Tuesday Austin Show Spotlight

austin_live_music_retailrI know we’ve all got our eyes on the Fun Fest prize, but let’s not forget that there are some great things happening in town, leading up to the night. There’s a great album release, a good local show, and some traveling bands that deserve some attention.  If you check below, you can see some of the places on your list…there’s something for everyone. If tickets are available beforehand, you can pick them up by clicking the price. Enjoy your Tuesday. 

Peter Hook and the Light (performing New Order jams) @ Mohawk – 6:30 – $21

The Dead Space, Wildfires, Bitter Birds @ Mohawk – 9 PM

Flesh Lights (Album release!), Empty Markets, Boss Eye, Slow @ Hotel Vegas – 9 PM – $5

Wampire, TOPS, Love Inks @ Holy Mountain – 9 PM – $10

Manchester Orchestra, Chris Staples @ Scoot Inn – 6:30 PM – $24

Here’s a jam or two from Flesh Lights and Wampire.

[audio:https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/02-Middle-Age.mp3] [audio:https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Wampire-Trains.mp3]
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