She Sir @ Mohawk (3/25)

Date 3/25/10
Location Mohawk
Doors 9pm
Tickets $6 or less @ door

By now you should have recovered from your SXSW week and should be feeling up for more live music!  Starting the weekend off right with live music, is a Thursday show at Mohawk featuring a 7″ release party by locals She Sir.  The guys will be joined on the stage by Motel Aviv and former A2W band Frantic Clam.  Should be a solid lil night of local music.


Download: She Sir – Golden Ways [MP3]

Love is All – Two Thousand and Ten Injuries

Rating: ★★★★☆

You have to have hidden under a rock to miss the last two releases from Love is All; if you were hiding, you missed a ridiculous amount of boisterous pop tunes.  Now, the group has returned with their newest work, Two Thousand and Ten Injuries, which shows a bit more experimentation and a shift in direction.  One things for sure, nothing is as joyous as listening to this group when they’re at their best.

Once this record kicks off, you can definitely tell that Love is All is no longer in the same place, as the blistering pace has been slowed back a bit, revealing a little bit more clarity in the songs.  “Bigger Bolder” is the first tune, and you can tell that more time was spent on the guitar work, which seems to reveal a hint of nostalgic garage rock.

As a long time fan, “Never Now” is a winner.  It’s not nearly as dense as anything in their past, which allows for the playfulness in Josephine’s voice to break through.  In the past, the cacophony often overpowered the pop element, but here empty space is not being filled, so you get a more concrete song pushing through.

But, one of the things that Love is All have continued to push is the bubbly dance tracks that seem to blur the line with discordant guitars.  “Less Than Thrilled” has a guitar line that sounds an awful lot like U2 guitarist Edge, but wraps you up in its bouncy bass hooks.  “Dust” also brings about that catchy bass work in the beginning, but here you see the band reverting to their old tricks, feeding saxophone into the skeletal backbone of the tune.  You’ll find yourself loving the drum circle moment near the 2 minute mark just before the band marches you into the concluding moments.

The thing that makes Two Thousand and Ten Injuries such a strong effort, and one that might exceed their prior work, is that the band isn’t shoving every possible instrument into each inch of the record.  “A Side in the Bed” sort of meanders along while Josephine cooly drapes her vocals over the drum beat.  Barely audible guitar and saxophone work cut in and out of this track, where as the group would have filled this song to the brim in the past.  Closing the record in this manner also works to the advantage of the quintet, as you’ll find them ambling during “Take Your Time.”  This is the first time where I’ve felt an emotive quality be created from the group rather than just sheer joyous noise.  I like it both, but it makes listening to the entirety of this album much more gratifying than the quick bursts that you might have found on something like Nine Times That Song.

It’s refreshing to see that Love is All seem to have made it out of the possible rut they could have found themselves in after their first two releases.  Two Thousand and Ten Injuries shows the band experimenting with different song construction, allowing for emotional releases that often evaded older efforts.  No longer do they need to beat you over the head with energetic playground fist-pumping, instead choosing to let you relish in more complex, and complete, songs.


Download: Love is All – Repetition [MP3]

SXSW Awards

What a week that was! We’re worn out, as we’re sure you are, and we’ve been trying to figure out what our favorite moments of SXSW 10′ were.  We’re excluding our own party, as obviously that was a great time, so this list includes a lot of things we took part in during the week.  These are just our thoughts, and sometimes they’re based on a thirty minute set, so don’t hate us.  But, we’d love to hear what the highlights of your week were, so leave a comment to share.

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Hear New MGMT Album On NPR

Now I know some of you may have already gotten your hands on a leaked copy (you wouldn’t do that would you?), but you can check out a full streaming version of MGMT’s upcoming Congratulations over on NPR.  Being as this record may be one of the most hyped of the year, we’d love to hear your first take on the band’s sophomore effort.  We will of course offer up a proper review closer to the planned April 13th release date.

Update: They are also streaming each song on their very own website.  Thanks dudes

New Tunes from Think About Life

Canada’s Think About Life just busted out their new album Family on Alien8 Records, and this opening single is just ridiculously bouncy.  It’s got some off-kilter vocal vibes, backed by this throbbing bass and precision snare.  It just gets you moving your feet right away, and that’s what we all need on the day after SXSW.


Download: Think About Life – Havin My Baby [MP3]

New Music From The Black Keys

The time has finally come for some new music from The Black Keys after their incredible LP from 2008, Attack & Release.  Their new album, Brothers, will again feature producer Danger Mouse and will be hitting stores May 18th.  Prior to that date, check out new single “Tighten Up” below and let us know what ya think!


Download: The Black Keys – Tighten Up [MP3]

ATH & SXSW Deets

Oh schnaps!  The week of SXSW music is finally upon us tomorrow and our heads are literally about to explode.  Just so you know, we’ll be fairly m.i.a. until next week since we’ll be out and about discovering new bands.  Next week, expect some crazy coverage with interviews, photos, and reviews of anything we find interesting. Until then, a few deets for you SXSW goers:

– Don’t forget to RSVP to our party tomorrow.

– Be sure to download our March music sampler to rock out to while you wait in that Fader Fort line.

– Also be sure you load up our handy SXSW guide on your fancy iphone.

New sponsor alert! We also just got word that Zico Coconut Water will be on hand handing out all kinds of free Coco water.  Tassstttyyyy.

– Keep it real!

Austin Sound’s Sound Advice Volume IV

Before you head out into the fray of SXSW, head over to our friends Austin Sound to check out their new digital Sound Advice SXSW sampler.  The massive 19 track sampler features the best and brightest of up and coming talent in Austin.  You can also read a little about each band and see some live dates they have going on this week.  Below you’ll find a track from our new favorite locals The Happen-Ins, who have this track “Be Your Fool” featured on the compilation.  Well done gents.


Download: The Happen-Ins – Be Yer Fool [MP3]

SXSW Watchlist: Hurricane Bells

While his longtime rock band Longwave takes a short break from the music world, Steve Schiltz has been working hard to make a name for his new project Hurricane Bells.  This band/side project from Schiltz has been in the works for a few years and just saw a debut LP, Tonight is the Ghost, drop late last year.  That album, while similar to Longwave in some aspects, tones things down just a bit and the songs feel a lot more like a solo record.  Schiltz has since put a band together and plans to stop in Austin during our SXSW music festival.  We had the chance to email Steve a few SXSW oriented questions before his band makes it into town.  You’ll see a musician who is passionate about the industry and hopes you don’t know him as “that band on the New Moon soundtrack”.  Follow the jump for full interview.

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Kick Off St. Patty’s Day With Broken Records

As tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day and I like to pretend that I’m part Irish, let’s celebrate with a new digital single from Scots Broken Records.  This track, “Lies”, actually appeared on a single a few years ago, but has just now been made available for free online.  You’ll find that it fits right in with the themes of tomorrow’s heralded day.  If you dig, you could also check them out on Wednesday at one of the following free SXSW parties:

Rare Party @ 4th Street Fort (216 E 4th st.) – 12:30am

Dirty Boots Showcase @ Wave Bar (408 E. 6th st.) – 3pm


Download: Broken Records – Lies [MP3]

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