New Track from Deep Time (formerly Yellow Fever)

It’s been a great couple of weeks for Austin artists (depsite Michael C.’s hatred); releases by Whitman, Zoltars, Literature and leaks of songs by Eastern Sea, Little Radar (coming tomorrow) and now Deep Time. Formerly the group was known as Yellow Fever here in our fair city, but as they’ve signed to Hardly Art, it’s time to move on up in the world–and move in new directions.  As Deep Time, the duo will release a self-titled debut as a sign of new things to come; it’ll be in stores on July 10th. I really like the sound of Jennifer’s voice on this track, and it’s definitely a stronger (if only in production) sound for the group. Congrats Austin…seems like you’ve got a lot going on afterall.


Download: Deep Time – Clouds [MP3]

Show Preview: Real Estate @ Mohawk (4/11)

Date 4/11/12
Location Mohawk
Doors 6:30
Tickets $13 @ Frontgate

With all the killer shows going down this week, you’re really gonna have to pace yourself so you don’t lose your job.  One of the many superb shows this week that you better get to is going down on Wednesday at the Mohawk and features great indie bands Real Estate and Twerps.  This is surely going to be a show you won’t want to miss.  Also stick around for the aftershow on the inside stage featuring Keep Shelly in Athens and Jonquil.  Duh.


Download: Real Estate – It’s Real [MP3]

Quiet Listen from Banquet

You’ve gotta love sprawling pop tracks, especially when you find them by accident.  Such is the case when I came across this new tune from Banquet, off the Impasse EP.  For almost two minutes, the song quietly moves along, patiently waiting its own little explosion.  The careful construction of the opening moments soon makes way for the explosion that erupts in a brief bit of pop bliss. If you like what you hear, then you can get your hands on the EP pretty quickly by heading over to Banquet’s site, or you can just give the whole EP a nice listen. I likes.


Download: Banquet – Impasse [MP3]

Show Preview: Bowerbirds @ The Parish (4/11)

Date Wednesday, April 11th
Location The Parish
Doors 800 pm
Tickets $15 from Frontgate

The week’s picking up folks, and Wednesday is definitely a doozy. One of the shows we think is worth your time is checking out the Bowerbirds over at the Parish.  I fell in love with their most recent release, The Clearing, which has the group sounding at their best.  Their sound is sort of quieted folk music, so you couldn’t ask for a better venue than going over to the Parish to catch the group.  I have a feeling they’ll be giving an incredibly emotional performance that will leave you talking about it for quite some time.  Dry the River will be opening the evening, so be sure to get their early, as they are another act worthy of your attention.


Download:Bowerbirds – Tuck the Darkness In [MP3]


BouncyNew Song from Ramona Falls

Brent Knopf is probably best known for his work in Menomena, but his work with Ramona Falls seems to be leading him in a really remarkable direction.  The group will release their second album, Prophet, via Barsuk on May 1st, and I won’t be let down if it sounds anything at all like the track below.  It’s got a lot of maneuvering going on musically, with slight bits of beautiful vocals thrown here and there. As it comes to a close, it takes on a more spirited emotion, ending with a track that we won’t soon forget.  Better get on this soon; it’s that good. Plus, check out a track they tossed out earlier that I completely skipped over! Sorry about that.


Download:Ramona Falls – Sqworm [MP3]


Download:Ramona Falls – Spore [MP3]

An Interview w/ Terry Malts + Show Preview

For the last year, I’ve absolutely devoured everything this band has released.  Their debut full length, Killing Time, is currently holding its own as my top record pick of the year (Out now on Slumberland Records). They’re heading to Austin on Thursday night (Buy tickets HERE) at Mohawk, so we caught up with the group before their trip into town to chat about various things.  Thanks to Anton for hooking the interview up. Read more

Show Preview: Megafaun @ Mohawk (4/10)

Date Tuesday, April 10th
Location Mohawk
Doors 900p
Tickets $10 from Frontgate

In a busy week for our rock n’ roll community, this seems like a great place to start off with previews, unless you catch ATDIMegafaun has quietly been making a name for themselves with their gentle brand of folk rock–and we’ve love every bit of it. Their self-titled album from the fall of last year received some great praise all over the Internet, and it should say something that they’ve been chosen to pack Mohawk right after the Hold Steady finishes. Also on the bill for the evening is Field Report and Dana Falconberry, designed to perfectly whet your appetite for the Faun.  Come on, it’s time for us all to get out and take in the great music we’re so privileged to have come into town.


