More New Music from Tres Oui

tresRemember that time when we helped put out the first Literature LP? That was awesome. So, we’ve kept close relations with the band, especially with their Austin based side-project Tres Oui (featuring Nate and Seth). They just recently uploaded a gem of an indiepop tune via the Office Series for Unblinking Ear Records. It’s washed in a nice coat of synths, washing over their cutting guitar chords. It seems like the perfect tune for performance, which if you’ve caught the band live, is exhilarating as Nate always takes complete ownership of the stage. Keep and eye out folks.

ATX Spotlight: Stream the Jared Leibowich Album

jzI’ve always known that Jared Zoltar had a knack for writing incredible tunes; he’s been crafting timeless pop music with the Zoltars here in Austin for some time, but could he keep it up on his own? Um, the answer’s a definite yes! Welcome Late Bloomers is his new solo-outing under his given name, Jared Leibowich, and it’s probably going to end up in my personal year end list of great things to come out of Austin in 2015. I don’t know, I’ve been listening to this non-stop and now I feel like I’m fawning over Jared, so let’s just say it’s your turn to fawn over him. He’ll also be playing a residency at Beerland all through October, so be sure to catch one of his shows…it’s always worth your time. His new album is available now through Unblinking Ear Records.  

ATX Spotlight: Jared Leibowich of The Zoltars To Release Solo Tape!


So you’ve already heard and loved locals The Zoltars, but have you heard the good news that frontman Jared Leibowich is slated to release a tape of his solo efforts at the end of September on Unblinking Ear? No? Well, the song below is a testament to this statement as well as the number one reason why you should get excited for his solo debut, Welcome Late Bloomers. “And You’re Always On,” is a laid back garage influenced tune that features Leibowich’s soft vocals floating over the twangy guitar and subtle piano. Look out for that solo release on cassette and out digitally on Unblinking Ear Records on September 25th.

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Stream the Unblinking Ear Mixtape

unblinkingearFriday’s are best if they’re polished off with a nice mix tape, or a nice stream for the end of the day.  I figured you’d be best to wrap up the day with one from a whole bunch of bands that’ll keep your spirit up…not to mention it includes songs from some of our local favorites like Simple Circuit, Sally Crewe and Sweet Talk, not to mention ATH alumni, Literature. If you pick it up from the folks at Unblinking Ear Records, then you can read all about the recordings…such as where the work was done, who took part, etc…you know, if you’re into liner notes.  Anyways…every track offers something different, so enjoy your weekend and these tunes.

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