New Single from Trevor Sensor

trevorI won’t lie to you. Every time I hear Trevor Sensor, I think of Tallest Man on Earth. But, that being said, I still quite like his sound, and having seen him live, he seems to have even more of an edge to his performance and attitude. If you listen closely, you can hear brief moments where he unleashes that attitude just a touch.He also possesses a slightly grim perspective on things; it is the one thing that does set him apart, making his songs worthy of your listening enjoyment. This looks to be a one-off digital single being released by Jagjaguwar on May 27th.

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New Music from Chief Ghoul

chiefI was really into the spooky folk tunes that Chief Ghoul gave out last year, and in fact covered him quite frequently. Now, as he preps a brand new album, Damned, Lee Miles, has unleashed a single to get you interested. It’s almost a jangly country ballad, using steady strumming support Miles’ voice, which often takes on those darkened tin-can tones. He’s like the poorman’s Tallest Man, and in that, seems like a lot more soul in every note he sings. Keep an eye out for news on the LP; you’ll likely find it here.

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Top Songs of 2012: 1-100

Our year end lists are wrapping up at this point, but we wouldn’t be a legitimate music site without a list of the top songs from 2012.  Personally, I feel like this list is a thousand times more difficult to compose than an albums list because we’re dealing with close to 400-500 songs in the running.  It’s been a long process trying to narrow that iTunes playlist down to 100, and I know some incredible tunes from this year are missing, but we hope you enjoy.  Ladies and gentlemen, follow the jump for the ATH version of top 2012 songs.

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Top Albums of 2012: 50-1

Here it is.  I know you’ll hate it; I know you’ll disagree, but that’s not the point in making an arbitrary list.  We here at ATH worked really hard to fit in the tastes of the four of us, and when we decided upon our Top 50, it really boied down to simple math.  What albums did we love when they came out?  Do we still enjoy spinning those records months later? If they’re in the Top 50, then the asnwer is probably yes.  I mean, our Top 2 records came out in January, and still play a vital part in my weekly listening.  There’s no disclaimer here.  We are who we are, we like what we like, and we hope that’s okay with you. If not, drop us a line and let us know where we went wrong.

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Top Live Shows in Austin in 2012

Our year end coverage begins with the three chiefs over at the ATH offices reveling in what was an incredible year in Austin, musically speaking.  Tons of rad bands blew us away with their live sets, and, well, there were just tons of bands.  I think we did more show coverage this year than in previous years, but as always, the great thing about our site is diversity.  We’re also linking back to our full reviews and photos of some of these nights, so you can get more of a feel of our thoughts, not to mention, checking out Brian’s great photographic 2012. Read on for thoughts on live acts from the three main contributors.
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Show Preview: Tallest Man on Earth @ The Paramount (8/28)

Date Tuesday, August 28th
Location Paramount Theatre
Doors 700 pm
Tickets $30 from Austin Theatre

I can’t tell you how excited I am to see Tallest Man on Earth again, not to mention the fact that his music seems perfectly fitting to the inherent beauty of Austin’s Paramount Theatre.  He’s surely going to play a great deal off his excellent new album, There’s No Leaving Now, but you know he’ll play some gems like “King of Spain” too.  I’m just excited I’ll get to hear him somewhere other than Antones, as I think he deserves a better audience than that typically chatty venue.  Strand of Oaks will be opening the evening, so make sure to get there by 8 when the show starts.


Download:The Tallest Man on Earth – 1904 [MP3]


Seeker Lover Keeper – s/t

Rating: ★★★½☆

Consisting of three ladies each established in their own field of the music industry, Seeker Lover Keeper fundamentally sounds like a good idea. Sarah Blasko, Holly Throsby and Sally Seltmann are currently some of the biggest Australian songwriters, previously writing songs for artists like Fiest, and touring with Lykke Li, The Tallest Man on Earth, Broken Social Scene and more. However, it takes more than apt songwriting and knowing a lot of great musicians to be great yourself, which poses the biggest question: do these credentials add up to a good album.

The self-titled album begins on a soft note; gentle strumming of guitar pieced together with ghastly “oohs,” before the sweet vocals jump into the song. First up, “Bring Me Back,” lets the audience find their way to this band and their elegant charms before they pick things up, serving as the getting your toes wet experience for the listener so they can jump in. On the next number “Light All My Lights,” some synthesizer gives the tune a little bit more of a life than the first song, but the real first standout isn’t apparent until the third track “Even Though I’m a Woman.” The piano that sounds at the beginning of the track carries it along, but the vocals, a touch raspy and whispery, yet dangerously sugared are, of course, the main focus and I’m reminded a bit of Regina Spektor in this piano/vocals combo. Some great harmonies can be found here, and the main chorus will have you singing along, or trying to, as it’s not very easy to keep up.

Throughout the whole album, the ladies change places as lead singer, writing songs for each other. Along with this passing of lead, there is also a transition from the overall sound of the band, which keeps the group from falling into a pattern, but also prevents one solid identity to be formed for these ladies and if you are a person who isn’t okay with change, then this may not be an album for you. However, I find most of the variety to be enjoyable and interesting, keeping me guessing as to what these power females will do next to change things up a bit. My favorite transition is the one from the edgy and rhythmic “Everytime” to the soft and wispy “We Will Know What It Is,” that follows immediately. Here, you can see the combined talent of this group.

Seeker Lover Keeper do not disappoint their credentials; you have some brilliant writing on this album, and delicate tracks that will catch your ear. As far as a first album, you get essentially what you would expect—a good start.

New Single From Tallest Man On Earth

Those of you who haven’t checked out the new Adult Swim single series should really head over to the site and see what they have to offer.  Already having posted great new songs by Best Coast, Mastadon, and to How to Dress Well, they seem to know what’s up in the music game.  Today the site posted this great new single by long time ATH favorite Tallest Man on Earth.  The song “Weather of a Killing Kind” evokes all those great feelings we’ve grown to love from Matsson and solidifies his claim as one of the best singer song writers around.

In other TMOE news, we somehow missed posting on his new song “In the Pockets” which is a new jam being packaged with the re-release of Matsson’s debut EP on Gravitation/Dead Oceans (out now BTW).  You can stream that new one via One Thirty BPM.


Download: Tallest Man On Earth – Weather of a Killing Kind [MP3]

Show Preview: Tallest Man On Earth @ Antones (9/18)

Date 9/18/10
Location Antones
Doors 8pm
Tickets $13 @ Frontgate

Immediately after he gave us a new EP to enjoy, Tallest Man On Earth is stopping at Antones in Austin Saturday night.  Armed with only his guitar, the show will be an intimate one and something I’m sure you won’t want to miss out on.  Opening support for the night is provided by S. Carey.


Download: Tallest Man on Earth – King of Spain [MP3]

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