scales, so let’s hope we get something more real real soon!

Sailor Down Shares I Get It

Our friends over at Relief Map Records have quickly jumped into the fold with releases, announcing a new EP from Sailor Down, the project of Chloe Deeley. There’s something familiar in her songwriting, particularly on this single; I feel like that light strum is just a little voice in my head reminding me how much I love a simple pop ballad. Chloe’s voice has this distinct fragility, like it could shatter into a million melodic shards as soon as it hits your ears. It’s one of those tunes that maximizes emotions while stripping things down to their barest form…which I’m always drawn towards. She will release her Skip the Line EP on May 14th.

Bright Number From Rupe

Rupert Lange is a young man from Louisiana who has been playing music with several projects over the years, but recently decided to officially step out on his own under the moniker Rupe. With new nickname in tow, the young Lange has been hard at work on new music during quarantine and recently completed this tune called “Wait it Out”. What I am impressed with is the ability here to take a simple songwriter style and then add in subtle things like slight synth effects, or swirling guitar parts to create something of real beauty. One can really get lost in the entrancing sounds of this song.


Intimate Number From Simen Mitlid

On a fairly gloomy Friday morning, this new song called “Birds” from Oslo based artist Simen Mitlid seems to be the perfect song for me today. Though it may come across as a strictly somber tune, it also features some brightness with atmospheric harmonies and clean guitars. Really this is a beautifully crafted song akin to something along the lines of older A.A. Bondy or Iron & Wine. Exactly what I needed to hear this morning.

This track will be the title track on an album of the same name coming out in the fall of 2020.

Quiet Beauty From Carver Baronda

I hope you will join me in welcoming to the new artist buzz train New Orleans based songwriter Carver Baronda. She makes incredibly personal, heartfelt folk inspired tunes with hints of reverb and sparse backing beats. Our first exposure to this delightful new artist comes from her latest single “Devotion”. For me it fits perfectly as something coming out of New Orleans right now as hurricanes and weather threat the region again and we all seem to question our devotion to various things. Lovely songwriting.

Bardona will release a debut EP entitled Spooky Love on October 18th. (pre-order)

Dan Mangan – More Or Less

Rating: ★★★★☆

I had to search our own site to find out how long it’s been since I’ve posted an album review and I will refrain from embarrassing myself with the exact timeframe, though you could search yourself I guess. We as an ATH staff have been neglectful as a whole when it comes to album reviews and we are hoping to rectify this moving forward. Hopefully you can understand that if an album has brought me out of my review slumber it must be a great one. The very soon to be released new album from Dan Mangan, More Or Less, is just such an album because, holy hell, it’s impressive. Hit the jump for some thoughts, photos, and tunes.

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Fun New Track From Jonathan Something

It’s almost summer around these parts for teachers, and as I struggle to make it to the finish line, I need some inspiring songs to help motivate me. This new song called “Outlandish Poetica” from Jonathan Something is sure to perk me up and help me survive the next coming weeks. The track has a very playful vibe to it, similar to something you might hear from the early days of Wilco, but with more of an explosive sound to it. Call it what you will, it’s sure to brighten your day.

An album sharing this song’s title will be released sometime in August or September via Solitaire Recordings.

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Stream New John Hufford

Are you looking for something quiet today, something that speaks the spirit of humanity? Then stop here, have a listen to John Hufford and his new single. After a battle with Lyme disease, John took to penning songs in his home, in the vein of Elliott Smith and other like minded balladeers. But, on his latest release, he owns this quiet confidence that perfectly sets a balance in your day. There’s something warming in his vocal delivery, like a friendly whisper of encouragement giving you just a hint of light when needed. Soft guitar strumming and strong vocals always move us. Look for John’s Sleep EP to drop on December 15th.

ATX Spotlight: Calvin Locklear

I wish I could say I’m surprised when I discover new Austin artists since we think we know everything, but let’s get real, this town is full of up and coming artists waiting to be discovered. Take local songwriter Calvin Locklear for example. Prior to only a few days ago, I honestly had never heard his name mentioned despite my keen ear to the local scene. Well he’s recently released an EPs worth of material entitled No One is Listening and suggested we check out this track “Wet Cement” from the 6 song extended player. Immediately the voice of Locklear reminds me quite a bit of Damon Albarn (Blur/Gorillaz) which, paired with his folk rock/R&B blend, creates something really in a genre all its own. It’s refreshing to hear something new is happening in Austin.

If you’re into it, Locklear has more music on Soundcloud and his entire new EP streaming on bandcamp.

Andrew St. James Gives Us Another Gem

At this point, San Francisco based singer/songwriter Andrew St. James is a not just a label mate, but also a friend. As the months go by, it’s incredible to see the amount of songs he records and pumps out. Seriously, it’s crazy. What’s even more crazy, is that all of the songs offer something unique and special. Andrew’s latest single “In the Morning” continues his recent hot streak of jams. This one offers a sort of Paul Simon vibe with it’s poppy drums and driving theme. Keep it up kid.

St. James is releasing a new album entitled The Big Ole Veronica Apology Record this Friday, June 16h.

Also don’t forget to pick up your copy of Andrew’s 7″ single we released recently on bandcamp.

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