Download: Megafaun – State/Meant [MP3]

New (Old Track) from Emperor X

As much as I can get carried away by the world of power pop at times, there’s always been a soft spot in my heart for great songwriters; C. Matheny is one such writer, writing much like John Darnielle of Mountain Goats.  His group, Emperor X, is riding a high note after the release of Western Teleport last year, and will probably continue on a high note as Bar None Records are re-releasing their old albums for the masses.  I think once you give a good listen to this track from Central Hug/Freindarmy/Fractaldunes (2005), you’ll be just as excited as I am that we’ll all have a chance to get our hands on these great old songs from Matheny and company.


Download:Emperor X – Raytracer [MP3]

At The Drive-In @ Red 7 Tonight!!!

In case you aren’t tied to your twitter account, you might not even know that the seminal Texas indie rock pioneers were going to be playing at Red 7 on Monday night.  After avoiding the reunion tag for years, the five piece El Paso posse has decided to end all the what-ifs and whens, choosing to bring us all a bit of the past–a past many of us might have missed. Whether or not they’re just doing it for the money, you know that every one in town in will be clamoring for a spare ticket (as the show sold out). Personally, it’s going to be the best opportunity in the world to catch At The Drive-In, as they’ve long eclipsed playing the small venue status, so it’s definitely going to be unique experience. Plus, it gives me an excuse to post this great track from their Vaya EP.  I hope to report back with great things, but if not, there’s still 400 other shows to go out and see this week in Austin.


Download:At The Drive-In – Rascuache [MP3]

Literature – Arab Spring

Rating: ★★★★½

No mincing it, we love this band. So much so that Nathan has Austin Town Hall backing the vinyl which can be ordered here. So why do we need to review the record? Probably because it is warranted. A recent blog post by Michael Corcoran lamented the mediocre Austin music scene. I simply retorted you aren’t trying.

Make no mistake, there are jams being laid down by several bands born of the Live Music Capital and Literature is one of the bands doing it in their blue collar, super pop way.. So let’s examine Arab Spring.

The album opener is a gentler affair, easing into the poppy blasts that are coming. And blasts they are with the longest track weighing in at an impressive 2:51. This pace creates the punk tension, stay on top of it, or you might miss something. So, “14 Seconds” features a break midway of guitars, a recurring theme for the rest of the album. Great introduction to the band and the interplay of Kevin and Nathaniel on vocals.

“Lily” starts to really show off the melodic constructions, from the vocals to the building guitar layers. Has a feel of Arctic Monkeys in the best way, without accents and over indulgence. “Push up Bra” brings unleashed pop, jangly riffs, quick lyrical delivery and festive backing vocal destined for sing along participation. “Criminal Kids” starts the swing into my favorite span of the album. “This town scares me.” – attributable to Corcoran? The band follows with “Arab Spring”, the title track, “Then there is you, and others too, that will be left uninvited.”

“Grifted” and “Rooney” are two songs I would use to show off our Austin scene. The former is my high point, best opening hook I have heard in a long while. Nice breakdowns and layering as the vocals resume and proper use of keys to settle the song in for the outgoing jam. The latter is the biggest song on the album, another great guitar hook that climbs and gives way to loud chords. The short run time just makes you want to play it again, right away. Again, trading vocals, trading guitar lead, all while Mike and Seth run the show with the rhythm section.

The album’s finish is composed of a three song set. “O.J.” is the tender vocal moment with a great climbing and falling bassline from Seth. “Esquire Esquire” asks what am I supposed to do? when I can’t win, can’t lose. The finale, “I am Right Here”, doesn’t let us off easy; staccato, fast, short and sweet. Vocals are delivered in a matter of fact way.

So what do I want to complain about? It is over too soon. But it has to be. Arab Spring as a collection of songs is fast, to the point and leave you wanting to do it again. Literature captures the essence of pop, bridging gaps, sometimes more serious and sometimes more playful. Most important, the album shows where we are going. Things are breaking down and our “scene” is getting back to basics. It is time to have fun at shows. It is time to get sucked into two minute blasts of energy, take a short break and do it again.


Download: Literature – Grifted [MP3]

Here is a little video of the song “Rooney” taken a few months back…

[youtube width=640 height=390]TlA-CkpYUWM[/youtube]


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