Show Preview: Holy Ghost @ Emo’s (10.24)

We have some dancing to do.

Holy Ghost! last came to town in support of New Order. It was a great opening slot for them, save for one thing – they didn’t have all the new jams ready to unleash. Don’t get me wrong, I love the s/t, but I want to hear the new stuff. I am ready to dance to Dynamics.

Orthy will have their 12″ up for sale and Midnight Magic are road companions. Holy Ghost! has a knack for picking interesting openers so show up early.

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Great Track From INVASIONS

1260890_10151618587618869_244397175_nReally digging this new tune called “Rosy” from up and coming band INVASIONS.  The band describe it as a song you’d find in a lost Quentin Tarantino movie, and I’d say that just about sums it up.  I’m feeling the reverb jamming throughout mixed in with a darker, sort of swirly country/swing vibe.  Check it out.

New album, Rosy, will be out on October 25th.

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ACL 2013: The Big Post of Good Stuff

We are wrapping up Austin City Limits 2013 coverage with this giant summary of links and a massive amount of photos not previously shared. We had a ton of coverage, from tweets galore to interviews of ATH faves. You can see plenty of pics from Weekend One. I didn’t have the fancy wristband that gets you up close and personal for big camera fun. I did have the most fun of any ACL I have ever been to thanks to a group of amazing friends I call fambly.

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Crooks on Tape – Fingerprints

Crooks-On-Tape-Fingerprint-450x450Rating: ★★★☆☆

Fingerprints is the debut album from Crooks on Tape, a psych-pop group out of Dayton, Ohio.  While they are a fairly new band, two of their three members played together previously for over a decade in indie rock outfit Enon.  Fingerprints contains twelve songs collected from hundreds of hours of improvisational recordings.  The results are intriguing, if a bit unfocused.  

Individually, the songs on Fingerprints are fairly repetitive.  There are catchy, nearly danceable tunes such as “Duper”, songs built on mind-scrambling vocal loops such as those on “Tito’s Riser”, and a couple of more mellow tracks in “Summer’s End” and “Barging In”.  Taken together, they form a lighthearted, very sample heavy pop record that should reward multiple listens.

Texture, on this record, is established more through effects than song structure.  Everything, including the vocals, has a slightly muddied, dreamy tone.  The drums are kept light throughout, letting the bass and synthesizers come through the strongest.  While there are a few very alternative, 90s sounding guitar parts, Crooks on Tape spend most of their time here working through bubbling and/or pulsing synths.

One of my slight hang-ups about this band is that the vocals and lyrics often feel like an after-thought.  On most of these songs the vocals are somewhat muffled and low in the mix, and I found it very difficult to make out any of the lyrics on a first listen.  The vocalist has a nice range, and a higher register somewhat reminiscent of James Mercer’s falsetto, but there’s just something missing.  For the most part, these songs don’t have strong melodies, and the vocals never really feel important to the structure of the songs.  There’s also something of a sense of discontinuity about the record, owing to the constantly varying effects on the bass and different synth tones from song to song.

My favorite parts of the album are when the band turns up the delay and establishes a mellower, more contemplative atmosphere as they do with “Summer’s End”, which also feels like their strongest bit of songwriting.  Here, the vocals are a bit higher in the mix, and the tension of some of their faster songs is absent.  Altogether, Fingerprints is a solid, inviting debut from a new voice in the psych-pop landscape.    

Recent Jam from Prince Rupert’s Drop

princerupertEveryone was out rocking away at CMJ in NYC last week, so the press world has been kind of slow, us included. One of the things I missed posting about last week was the brand new track from Prince Rupert’s Drop, which features on a digital single from Beyond is Beyond is Beyond.  This tune offers up a groovy stomp, with hints of noisier elements in there.  It sticks with the same groovy attitude that the group has offered us before, which is all the more reason for you and I to pay some attention to the act.  Enjoy a nice bit of jam today.

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Show Review: Crystal Antlers @ the Mohawk (10.19)

Crystal_Antlers-4Sometimes Austin can disappoint you.  I don’t know if it’s the post-ACL hangover or the onset of cold weather, but I was expecting a sold out crowd for Crystal Antlers on Saturday night, especially after the release of their excellent Nothing is Real LP. Sadly, it was half-empty (shame on us), but that didn’t stop the bands on stage from killing it. Read on for some reflection. And thanks to our friend Bryan for the photo!  Read more

Brand New Music from Sea Pinks

seapinksHave I mentioned lately how much I love Sea Pinks?  The group first came to my attention a few years ago with their relationship to Girls Names, but since that discovery they’ve released two incredible LPs, Freak Waves and Dead Seas.  Today I bring you a brand new single that you’ll definitely have to sink your teeth into.  Much like Freak Waves, the vocals are up in the mix, which really does make the group all the more exciting; it allows for the natural vibe and bounce of the group to make way to your eardrums.  They’ll be releasing this track on a new 7″ via the band’s label, CF Records.  This totally made my week worth it.

