Psych Fest Recap 2011: Part 2

The Seaholm Power Plant played host to psych, prog, indie and noise for three days, we were on hand for two of the three, picking out the best for the ATH faithful. The main stage centering the cavernous interior offered several interesting viewing angles due to the fenced off holes in the floor to the level below. Lighting throughout accentuated the scale of the interior and depth of the catacombs. Stage two was a smaller space set off to the side that remained at human body. Hit the jump for part two of the band summaries and pictures from the festival.

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More New Music from Other Lives

Just a few weeks ago we brought you one of the new tracks from our dear friends in Other Lives.  And yesterday, Paste released another new song from their upcoming album, Tamer Animals, coming straight to you next week!  If you take one listen to this track you’ll surely see why we love this band so much.  Jesse’s voice sounds incredible, while the drumming remains steady, perfectly emphasizing the solemn piano tracks.  Showing restraint, they don’t burst off into some sort of sonic explosion, instead choosing to allow the song’s natural melody to escape through its quiet presentation.  I dare you to find anything wrong with this band right now; you can’t.


Download: Other Lives – Tamer Animals [MP3]

New Music From Crystal Antlers

One of my favorite and highly underrated indie bands from the last few years Crystal Antlers are prepping a new album for release this summer.  New album Two-Way Mirror will be available July 12th on Recreation LTD.  Prior to that date, we have this sweet new track “Summer Solstice” available below for your listening pleasure.  It’s not quite as thrashy/in your face when compared to older singles from the group, but I’m still calling it one of my favorites of the year so far.  Our amigos over at Tiny Mix Tapes also have a sweet live video of the song from way back in November.


Download: Crystal Antlers – Summer Solstice [MP3]

Psych Fest Recap 2011: Part 1

The Seaholm Power Plant played host to psych, prog, indie and noise for three days, we were on hand for two of the three, picking out the best for the ATH faithful. The main stage centering the cavernous interior offered several interesting viewing angles due to the fenced off holes in the floor to the level below. Lighting throughout accentuated the scale of the interior and depth of the catacombs. Stage two was a smaller space set off to the side that remained at human body. Hit the jump for band summaries and pictures from the festival.

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New Track from Sarabeth Tucek

I’ll admit it, we probably don’t do the best job of promoting female musicians as much as we should around these parts. But, something about Sarabeth Tucek caught me today, perhaps it was the simplicity of her offering.  There’s just a gentle guitar that meanders throughout, and then there’s just the vocal that goes atop it all.  Something in the way Tucek sings is awfully reminiscent of one Hope Sandoval, but perhaps that’s just wishful thinking. Regardless, she’s got a striking voice, and you can hear more from Sarabeth when her album, Get Well Soon, hits stores on May 24th.  Sometimes you just need a little love from the ladies. Oh, and apparently she sang with Bill Callahan on Smog‘s Supper back in the day.


Download: Sarabeth Tucek – Get Well Soon [MP3]

New Music From Yarn Owl

Good Tuesday to everyone out there in internets world.  To celebrate the long week ahead, here’s a newish track from Seattle based band Yarn Owl entitled “Embrace Our Place”.  The band, featuring former Band of Horses member Tim Meining, recently released their debut LP Montaña Caballo last month and are currently playing shows in support.  Ironically enough, the band sort of sounds a bit like Band of Horses, but with a much stronger foot stopping rhythm section.  You can also stream the band’s entire new LP over on their sweet bandcamp page.


Download: Yarn Owl – Embrace Our Place (Montaña Y Caballo) [MP3]

Times New Viking – Dancer Equired

Rating: ★★★☆☆

If there is be a perfect time for Times New Viking, it’s now. With the rise of so many different jangly pop and lo-fi bands, there could not be a more suiting atmosphere for this album to be released. Already equipped with a significant fan base, this band is here to show the rest of the music world that they are at the top of their game; more defined in their noise pop sound.

Heavily distorted vocals and echo-y guitars fill the first number, “It’s A Culture,” which sort of feels a little mismatched and out of order at its beginning, but develops into a fuzzy toe tapper, with Adam Elliot and Beth Murphy sharing the muddled vocal responsibility. It’s a bit of a foggy start, only to be contrasted by the second song, “Ever Falling in Love,” where the band seems to tighten things up a bit, wrapping overlapping vocals about a steady guitar riff.

A common problem with having an album largely based on short simple songs, is that that some of those little bits become throw-aways, and leave you wondering why they were included into the mess. Songs like this, in my opinion, come on the utmost of shortest jams, such as “New Vertical Dwellings,” on which everything is out of sync. For the most part, the drums don’t match the guitar, which doesn’t match the vocals, leaving the song to sound like a bunch of elements thrown together haphazardly. At only one minute and nine seconds, a song without substance may not seem like that big of a blemish, but it just makes one question the production of this album. Even though a band’s sound is lo-fi, doesn’t mean they can skimp on the quality of music they produce.

But Times New Viking doesn’t completely fail on this album; the tartness of “Fuck Her Tears” gives a taste of the classic sound that this band exemplified on their last album, while “Somebody’s Slave” slows things down for a gravelly slow burner that keeps you hanging on to the rolling drums. Following this is the weirdly distorted and emotional “No Good,” that is a simple and odd way to end the album.

Abundant with its carefree nature and brisk songs, Dancer Equired, feels just right for the increasingly hot weather and sunshine. Despite some less than satisfactory numbers, the fun of the good ones combine to outweigh the bad, leaving you with a pretty mediocre, yet enjoyable album.


Download: Times New Viking – Ever Falling In Love [MP3]

Dancer Equired is out now via Merge Records.

New Tunes from 1, 2, 3

Not too long ago, I tossed out a nice little jam from 1, 2, 3, and now we’ve got another track to throw your way for your listening pleasure.  As the band prepares for their debut release, New Heaven, on Frenchkiss Records this June 21st, they seem to be picking up steam with the press.  Listening to this latest single, you get the feeling that the band is going the route of band’s like Suckers, using off-kilter vocals to attach to their own groove-laden tracks.  It’s erratic at parts, but you can definitely feel the chug-chug of the guitar seep into your heart, as angular cuts and crashing cymbals wash over the speakers. Can’t wait for this to be out.


Download: 1, 2, 3 – Work [MP3]

More New Music From Kindest Lines

My favorite new find of the year has to be New Orleans based 80’s style synth-pop band Kindest Lines.  It’s really not my typical style, but for some reason they’ve struck a chord with me and have this odd way of keeping their tunes in my head.  The second new track we have from the band’s upcoming debut LP is called “Destructive Paths to Live Happily” and can be found below.  You can get your hands on Covered in Dust June 15th on Weird Records.


Download: Kindest Lines – Destructive Paths to Live Happily [MP3]

New Song from Country Mice

If you’re looking for something that seemingly fits the perfect seasonal change between Spring and Summer, then perhaps I’ve found the perfect track for you to toss up.  Country Mice are preparing to release their debut album, Twister, on June 7th via Wao Wao Records.  Listening to this latest track, it lives somewhere between casual country stomper and YHF-era Wilco.  Now, I don’t want to say they sound too much like the latter band, as they definitely have a much more clean country sound, especially when guitars aren’t knifing through everything. This is precisely the kind of music I love to listen to while those Spring showers try to save us from Texas heat.  Get into this now, you’ll be better off for it.


Download: Country Mice – Morning Son [MP3]

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