Last Week’s Jams (10.2 – 10.6)

Kind of a hectic week on my end over here, with RayRay being out of town, B.Gray getting ready to fest, and well, the usual life goes on. Managed to squeeze in a couple of phenomenal shows, so that’s a bonus, catching both Lewsberg and the Walkmen. Tons of fun songs hit last week, though admittedly, it seemed a bit thin in comparison to weeks gone by. Still, Onyon dropped fresh tunes, and Lower Plenty finally dropped their marvelous new No Poets LP. Loved that English Teacher bop, so chose it to start off the playlist. Unfortunately, one of my favorite tunes was that new Lightheaded, but it wasn’t streaming yet, so be sure to check in with Slumberland Records on that note. Monday is here. So is the music.

Show Preview: The Walkmen at Stubbs (10.7)

A few years back, when the Walkmen announced they were going on hiatus, we here at ATH were a little bummed, as we’re self-avowed superfans. But, it was understandable; they had side projects, they’d been at it for nearly two decades, so sure, we were sad, but we got it. Then, this last year they decided to get the band back together, and RayRay rushed off to catch one of their sets in Rhode Island; he said Hamilton still had the power in voice, which is always a selling point. So, this weekend, while I’ve aged out of ACL attendance, I still get a chance to see the Walkmen at Stubbs for their Official After Show. If they play “In the New Year” and “the Rat” we all win, but I’ll be looking for those deep cuts. Opening act L.C. Franke should be on after doors at 8 PM; grab tickets HERE.

Impressive Number From Muzz

Muzz is the brand new project from friends and musicians Paul Banks (Interpol), Josh Kaufman (Bonny Light Horseman), and Matt Barrick (drummer for The Walkmen). These guys have known each other quite a long time, have made some music together in the past, and have finally decided to share their collaboration with the world. A taste of this new project can be found in this new dark, haunting new single called “Red Western Sky”. It features a brooding, folk inspired sound conjuring up images of dusty saloons and dark bars. This is the third single coming after previously released “Broken Tambourine” and “Bad Feeling”.

Muzz will release their self-titled debut on June 5th via Matador Records.

Love This New Walter Martin Song

Put my fandom of the Walkmen aside, this new Walter Martin track is really striking. It trickles in at first, careful notes of guitar and piano just hanging out there in the air. Then Walter enters the picture, offering up a story of friendship that’s as witty as it is personal. Sure, Martin’s telling the story to a friend, but knowing that we’ve all got stories to tell long lost friends who’ve fallen out of touch makes a lasting impression. Plus, the arrangements surrounding what would be an otherwise simple tune are really special. Walter Martin is no longer a Walkmen afterthought; he’s a powerful songwriter with Reminisce Bar & Grill on its way February 16th via Ile Flottante Music.

Stripped Indie Rock From Head Clouds



Head Clouds is a Melbourne act fronted by Jayke Maddison, and while they’re fairly under the radar right now that’s all about to change with this track, “New Light Of The Equinox.” What starts as a stripped down indie rock song, playing on the soft vocals of Maddison and gentle guitars soon transitions into what sounds to me like a mix between Grizzly Bear and The Walkmen, which means there’s everything to love about this sweet jam. Apparently this track is from an upcoming EP that the band’s been working on for a while, so keep your ears pricked for that. You can bet I’ll be posting about it.

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I’ve Been Enjoying This Pelican Movement

kevI probably don’t consume music the way I used to; I don’t thumb through the liner notes as often as I once did.  So it should come as no surprise that I had no idea who Kevin McMahon was, though I own albums with his production all over them (Swans, Titus Andronicus, The Walkmen).  He’s working on his own project, Pelican Movement, and it’s an interesting bit of work; the core of the song rests on airy vocals and a strummed acoustic guitar, but he fills the empty space with atmospherics, both discordant and harmonious, creating this huge wall of sound that’s sure to capture your attention.  Look for his split 7″ with Battle Ave. today!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Love This New Track from Barkhouse

barkThere’s two reasons I’m in love with this track from Barkhouse.  Part of the work, particularly the drumming, reminds me of great Walkmen tracks.  On the other hand there’s a Casablancas indifference that’s been recorded in the vocals.  Together, the song packs this huge punch that’s fairly gritty, with just enough pop sensibility to keep listeners tapping their toes throughout the day.  If you dig this song, as you should, look for an EP titled Wolves at the Wall to come your way very very soon.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music from Walter (of Walkmen fame)

walterWhy we’re all still recovering from the sad hiatus of the Walkmen, the various members of the band all seem to have their own projects going on, such as Walter Martin.  Our first taste of his up-coming work has me reminiscing about the early work of Matt Pryor’s Terrible Twos.  The song is seemingly childish, in both subject matter and the way the vocals are delivered.  It only seems fitting that Karen O., who did the Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack, shows up to lend her voice to this number. I like that there’s an inner child shining through here, and possibly this album is aimed as something he can pass along to his own kid.  The album is titled We’re All Young Together; it comes out on May 13th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

FFF8 In Pictures – Friday Edition

The WalkmenDid you not go to Fun Fun Fun Fest? Wish to be tortured by a ton of images from Auditorium Shores? Did you go and want to try to find yourself in a crowd shot? Your ears still ringing from Snoop?

Are you are fan of twerking? Do you like Aussie Electro Pop? Is Hamilton dead sexy? Or is Little Boots more your speed? Big Freedia? Not judging…

Time to waste the rest of your day with the big gallery from Friday! Raise your pimp cup and click through to have your eyes treated to my festival.

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