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Nobunny – Secret Songs

nobynnRating: ★★★½☆

For over a decade Nobunny has been doing his own thing, abiding by his own rules and endearing himself to fans all the while.  Secret Songs is his third LP, and while it’s a bit all over the place, it encapsulates exactly what you’d expect from our favorite garage animal rocker.  And shining through it all? Great songs.

Every time I listen to Secret Songs I envision myself rocking out at a show with Nobunny.  “Bye Bye Roxie” seems like a perfect way to kick off the evening, with a bouncing rhythm and heavy-handed guitar playing; it all clears the way for our main man to rock his vocals, wagging his sweat drenched ears in your face. He even slows it down a bit with a twangy guitar stomp on “True Vulture,” before offering one of the standout tracks, “Pretty Girl.”  For me, it’s all about the anthemic nature of the chorus.  I envision you and I bouncing around joyously, beer spraying all across the room as Nobunny enters the foray to make entice us to suck the marrow out of life.

While I’m sure I’ve often lumped our anti-hero into the garage rock category (see above), I can also appreciate his penchant for trying out other genres, while still sounding every bit himself.  “Lizard Lies” is the best power-pop track that the Exploding Hearts never wrote; it’s bratty, catchy and polished enough to play while you give your dad a ride to work.  The longhairs will definitely be shaking their locks at the venues as this song blares out of their local PAs. Then there’s “Do the Stooge,” which is a sort of freak-out jam, which gives us all time to head to the bar, though we’ll do so with a little bit of swagger. You’ll need that momentarily breather before you get into the most classic track, “My Blank Space.”  It’s frantic pace and held syllables are precisely the sort of song that made Nobunny endearing to us all from the start.

And the our night is wrapped up in a poppy little number: “Lovin Lovin You.”  It reminds me of the sort of guitar playing/punk shuffle I grew accustomed to when I went through my Dead Milkmen phase.  It’s a ditty, but there’s something dirty about it…it’s a pop song your parents would be okay with, but every bit of it belongs to you.  And the album, or your night at the club, is over before you know it.  You danced with your friends, you rocked with Nobunny, and those Secret Songs now belong to you.  As always, it’s a secret best shared with those you trust, those with good taste.  There’s nothing quite like it.


More New Music From The Growlers

thegrowlersThe Growlers just sent us this brand spankin’ new track “Dogheart II” and we just had to share it here.  It fits my current garage rock mood, but also adds a little darkness to give some character to the track.  Hopefully you can find something about the track that you also enjoy.

New album, Gilded Pleasures, will be out November 12th via Everloving Records.

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Love Inks – Generation Club

loveinksRating: ★★★☆☆

Love Inks are an Austin born trio consisting of husband and wife, Kevin Dehan and Sherry LeBlanc, as well as recently added guitarist Derek Brown. After going on tour through Europe they were inspired to create this lo-fi electro-pop record, Generation Club. Filled with sultry female vocals, wandering guitar patterns, and endless waves of synth centered around omnipresent drum machine beats, it’s a dreamy mix of tunes that you can spend an evening getting lost in.

The first track on the record is “Solar Diary,” and it takes you into the realm that Love Inks has created for you. The sleepy synthesizers wake up slowly in the opening second, and those drum machine beats kick in, giving the distinct simple sound that will carry on throughout the entire album. The uber feminine and yet simultaneously robotic vocals of Sherry LeBlanc question the realness of something, asking you to “only believe [her].”  The vocals seem to fit perfectly along with the blends of synth; the chorus arcing with the strumming of a few simple guitar sounds. The song is interesting at first listen, as you are enraptured by the dreamy landscape of sound, but there are a few moments in which the instrumentation feels bleak and lacking, allowing for a feeling of brief boredom.

Such a song is a good indicator of the rest of the album; it’s easy to be satisfied with the simplicity of the sound at points, and then left wanting a bit more at others. An example of total satisfaction comes on immediate hit, “Outta Sight,” that is fast from the start. A throbbing bass line that won’t quit and lush guitar to accompany said bass really complement LeBlanc’s vocals and this increase in instrumentation throughout the entire song take it to the next level, which is why it sticks out as a track above the rest. There are other tunes that embody the second half of the statement I made in regards to being left a little empty handed. Later in the album it is easier to notice, such as on track “I’m Gone,” in which the drum machine is a little grating and there doesn’t seem to be much novelty to the track in regards to those which have preceded.

Generation Club is a little over thirty minutes in total length, which means that you have really no excuse not to give it a spin. I found a few tracks to add to my listening catalogue, and hopefully you will too.

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