The Narrow Escapes Return with New Singles

The Narrow Escapes have been quiet for almost a decade, but they return today with some jams on new label Tenth Temple Records (its ATH adjacent). The project is led by Art Silva, who played in Rose Selavy, and he’s joined by members of Meryll and Tres Oui, so you know that the songs are going to be energetic and hook-laden. “Cruise Life” is a little bit like the title, a nice little sailing trip off into the sunset, cruising through the seas with a nice little smile upon your face. “Night Owls” is a definite jam, and one you’d expect with the members involved; it feels like a power pop anthem crafted in the latest corners of the night, propulsive but just hinting at darkness. We’ll keep you posted as we hear more about what’s coming from the band and label!

Pleased to Meet You: Bergman Beach

Okay, so let’s just put this out there…we’ve actually met the members of Bergman Beach many a time…as the group features members of Templo X and Shivery Shakes (both ATH Record alumnae). But, please don’t let those two bands influence your expectations, as the new project is said to envision “what the Beach Boys would sound like if they were from Nashville.” For me, it kind of recalls some of the latter Conor Oberst records where’s he culling from the rich history of Americana, much like this group does…though they’ve added in a nice backing vocal to give the song a melodic balance we hope you enjoy. Let’s hope we’ve get more from the group going forward!

New Split Tape from Baby Bleu/Rose Selavy!!

babybleurosecoverRemember that one time we put out that rad 7″ from Rose Selavy and Templo X? It’s HERE just in case. But, more importantly, Rose Selavy is teaming up with Baby Bleu for a split tape release via Merdurhaus Records. I’m pretty sure it’s something you’re going to want to add to your tape collection (or MP3 if that’s your bag). It’s going to be released on a super limited basis, which means you’re going to have to hurry, especially after you hear the two tracks they’re previewing below. Give it all a listen, then go grab it from MR over HERE.

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ATH Records 2015 Wrap-Up — Looking at 2016

athrecordsWe’re about to move forward to a new year, so I wanted to take a brief look back at our ATH Records releases in 2015, and give you a hint at what’s coming your way from us in 2016. We only had a few releases in 2015 (3), but we’ve already got four on the slates for 2016, so let’s look back and hint at what’s next. I threw in some songs so you could see/hear what we’ve been doing. Make sure to go like the bands on FB (it’s sad that it helps) and if you’re inclined, you can like our FB Page too.  Read more

Show Pics: 3 x 3 Series @ The Mohawk (9/21)

3x3 with Templo X 41We love live music. We love Austin artists. We want to help you love them, too. We need your help to keep bringing you the best jams for cheap. Go to our shows, buy our records. /rant

The 3 x 3 series is a brilliant idea. Let’s make it easy for venues to be open when we know it is a smaller show and get new bands exposure. We had another brilliant lineup for last Monday’s show. We got to check out the first live set for Mean Jolene, ever. We got to see Caitlin from Ultraviolet dedicate a song to her parents. We got to see Templo X for the last time in a while before Paul headed back up to Philly. I got to take pictures. It was a great night of talking with the musicians, busting balls about 90’s Emo bands and a ton of great new songs.

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Show Reminder: 3 x3 @ The Mohawk Tonight

image1We’re at it again, with another great 3 x 3 Series show for you to enjoy on a Monday night. This time around, we’ve got new act Mean Jolene, shoegazers Ultraviolet and ATH Records own, Templo X. Every band here is certainly worth a dollar, if not more, plus you can grab one of those cool Templo X Split 7″ w/ Rose Selavy…or get your hands on the Ultraviolet EP. Plus, if you want to start your night off early, the guys in Templo X will be DJing over at Mohawk for Happy Hour, spinning hits and shaking hands. Come on folks…$3 for 3 great bands….and you can get home before Midnight? Sounds like a win in our book.

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3 x 3 Series Show @ Mohawk (9.21) w/ Templo X, Ultraviolet, Mean Jolene

image1At the very end of August we brought you the first of what we hope is an on-going series, 3 x 3…it’s 3 bands for 3 bucks. Well, we’re back at it with a new show this coming Monday evening, and a whole new set of bands. This event is sponsored by Tullamore Dew, which means all door money goes straight to the bands on the night. Who’s playing? Opening the night will be the new kid in town, Mean Jolene. It’s the new project from some of our friends in Those Howlings. Then, in no particular order, the shoegaze-tastic Ultraviolet, who just recently released their EP; and, the gem of the night is our very own Templo X, who will be playing their last ATX show before Paul has to leave town for a bit. Come on guys, 3 bands, 3 bucks. Doors at 8 PM @ the Mohawk.

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ATX Popfest 2015

ATX Popfest 00It all started when Nathan ran his mouth about getting a bunch of bands together to celebrate just how damn good Austin’s Pop scene is right now. It is a renaissance. With long time ATH faves like Shivery Shakes, She Sir, Young Girls (HTX) and Letting Up Despite Great Faults, Popfest had a number of shiny new things to shimmy to including Templo X, Summer Salt, Polio Club, (new to me) MCG and new old friends in Tres Oui to round things out. Well, OK, Tres Oui is kinda Literature, but not really, so still “new”…

Pics and recap? Sure.

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ATX Popfest (9.12) – The Definitive Edition

11895936_10207422291186088_4494044377145704198_nTomorrow is the ATX Popfest over at Cheer Up Charlies, doors are at 6 PM, bands start at 7. It’s $5 for 10 Bands. All the money goes straight to the bands…so let’s not complain about $5. But, I also want you to have notes on all the bands, and why you should check them all out. It’s a long post, so please read it all. It should convince you why attendance is required.

Come enjoy yourself some pop music. There’s no place else to be Saturday. 

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ATX Popfest Playlist – Show Saturday @Cheer Up Charlies

11895936_10207422291186088_4494044377145704198_nWe’re really excited to be part of the first ATX Popfest, trying to encourage love and adoration for our favorite local pop bands. The event features 10 of the best pop bands in Austin, and it’ll be going from 7 – Close over at Cheer Up Charlies. I figured the whole world might not be aware of our scene, so why not create a little playlist to get you hip to what we’ll be throwing down on Saturday.  Two notes, Polio Club have been battling Soundcloud, and have chosen instead to only stream their music via Tidal, so you can buy their excellent tape HERE.  Also, Literature is not officially playing, but members past and present will be playing in Tres Oui, and we’re hoping Nate will DJ late into the evening…playing indiepop hits.

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